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Everything posted by rond

  1. Hi Ivan, yes I did an extensive 2 1/2 hr video that nicely complimented the manual. The company that produced the video lost the damn master tape. I had a dvd copy and either misplaced it here at home or I gave it to Keith and he may have misplaced it. We are trying to find it. It is a terrible loss as alot of time and work was put into it and it clearly demonstated the methodology through several shoes of play. Ron D
  2. Hi Ivan, Ron D. here from Precision Blackjack: Along with Keith, I was one of Ellis’s first playing partners’ going back to the early 90’s. Back then I played NBJ in AC on a steady basis. Many sessions with Ellis and keith. After I got a lot of experience under my belt, I began to add some twists and nuances to my game and began taking notes following each session. The notes eventually blossomed into a comprehensive manual. A blackjack college of knowledge. Blackjack is a tough grueling game. My goal was to be able to build a bankroll at a low risk level, protect that bankroll and respect the tough volatile conditions of real casino play, to have the knowledge and tools available to negotiate the roughest of games and be able to maximize profits in good games and prevent “give back” to the house. The key was to be able to swing along with the changing conditions of a shoe. Most important, to depart a bad game early. See below for some important benefits of the PBJ approach . . . PBJ OVERVIEW: CASINO INSIGHT/ INTANGIBLES --- We cover variables created by the casino and other blackjack players and show you how to recognize them. You learn how to use other players to your advantage. Precision Blackjack also touches upon casino marketing, gimmicks and proper utilization of comps, which can be very destructive if you don't understand the philosophy behind them. We do!! CARD PLAY --- The initial focus of your training will be on changing your approach from an outdated, mechanical strategy to a realistic, flexible strategy. We explain in more detail why flexibility is so crucial and give more examples of why Basic Strategy is no longer a "50 - 50" proposition. There are lots of examples of Advanced Card Play Deviations such as not doubling an 11 against a 6 when the card flows surrounding the decision merit caution instead of aggression. Think about it ... How many times were you dealt a 6, 5 (11) against the dealers' 6 up card and the hit cards preceding your double down play were low cards? But, you automatically doubled, received a rotten low card and then the dealer pulled a five card (21),wiping out all the players. Insurance and Surrender, both losing plays according to Basic Strategy, are actually opportunities that can be exploited in the right situations. You will only know when these situations occur by ordering Precision Blackjack! TABLE APPRAISAL/ SELECTION --- There are basically two types of tables you will learn how to exploit. The first type has most of the players winning by using Basic Strategy, the dealer breaking more often than normal, and no other players jumping in or out. However, these tables are rare and are not the focus of the manual. The second type, which is much more common, is basically neutral or even slightly in favor of the house. Although consistent Basic Strategy doesn't work very well, if at all, in these games, Precision Blackjack does! We also teach you how to save time, money and energy by recognizing tables to avoid. This alone is worth the price of the course! MONEY MANAGEMENT --- You will learn the dangers of betting scared and/or over betting your bankroll. We suggest different betting unit sizes depending on your starting bankroll. Critical to your long-term success is having lock-wins and stop-losses, whether it be per table, per session, or per trip. Excessive "give-back" is financially and psychologically devastating, yet many players today continually fall into this trap. Not with Precision Blackjack! BETTING METHODS --- Our betting is based on the premise that "nothing good lasts forever." Therefore, all our betting methods and options anticipate game breakdowns. Precision Blackjack recognizes patterns within the game and utilizes two main betting methods to take advantage of these patterns. First is the "up as you win" approach which enables you to take more money out faster during player-favorable sections of the shoe. Second is the modified negative progression which is designed to exploit the common "choppy" games. Finally, you will learn how to switch from one method to the other as the shoe changes! And a very powerful betting tactic which is employed at the 1ST Base position. TABLE DEPARTURE --- Besides your lock-wins and stop-losses, we train you to recognize immediate departure. For example, when you enter, the whole game falls apart. Or, perhaps