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New Blackjack NBJ Manual

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E Clifton Davis' world renowed NEW BLACKJACK is now available for download. NBJ was first sold and marketed by Jerry Patterson and was his most successful publication. Beat The Casino is proud to be the exclusive distributor of NBJ. There is nothing like NBJ. Included with NBJ is mentoring on this forum by E. Clifton Davis himself. No other Blackjack author will answer your questions and play with you in the casino as much as E. Clifton Davis. His students have won millions of dollars playing winning Blackjack. Learn how to Beat The Casino by turning their clumping tactics against them.

Learn how to be a real Pro player form his students and Davis himself in this forum and meet his regular playing partners. Get the edge and tap into the years and years of real casino playing experience from the experts.

To get a copy of NBJ follow this LINK

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