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Posts posted by loveseek

  1. Hmm, I don't know why I was thinking Singapore. Chicago is a long way from Singapore.

    Anyway, I was working with a Chicago player. Can't remember the casino but you probably know it.

    They had only one table open - therefore a lot of back players.

    As I recall it was new cards every shoe prepped right there at the table.

    Do you know which casino I'm talking about?

    Anyway, the reason I mention it is that their card prep was very prone to producing OTB4L shoes.

    Ha, and the players there did not know OTB4L. Therefore there was no reason for the casino to change tactics.

    I'm thinking they are STILL dealing OTB4L shoes.

    Do you know OTB4L?

    But first, look, you simply can't play Baccarat with no discipline. - That's suicidal.

    You can't think of Baccarat as a game.

    It is not a game for you anymore. It's a job!

    So, I'm guessing you end up betting more when you are losing than you do when you are winning. Right?

    Well that's BACKWARDS.

    The whole trick is to be betting more when you are winning and less when you are losing.

    Or better yet, not at all. If you are losing QUIT. There is no shame in quitting.

    Think of quitting as a skill.

    Think about this: If you quit in all the games you are losing and only play the easy shoes -

    You win overall - And THAT is why we are there. We are NOT there to play. We are there to win!

    To outsmart them.

    And quitting is one of the best ways to outsmart them.

    Hey, if we aren't in the game they can't take our money.

    But if we ARE in the easy games and ONLY the easy games, WE can take THEIR money.

    It's a job like any other job. You can't play with emotion. Emotion loses.

    You must play with skill which includes quitting with skill.

    When you are winning - THAT is when you strengthen your progression. That's when you bet more.

    But when you are losing, the LAST thing you want to do is bet more.

    Get a grip on yourself. When you are losing - QUIT!

    That's the sign of a true professional.

    I know you know these things but knowing them doesn't cut it.

    You've got to DO them! THAT'S what gets the job done!

    STOP playing like an amature. That is what casinos depend on.

    Think like a pro and play like a pro.

    You can do that - can't you.

    Ellis: excellent post!

    I became NOR member in Jan this year and lived in Cincinnati. OHIO. I never lose one section in 25 times. You really improved my play skill. This is for sure. But since I back to Chicago. I lose almost all. And I know I did not follow all your rule. I need learn more and post shoe in future.

  2. Loveseek, you are an MDB player. Go to the thread MDB+SAP in the MDB forum.

    I can't tell if you are also a U2Hi member. If so, there is a thread called SAP/RSAP in that forum.

    Thanks Ellis,

    I live in Chicago. We have four casino in here . They all use regular cards. Yes, NOR shoe sometimes, A few shoe MDB, Mostly mixture. So. SAP is important for us. I will become U2Hi member. I have job and sometimes very busy. I am impatience in casino. I lost my discipline a lot. How to practice discipline ? It is very important to me. I will post shoe If I be in casino.

    I see you virtually never post.

    Look, your English is better than our Mandarin. We can usually figure out what you are trying to ask.

    But if you don't post we can't help you. So please don't be afraid to post.

    And welcome to the forum! even though I'm about 7 years late.

    We want to hear more from you.

    Thanks, Ellis

    I live in Chicago. There are four major casino here. They all use regular card. Yes NOR shoe sometimes. A few MBD, Mostly mixture. That is important to SAP. I will became to U2 Hi member. I have job and busy. When in casino, I am impatience and lost displine. How to practice it ? I know follow all your rule. It will easily beat casino.

  3. [quote=E. Clifton Davis;484g horn, if you are not trying to start a fight, why are you starting a fight?

    You could have politely asked "How do you know the cards are casino preshuffled?

    Factory comes to the table in a sealed and numbered bundle.

    Casino preshuffled comes to the table unsealed.

    Everybody here knows that.

    Also, you can simply ask.

    We have always been told that Singapore was factory

    Yet while MDB+ beats factory in both Vegas and Macau

    It has yet to do well in Singapore.

    That made us wonder about Singapore cards. We were suspicious of them.

    Now we know why. THAT is big news.

    Singapore members have been asking and asking: What system should we play?

    And we've been at a loss to tell them - until now.

    My strong advice to Singapore Players is play SAP/RSAP

    Because SAP tells you precisely the best system to play in the shoe at hand AND what mode to play it in AND

    When to switch systems when necessary - and that comes up a lot in Singpore.

    When you play SAP you bet on wider dispersion -

    that the highest counts will continue upwards and the lowest counts will stay lowest.

    You can do that if you want and I hope you don't need a map. It's a very good 6 unit system.

    The point I'm trying to make is the best use of SAP against Regular cards

    is to play the systrem SAP tells you to play in the mode SAP tells you to play it in.

    Now and then you might get a Neutral shoe and SAP tells you that

    All your SAP counts run close together.

    Fine! That is when you play RSAP:

    Some of the guys are already playing SAP/RSAP

    From the instructions posted on two different forums

    How to play SAP/RSAP in which forums, Where are there?

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