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Hi Ivan!

There are some questions i like to know:

1) what is SAP?

Self Adjusting Progression but that evolved name won't help you much. As far as NOR is concerned it is a count of 3s vs 4 or mores to help you determine mode with S40.

With OTB4L it is a count of 4s vs 5 or mores used for the same reason.

Study that AFTER you have thoroughly digested the NOR Manual's approach to Mode determination.

SAP lends advantages to NOR on top of Mode determination once you have thoroughly digested it. But don't get ahead of yourself too much.

2) how to perform a OR count ?

That is in your NOR Manual: +1 for an Opposite, -1 for a Repeat. A + count tells you the shoe is leaning toward Chop = S40.

A - OR count tells you the shoe is leaning toward Streak = Sys F

A near 0 or hovering 0 OR count tells you the shoe is OTB4L = Neutral.


What do you mean by tote board? is it the monitor beside the gaming table ?


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The SAP thingy sound complex.... @_@

Hi Ivan!

Self Adjusting Progression but that evolved name won't help you much. As far as NOR is concerned it is a count of 3s vs 4 or mores to help you determine mode with S40.

With OTB4L it is a count of 4s vs 5 or mores used for the same reason.

Study that AFTER you have thoroughly digested the NOR Manual's approach to Mode determination.

SAP lends advantages to NOR on top of Mode determination once you have thoroughly digested it. But don't get ahead of yourself too much.

That is in your NOR Manual: +1 for an Opposite, -1 for a Repeat. A + count tells you the shoe is leaning toward Chop = S40.

A - OR count tells you the shoe is leaning toward Streak = Sys F

A near 0 or hovering 0 OR count tells you the shoe is OTB4L = Neutral.


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