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So I cleaned up the Net Bet manual and added try to exploit the two betting as a nice conservative way to play to try to get some members here at BeatTheCasino.com.  I doubt the title was very marketing friendly but hey it's what we call it here. The more conversation here the better and provides revenue to run the business if you can see your way to drop a review it will only help membership and ur cause here. I get about 2 buck if you buy it but it is in the download section so a couple of reviews from members here would help.


I got two good ones and I guess the tired one is a know it all who seems to either just want to bust on me or assumes everyone has read every Baccarat book available.  Or perhaps you should buy everything Barstow wrote and nothing else. 


Also If I could get some of you guys to take a look at SWITCH  it is doing pretty well at Grantville casino here.  I posted a video in the other forum.



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