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New Forum Access Levels and Subcription Model

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Action Mike

There is a lot of work to be done here, but Keith and I are committed to helping build this community.  There are over 30,000 posts online.  The new forum software allows for much better search functions, but we're taking it a step farther.  We don't want to remove content or access that people have had in the past, but we need to create a sustainable structure moving forward so we are starting new forums where we will creating organized content instead of trying to sift through thousands of posts. 

This forum software allows all users to see all of the topics that they are missing out on.  In the past, BeatTheCasino.com was funded by offering training seminars and one time sales offerings with forum access always touted as a side benefit.  Because of this, we had 11 types of this guy knows this but not that, etc.  This is backwards thinking.  The shared knowledge of the community forum IS the product. 

The subscription model allows you to support the community that supports you.  Hosting this forum costs money, and being available to answer questions takes time.  Over the last year, several people made comments asking about things they wanted to see.  The new BeatTheCasino.com site and Stats for Profits application are the result hundreds of man-hours and thousands of dollars spent because of what people here asked for.  It is an ongoing effort and will continue as long as we have your support. 

Out of respect for our long term members who contributed to the success of BeatTheCasino.com over the years we have developed 4 types of access:

  • Users who have registered a screen name, but have not made a financial contribution to BeatTheCasino.Com.
  • Members who have paid for something in the past, but it has been more then 2 years since.
  • Professional Players who have paid for MDB or paid to attend an event in the last 2 years.
  • Premium Subscribers who want to support the community moving forward and will receive access to everything we have including the StatsForProfits application.
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