Hello Master Ellis Pls correct me. B2211111214121 B2323321121 B312 I am not sure about the M2, so i use U1D2 all the way. The following are all beting records: Start with bet P1(L),P2(W),B1(L),B2(W),P1(W),B1(W),P1(W),B1(W),P1(W),B1(L),B2(W),P1(W),B1(L),B2(L),B3(L),B4(W), from here down 2,P2(W),B2(L),B3(W),from here down 2,P1(L),P2(L),P3(W), from here down 2,B1(L),B2(L),B3(W),down 2 again,P1(L),P2(W),B1(L),B2(L),B3(W).......,final result +17. Is interesting we win. If add M2, we will win more right? But how to use M2? Thank you. Aaron