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Look guys, there is a method to my madness.

There is a reason why we grand fathered you all into the 4D program.

Some of you may want to go into 4D sales big time! That is what I am hoping.

I've been there before.

Back in my NBJ sales days I had individuals, Couples, and Teams working for me on commission full time.

Paul did sales seminars up and down the West Coast working totally by himself.

Cherry and husband did Vegas

Steve did the Gulf Coast.

Suzanne, Marty, and Michael did the East Coast

Ed Goldstein and wife did the NW coast all the way to Alaska

These entrepreneurs made more money than they ever had made in their whole lives. Ed and wife retired to build their dream - a motorcycle oasis in the middle of the desert.

These people did their own sales seminars advertised in local newspapers

Today it seems everyone works by computer. Any of you guys are far better at that than I am. I've got to be the world's worst. Wrong generation.

But I know that some of you guys are very sharp and are of entreprenual material.

Think about it! Use your imagination.

Talk to us.

The commission deal we've got going now, some of you have made some money. Good. But that's penny ante.

I'm talking big time!

This worked big time before and I think it can work again.

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