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how would NOR play this shoe

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hi all,

i'm a new guy here, and not yet subscribed to lifetime membership. can anyone show me how NOR would have properly played in the following shoe. i'm sure i won't understand it, but i just want to know how well NOR will perform in this shoe.

P 13134111131

P 22113821

B 2271

it's a 6 decks shoe, i also wonder if NOR could be implemented into 6 decks shoe. thanks.

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hi all,

i'm a new guy here, and not yet subscribed to lifetime membership. can anyone show me how NOR would have properly played in the following shoe. i'm sure i won't understand it, but i just want to know how well NOR will perform in this shoe.

P 13134111131

P 22113821

B 2271

it's a 6 decks shoe, i also wonder if NOR could be implemented into 6 decks shoe. thanks.

Hi Nut! First, good job of shoe posting using our short cut method. Very easy to transcribe easily and quickly.

Yes, 6 decks is fine. NOR doesn't care how many decks are played or where you start or finish.

Of the 3 NOR systems, your shoe start fits both F2 and OTB4L M3. It is not that unusual that a shoe can be played sucessfully with 2 NOR systems and sometimes even all 3.

Your shoe calls for F2 because it starts out so strong sided and streaky.

But it also calls for OTB4L 3 which likes single 1's and 3s.

So I played it both ways:

Starting at play 4, F2 hits your goal of +10 at play 37 where you should quit using our cash mgt.

Your Player Advantage is 18.5% and your highest bet was 3. (the highest bet possible with F2)

If you stay in the shoe past our recommended stop point it makes little difference, this time, because you hit +10 again at play 49 where you would definitely quit.

Or you could choose to play OTB4L 3 which can incur a highest bet of 4.

Starting at play 3, you hit your +10 at play 30, incurring one 4 bet. Your P.A. is 21.7%. If you don't quit there you finish at +13.

If you are unfamiliar with P.A. Player Advantage, it is units won / units bet. Same as ROI Return On Investment. It is the best possible measurment of performance. To give you an idea BJ card counters strive for 1/2 of 1 % but never seem to quite make it. NOR routinely hits double digit P.As. Compared to us, card counters play for waitress tips.

Any questions?

Edited by Guest
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first of all thanks ellis for the reply.

i couldn't understand much of your sayings but it's okay, i guess that's what joining the membership for. but one thing that strikes me is that how soon you could jump into the play, its at the hand 4 and hand 3 right. i was expecting with NOR maybe we'll jump into the game like at at least hand 6 or 7, so we could already see some pattern at that point. at hand 4 and hand 3 i couldn't see anything but some random results. but again, maybe it's my lacking of knowing how NOR works since i haven't join. maybe you could share some more about how the jumping in timing in NOR. thanks.

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hi all,

i have another shoe here, and i think its a tough shoe. so how well would NOR perform in this shoe?

B 13134112121

P 117211142

B 2126


A little tougher than your first shoe but both F and OTB4L beat this shoe handily.

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first of all thanks ellis for the reply.

i couldn't understand much of your sayings but it's okay, i guess that's what joining the membership for. but one thing that strikes me is that how soon you could jump into the play, its at the hand 4 and hand 3 right. i was expecting with NOR maybe we'll jump into the game like at at least hand 6 or 7, so we could already see some pattern at that point. at hand 4 and hand 3 i couldn't see anything but some random results. but again, maybe it's my lacking of knowing how NOR works since i haven't join. maybe you could share some more about how the jumping in timing in NOR. thanks.

We teach table selection here and when you get in depends on how much you already know about the table before you sit down. Sometimes we can get in right away and sometimes we need to wait a while. The point is to avoid betting until you have sound reason to bet.

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