your seat develops a "cold zone" where you can't seem to win a hand. In either case, you have to move on. The situation will rarely turn around in your favor. Why fight it when there are so many other tables to choose from? You have a choice - the dealer does not. Precision Blackjack teaches you to play the game on YOUR terms. (PBJ) is a very comprehensive document written in an educational -instructional type format. It is designed to rehash the basics and graduate the student to an Expert Player section. PART ONE involves segments on educating the student in the aspects of the casino industry - basic Blackjack information - and segments which depict stages leading up to the (PBJ) method, derived from traditional fundamentals that cannot be over looked. PART TWO involves segments regarding advanced information and graduates the student into those stages. PART THREE provides the student with information and tactics which arm the player with more strength and flexibility than ever before. Money management, in the form of low risk, yet exploitive betting to address game conditions as they exist and change. Part three also contains The ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE" version of betting and the "BETTING GUIDES REFERENCE SECTIONS." PART FOUR offers power tactics including Spot Betting, Head On Play, Team Play, and a Card Counting Enhancement. PART FIVE is the EXPERT PLAYER SECTION which expands the player's horizons by introducing semi aggressive betting. The expert section still remains within a low risk area, due to all the betting angles and options. That portion of the manual also contains an extensive upgraded betting guides reference section. PART SIX details casino documentation and trip plans. I hope this was helpful. Feel free to ask additional questions. This is good material and we are here to help our students. Regards, Ron D.
  3. I was great to meet up with Ellis and Keith. Haven't seen Ellis in a long time. We stayed at keith's house and they worked the 40/F2/RD1 program for 2 days at the Hollywood casino. I didn't feel ready to play, but gave Ellis the money, like in the old days and let him do the playing. very impressive 2 days of action. I was amazed how they very precisely swithced from one tactic to the other, surgically plucking profit in every shoe played, without ever getting into high betting or trouble. Well done and thanks for the winnings Ellis. Take care. RonD
  4. Hi Ellis and Gang, Ron D. here: This particular post regarding the bac dealer cheater is very interesting. My friend Jimmy has been playing alot of Bac at the Sands while I am working there. He noticed that they seem to bring in a female dealer from time to time when the players are winning and betting heavily. It has gotten to the point that the regulars leave the table when she comes in. Jimmy suspected that something just didn't seem on the up and up, as she would wipe out these high rolling players, coming off of big wins from other dealers. He could not pin point the problem, but did suspect some sort of card manipulation. After seeing Ellis's post on how the dealer may throw (4) cards from the left hand to the right hand, he realized that was actually being done occasionaly, when high bets were out on the table. This certainly seems to confirm Elli's warning about cheating. Keep and eye out for that ploy!!! Ron D/Jimmy
  5. Yea, the casinos even have FREE basic strategy lessons on a Sat morning. Are they traing us to beat them or are they training us to beat ourselves? \Ron
  6. Hi Group, you guys got me started with all the neat tactics we used to employ with NBJ power... I recall the day Ellis, Keith, the Lavery's and myself did a table take over at the Sands. We were playing a $50.00 table and I was seated at mid table. We had the dealer breaking. I had a $150.00 bet out and was dealt a pair of threes against a dealer (6) up card. Based on the card flows, the dealer appeared stiff and my only concern was that the dealer break. I was very concerned about splitting the threes and ending up with two (thirteens) and possibly taking the ten that the dealer may need to break. I paused on the hand and decided that I was going to stand on the threes and hope for a break. I knew I was either going to be a hero or a heel. I took my chances. The dealer called for the pit boss to witness the play so there would be no dispute afterwards. The pit boss just could'nt accept that I wanted to stay on the hand. It got to the point that I had to yell " I'm just staying as is." The dealer flipped her card and had a ten in the hole. She drew a ten and broke, however, if I would have taken the ten on a split play the dealer would have wiped out the table as the next cards were low and would have got the dealer a 4 card (21). Man, I miss those days. Ron D
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