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Need help with shuffle tracking

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Hi! I need some help to understand shuffle tracking. I play six deck blackjack tables. I use hi lo count to calculate all halves of the deck and second running count to calculate how much to bet. Then I follow that which halves are shuffled together. After that when new shoe starts I again start count halves from zero. My problem is that when new shoe begin and count is for example -10 I know that I should start to count first deck from -10 but when I run first deck and then count is let's say -12 and second deck starts and its number is +5. So I ask do I need to add or subtract first decks number to second deck number and start count from -7 or +5?

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Hi! I need some help to understand shuffle tracking. I play six deck blackjack tables. I use hi lo count to calculate all halves of the deck and second running count to calculate how much to bet. Then I follow that which halves are shuffled together. After that when new shoe starts I again start count halves from zero. My problem is that when new shoe begin and count is for example -10 I know that I should start to count first deck from -10 but when I run first deck and then count is let's say -12 and second deck starts and its number is +5. So I ask do I need to add or subtract first decks number to second deck number and start count from -7 or +5?

AkaMori, you've probably discovered by now that you are barking up the wrong tree. Even the original developer of shuffle tracking, my friend Eddy Olsen, failed miserably when attempting to demonstrate it in live casino play. Few have attempted it since. It is a dead science. Let me give you the same reply I just gave to another player.


i am little confused with all this BJ systems. There is zero prox, ok its first of all table selection process ? Then NBJ, it contains first base and third base ? Now there is seminar where your saying that its about hit and stand based on last cards delt. So i am interested in what is the best system to buy and to start with. I dont have NBJ but i am reading a lot here and i think that i know many things about first and third base, but ofc there is table selection and many more things. But i want to buy it and want to know how can it be improved with that last card delt system. Thank you

OK, first look at the above sales list. You get NBJ and 0 Prox together. That is what you should do. The two are closely related. All of BJ requires table selection. New cards in the morning start out random and play itself causes clumping. Random cards played from 3rd base with a 3 bet progression is best because random cards give Basic Strategy its highest hit rate. But clumped cards give you a better idea of what is coming and what the dealer's hole card is. Clumped cards are best played from First Base with simply a hi bet and a lo bet because you have a good idea of what your first card will be and you bet hi or lo accordingly.

Of course that is just an over view. Your manuals together with our support forum will teach you in detail.

You should be aware of this: Baccarat popularity is on the incline while BJ popularity is on the decline. Therefore casinos have taken their eye off of BJ to concentrate on Bac. This makes todays BJ the easiest to beat in 30 years. I proved this at Goldstrike Tunica by beating every BJ table in the casino in one day including their high stakes parlor. Ha, not that you should attempt this. I was just trying to demonstrate my point about how easy BJ has become.

You will hear a lot about card counting. It is the best organized scam in the history of casino play. Card counting has not produced a single winner in the last 20 years. No NBJ player has ever gone to card counting. But many card counters have become NBJ players. It is by far the best way BJ can be played.

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Don't get me wrong AkaMori - shuffle tracking was valid when Eddie first developed it for the then current 8 deck Atlantic City game. Back then every casino used the exact same shuffle. It was fairly easy to track. But as soon as Eddie and Jerry Patterson published their book on it, the casinos reacted. They went from one standard shuffle to 8. But even those could be tracked to some degree. So the casinos reacted again. They went to hundreds of virtually untrackable shuffles and then to untrackable machines. Today, no credible BJ instructor teaches shuffle tracking.

The casinos reacted the same way, BTW, to card counting. They introduced the cut off card, then multiple decks, then clumping. Any advantage to card counting completely disappeared 20 years ago. Today, casinos will send a plane to pick up the best card counters. Yet some unscrupulous instructors still teach it. They have no other way to make money - they certainly can'[t play. They readily admit that I win using completely different methods - so they say I cheat. Ha, there is no way to cheat at BJ - dumb bastards.

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