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Keiths PodcastLet's Talk Baccarat Episode 24

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Join the Baccarat Player's Club at BeatTheCasino.com and learn from and interact with the Best Baccarat Players in the world.  Learn the tips and tricks to becoming a profitable player from the best.

You are looking for a way to Beat the game of Baccarat. I’m talking about winning and winning big. Our Membership includes the following BENEFITS to you. Everything included is a $6893.00 value all for only $497 and $24.95 a month thereafter club membership.

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The 10 Best Bets in Baccarat – $1499 Value by GB09 Kachatz1 and others
Spearheaded by GB08, this important detailing of the absolute best bets in Baccarat and why you should always look for these. Some of our players utilize this method while playing stadium Baccarat.  They simply watch multiple games for these setups.  You can learn them all in the premium forum.

The DNA of Baccarat – $899 Value – by CanadaBacc
Dig deep into the card flow analysis of scores and naturals.  You all seen and heard him from my YouTube videos but allow yourself to dig deep into the statistics that matter in Baccarat from his in-depth card flow analysis.  This professional player will give you insights into the game that would normally take you a lifetime to find.

5D Professional Baccarat – $899 Value
BTC member Kachatz1’s flagship program designed by him and used in the casino today as his premier and go to Professional Approach.  As a premium member Kevin meets with players on a regular basis in Las Vegas and is happy to play his 5D Approach with you.  After you are a member simply give Kevin a call and arrange a time to meet. He always buys Breakfast!.  He will make you a believer in the approach as many have seen him with 1000’s of Dollars in the casino implementing the 5D Approach.

The Strategic Baccarat Interface $1999 Value
This proprietary system will take you to the next level of play. It is home to over 8000 real shoes segregated by casinos.  Trying to find the best casino to play and identify a bias from casino to casino?  This tool will help find a casino bias as you learn approaches and practice. 

Hundreds of Instructional Videos from Professional Players who want to help you win! 
I almost forgot! A $599 Value!!! The 87% SolutionThe Visual 87% solution by Kachatz1.  This dynamic approach is based on the frequency of events:

  • 50% will be 1 in a rows
  • 25% of events will be 2 in a rows1
  • 2.5% will be 3 in a rows
  • 6.25% will be 4 0r more in a rows 

Learn how a pro takes this information and turns it into a winning approach by this easy to follow video explanation by the ever-popular Kachatz1 from BeatTheCasino.com

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