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Team Play Seminar Update

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The price of the manual assumes you will be playing with (in most cases) three people or more. Now that doesn't mean you can pass the manual around to three people arbitrarily but it does take into considerarion that your blackjack team will not be just you in most cases.

With that said, you are welcome to bring along a partner who you plan to play with to the seminar. I have already had some requests for this and of course we will accomodate it. The restriction is it cannot be a current BeatTheCasino.com registered member.

If they are registered by you for the seminar and are on my list as registered, I will allow them to join the Team Play forum also after the seminar. The event registration has been up dated for you to include this information. I must insist that all partners who you want to bring to the semianr ( 1 maximum per registrant) I must know about in advance, ( for room limits) you can't just show up with them. I will not let them in unless they want to pay at the door so please don't put me in that awkard situation.

Questions please ask


Keith -

Thanks for all you do for BeatTheCasino.com

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