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About bonzaibonesey

  • Birthday 06/09/1958

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  1. Hey Keith I was just wondering if you were still in touch with Marv or John up here in Minnesota I read on one of the newsletters that at one time they were starting a wcb club up here to compare notes and maybe try some team play. I was thinking I would give Marv a call if he was still around. Also just wondering I play alot of 1st base up here and have had alot of luck increasing my bet when that first card ten is coming my only problem is 2nd card is usually a 4,5, or 6 any thoughts?


    Kevin Bodenner

  2. Hey WWWWWWWWW What kind of playing system are you using along with silverthone betting progression?? Are you using ncb?
  3. I have read the manuals and being the cart b4 the horse person I am I went straight to Mystic to try 1st base strategy. I actually had great results in dealer hole card recognition and was able to eek out a small profit by betting table min. when I predicted a small 1st card for me with a spread of 5 units when a high was anticipated. I am confused about a couple of things after reading some of the threads. I thought the whole basis of card prediction was attributed to clumps but I also read that we should look for games that are not clumped and as close to random as possible? I also dont understand the use of neg progression seems to me if you lose one set you have to win quite a few sets just to get back to even. I must be missing something and would appreciate the facts. I was counting up until buying into this forum and I am very pleased I did. I can really see the advantage to your system. Thanks Bonaibonesey
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