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Blackjack 101 Introduction

Read this whole thing and then you decide for yourself if the casinos subvert the game of Blackjack to favor the house.

ALL the rules favor the player except one - If you both break, the dealer wins. The entire game odds are based on that single rule.

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What is Blackjack 101? The basis of Blackjack 101 is non-random cards. Anyone who has been playing for a few years recognizes that the shoe game seems harder to beat over the last several years. Dealers win more hands. The reality is luck has nothing to do with it. The game has changed. Beating it requires a radically changed playing method that corresponds to, and addresses, those game changes. The basis of the casino's new Blackjack game is non-random cards.

We fight Blackjack with BLACKJACK 101.


E.C. Davis

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It is a pure and simple mathematical fact. This fact greatly reduces the house odds and gives the advantage to the player, IF HE KNOWS HOW TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Look casinos do everything they can to get all the high cards to come out in long clumps or overly saturated areas and they try to do the same thing with low cards. I might add, that they do a very good job of it. Why would they do this and how? First the reasons they do it.

They know how 99% of the people play their cards before they walk into the casino. When the dealer has a low card up and you have a stiff hand you stand and wait for the dealer to break, don't you? If they could get a higher saturation of low cards in a certain round of play wouldn't the probability of getting stiff hand increase? YES. Would the chance that a dealer gets a stiff hand increase? YES. If the low cards continue can the dealer break if he/she hits her hand NO! If you are in a clump of low cards, the dealer can't break, low cards being Ace through 6. Oh there is one way, it happens all the time: If the dealer has any combination of cards that total 16 and hits it with a six.

Why would they want all the high cards to clump? How many two card twenties have you pushed in the casino? Those are the hands you are supposed to win! Well at least 82% of the time you should win a two card twenty. What about Blackjack? How often do you push blackjacks? I'll tell you, about 1 in 10 times. The random odds of pushing a Blackjack are well over 200 to 1. These are just a few of the casino tactics that you have been exposed to.

How do they do it?

They pick up the break cards firsts. Most of the hands that break are composed of more low cards than high cards. The majority of hands that are left are pat hands. They pick them up and place them on top of the breaking hands. The pat hands are composed mainly of high cards.

They crowd the tables. The more players the more breaking hands per round and the more the cards clump up.

They sell basic strategy books. The more basic strategy players in a multiple deck game the more the cards clump up. Basic strategy is the worst way to play a clumped game of Blackjack. It will feed the dealer the best low cards to complete his/her hand. Why? Everyone stands in a place in the shoe when there is a high density of low cards.

They get you to double in the worst possible place. Look, if there is a high density of low cards your double and split opportunities are increased. Why? Low cards make hands of 10's and 11's Too often you double your 11 and get another low card. Then they make even longer clumps with all those low card hands. They pick them up and put them on top of one another. Right about here somebody always says: " But they shuffle the cards." Yes they do. TWICE!!!! Count it, TWICE!!! If we were playing poker on Saturday night and I had the deal passed to me and I shuffled the cards twice what would you say to me? I'll tell you if you didn't shoot me first, "SHUFFLE THE CARDS!!!" Now an expert a long time ago said that to make a single deck of cards random you must shuffle it 7 times. How many decks are we playing with? Let's figure it out. Therefore, to randomize 6-8 decks of cards you would have to shuffle 7x7x7x7x7x7x7x7. I got news for you, It's Impossible! Not to mention that they do everything to make the decks non-random.

IS BASIC STRATEGY WRONG ? OH MY GOD HOW COULD ALL THOSE BOOKS BE WRONG??? ARE THE CASINOS BROKE? Table take rates of the casinos over the past few years have skyrocketed. Are the dealers getting luckier? Basic Strategy was designed, over thirty years ago, for single deck games. Experts assumed that multi-deck games were like single deck games with more cards. This was an unfortunate assumption. They are a different animal altogether.

WHY DO MOST PLAYERS LOSE? The closest to 21 wins. That makes it even. But, we had to give a casino advantage. They have operating expenses. Now stop there, forget about breaking, down cards etc. In the long run, if you and I play a game of 21 and we both hit our hands to 17 and then stop, who will win? We will both come out about even up on hands won. Now let's say this, I'm the house, if we both break on the same hand I win. Before, when you went over 21 we had to play out the hand to see if I broke because in the old rules, if I broke on the same hand, it was a tie, but now we changed the rules. If we both break on the same hand, I win. Now it's a different animal. Now don't get caught up in playing first or last it really makes no difference in blackjack. When we played before, you got just as many stiff hands as I did and a certain percentage of them you broke on and exactly the same percentage I broke on. But now if we both break on the same hand I win. Remember also that we are both hitting our hands to 17. Now the way casino blackjack is setup playing out the hand becomes a moot point. It is unnecessary to play out. But think of this: Suppose that after you break the dealer must play out his/her hand to see if she breaks. If she breaks then you broke - it's a tie. It isn't like that is it? See the whole game is based on that single rule. Ok tell you what, you don't have to hit your hand to 17 anymore you can play your cards anyway you want. You can bet as much money as you want, you can insure against a blackjack if you want. In addition, you may double, split, and surrender your hands. Guess what you still can't overcome the house advantage of that single rule.

Now, I want you to think about the last game you lost. Did you lose because of the break-push rule? Probably not. You lost because the dealer won more hands than you. The break ratio of the dealer had nothing to do with it. If the dealer breaks less, then if the player plays his hands closer to dealer strategy, in certain circumstances, he will break less also. Of course! The cards don't know who is dealing. That's the advantage the casino handed you on a silver platter. Why? To beat card counters. They beat 'em even thought most of them won't admit it. It is in the casinos best interest to perpetuate this card counting myth. You are playing right into their hand. You need to switch your strategy, get Blackjack 101 and turn the tactics against the casino. How could you lose when you could play your cards anyway you want? You lost because of the way you played your cards. You lost because you bet the dealer was going to break and he/she didn't THE SYSTEM (BASIC STRATEGY) YOU USE MAKES YOU LOSE, NOTHING ELSE! You bet the dealer was going to break too often!!!


All the rules favor the player but one - when you both break you lose.

Dealer play is mindless

Players can lose a hand 3 ways but dealers can only lose 2 ways.

A. PLAYERS - The player loses whenever he:

a. Stands short when the dealer makes

b. Makes a hand less than the dealer's

c. Breaks

B. DEALER - The dealer loses whenever she:

a. Makes a hand less than the player's

b. Breaks when the player doesn't

Standing with less than 17 is betting the dealer will break.

Hitting a hard 12-16 is betting the dealer won't break.

If you stand with less than 17 you lose - unless the dealer breaks.

The dealer cannot break on low cards of 1 through 6 except on 16

The dealer cannot break with all high cards.

Doubling is betting a single hit card will beat the dealer.

The hole card is low just as often as it is high.

To break even on surrender we must be right 75%.

Splitting is deciding what hand we prefer to start with.

You decide when and where to play, when to stop, how much to bet, when to double, split, insure, or surrender and how much to tip.

Want to read and hear more visit Beatthecasino.com and learn all about Blackjack 101. Order your download version of Blackjack 101 here online and get on the winning track to better blackjack play. Turn the casino tactics against them. Order Blackjack 101 $39.95 - Forum Support and updates.

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