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Posts posted by Knightbac2011

  1. Totally agreed~!

    Oh he/she said it alright...

    Said had won for 3 months straight, according to the pit boss who told her/him so, and so he/she lost that day on purpose ( commented that it was 'no so hard' to lose") HAVE TO AGREE WITH THAT!

    Also in the first post, wanted to know whether sys 40 or NOR was the one to buy, and WHY?

    Looking at BacQueen profile, not sure if he/she, or whether from Mars/Venus.

    Either/Or we are in for a good explanation of why someone wins 3 months in a row without losing wants to know what to do next ( hoping they tell us how to win 3 months in a row! ha!)


  2. How I wished would be able to win some money for the course fee...

    Will be hitting the cruise ship next week... Any tips? lol...

    BTW guys, I realize I get a lot of bad press all over the internet except for real sites like ImSpirit.

    But that is par for the course when you have been #1 in the business for 30 years.

    The bottom line is I have never gotten a single return in 30 years after millions of dollars in sales in spite of the fact that I always offered a full money back guarantee. Nobody else in the business can say that - Any of it.

  3. Hi Master Ellis,

    Thanks for the report & congrats for another successful trip! I feel that even after reading the nor manual, player will have to be able to identify when/what method to system during the game rather than evaluating the scorecard after that which he/she might already loss (even with a stop loss of 8u), does your teaching able to do that? I think that is the most difficult part, perhaps I'm a slow learner... lol...

    Anyway, keep these reports keeping in if it's not too troublesome...

    Thanks all~!

  4. The SAP thingy sound complex.... @_@

    Hi Ivan!

    Self Adjusting Progression but that evolved name won't help you much. As far as NOR is concerned it is a count of 3s vs 4 or mores to help you determine mode with S40.

    With OTB4L it is a count of 4s vs 5 or mores used for the same reason.

    Study that AFTER you have thoroughly digested the NOR Manual's approach to Mode determination.

    SAP lends advantages to NOR on top of Mode determination once you have thoroughly digested it. But don't get ahead of yourself too much.

    That is in your NOR Manual: +1 for an Opposite, -1 for a Repeat. A + count tells you the shoe is leaning toward Chop = S40.

    A - OR count tells you the shoe is leaning toward Streak = Sys F

    A near 0 or hovering 0 OR count tells you the shoe is OTB4L = Neutral.


  5. Hi Master Ellis (ha, rather call u Master as to


    So there'll be 3 systems that we need to study to counter these situations? Actually i'm still in the midst of consideration to join. However, its seem that the forum is kind of quiet (maybe all busying studying ya?, ha!)

    Anyway, if there were more trips reports,i'm certain it will boost our confidence to be part of your community...


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