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W84it last won the day on August 6

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About W84it

  • Birthday 01/13/1947

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  1. Simply you just win a lot!!! I usually withdraw about $2k at a time. The fees are just part of doing business. I treat baccarat as a business. I looked and the fees on MC are under 5%. Not really that bad. You get to play shoes that are HAND shuffled and HAND dealt. So make good bets and when you are $2k ahead you won’t mind the fees.
  2. Welcome @Riera9, @Fred and @Rick There is a lot of good info here to help you improve your baccarat play. Tell us a little about yourselves. 😎
  3. Welcome @win4life I like your handle. Let us help you win now. A lot of info here and members ready to help. 😎
  4. Welcome @Mangaz124 You are in the right place to improve your baccarat knowledge and skills. 😎
  5. Welcome @Clint be ready to dig in and discover all that BTC has to offer. Ask questions. Also tell us a little about you and your experience with Baccarat. 😎
  6. Welcome @Mike MM You will find a lot of information here. Sift thru it and absorb it into your play and you will improve your game. 😎
  7. @pongtoxic Welcome. As @XDN said, read and study a lot. There is a ton of information here. There are a number of ways to Beat the Casino described on the forum. Look for the method or methods that match your personality. 😎
  8. Welcome @cazian Please give us a little overview of your experience with Baccarat and your goals. 😎
  9. Welcome @hlkhoo If you don’t mind, tell us a little about yourself and your experience with Baccarat. 😎
  10. Welcome @diego Many members here to help you understand the information contained in BTC! 😎
  11. There are many good players here. I just had a bad week at Vegas. I will be analyzing what happened and what I need to do to improve my own game. Kevin @kachatz1 and others are available. Also check the 10+ Best Bets thread. 😎
  12. Welcome @Joe6Ok Immerse yourself into all the information here and then decide which pieces you like and work with your personality. 😎
  13. @Dirty We are a club of diversified personalities, yet we have one common goal. That is to help each other to Beat the Casino! 😎😁
  14. Welcome @Hai Tran Be ready to study, practice and listen. Then do it all over again and again. β€˜The results will astound you. 😎
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