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Article: Re: NOR Training Seminar in PA August 13th

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Well, this turned out to be a pretty good article. One thing it reminds me of that we haven't really discussed at all is the value of playing with a partner. I mention this now because seminars are a good place to form partnerships. No, I'm not talking about schemes where the two partners play against each other. You can do that yourself by net betting W/O a partner. And I'm also not talking about following somebody else because they are a good player although that is often a very good idea.

I'm talking about two good players forming a partnership. Yes, much of the time the two players will see the game the same way and play it the same way. But also, much of the time two good players won't see the game the same way. Two heads notice more than one head. Sometimes your partner sees something you didn't see. Of course there is the obvious when one of you puts up your bet wrong. Good partners always check each other's bets. Sometimes you get so engrossed in one facet of a game that you fail to notice something else going on that your partner picks up on.

For instance, Keith and I have played thousands of shoes together. We pretty much think alike but not always. Like, why are we getting off this run so soon whan the last two runs went to 7? Or why are we betting Player will go 3 when it hasn't gone 3 since the beginning of the shoe? Also, we don't always advance our prog at the same time and end up with different bet sizes. Or, hey, OTB4L just won 6 out of the last 7 plays. Why are we still playing F? It's only won 4??? See, two heads are often better than one but I can't think of a single instance when our discussion ended up hurting us. Or someting even more obvious like: Hey, we just won 6 out of 7 bets. How come we are only betting one unit??? See what I'm getting at? Two heads can be better than one.

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  • 3 months later...
  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member

Ellis and Keith-

You guys rock!

Have just played all or part of 14 shoes at two casinos in the last 48 hours...Rivers Casino in Chicago and Potowatomi Casino in Milwaukee.

At Rivers' date=' we had an unbelievable, hi-fivin', give and take game going in the BIG BAC room for almost 5 hours... To my right were two nice Asian girls, both good old Americans...one the Ellis type, one the Keithster

To my left were a nice couple named Chris and Meagan, plus another gentleman of Asian descent who is no stranger to the game.

Filling in were players coming and going

so the Professor to my right was keeping me grounded, while her BFF was turning over

my cards since I am too Type A for the pace of Big Bac...every time we won, The Professor explained to me in great detail just how and why, while her friend implored me to give her some $$ for her card skills

And to my left, Chris and I were caucusing on what to do and why, often betting opposite one another, and many times on our consensus, while the gentleman to the left of me kept reminding me that since I do no like to dick around with playing the cards 2-side, 3-side, Etc that he was THE BUS DRIVER and could play the cards like Beethoven's 5th Symphony...

OK so after all this time...what happened?


My girls both walked away with nada nickel ..., Chris and Meagan moved to the other table in the room, and THE BUS DRIVER left the scene. Over five hours, and I had tipped the dealer several hundred $$ ( actually way more) , the cocktail waitress never, ever left me dehydrated, and I left with $3 large in my pocket ( you add the '000's)

A few hours sleep, 10 hours at the office , and drive 80 miles north to Potowatomi Casino in Milwaukee...

Worked the bars for five hours promoting our YES Vodka brand [url']www.yesvodka.com

And back to the tables.. ( YES! The same tables the subject of my DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME post still

going on)

Again, the same cast-of-BAC- junkies, every single one of them been there/ done that/ got the t-shirt ... Started off having to stand in the gallery at one of the tables betting "over top" of players ( Friday night at 2 am and you'd think there would be a seat?)


I will spare you the details of 5 hours of play, but once again winner-winner, chicken-dinner ( finally looked it up on the Internet the other day...NOW I get it!)

My point is this:

You two are the perfect counter balance to one another...just like The Skipper and Gilligan, just like Ying and Yang, you provide the perfect mix of advice/ counsel/ everyday common sense tips and reminders of how to play this game! Even having played for over 15 years myself, I am constantly replaying in my mind the principles of NOR / SAP, etc, etc and making my next bet...

in summary, you guys ROCK and if you will forever be the first two entrants in my Baccarat Hall Of Fame.

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Some advice when you have a playing partner is

1.) Always respect what they are saying and thoughtfully consider.

2.) Always remain calm.

3.) Think and then think some more.

Some of our greatest games together still remain to be in Blackjack. Nothing like a little collusion at the Blackjack table....oh did I say collusion?

Nothing like hitting 20 ( and catching an ace I might add ) Standing with 6 and hitting a 16 against a 6 dealer up and catching a 5.

To those who read this, if you think that's impossible it just means you don't know how to do it. An old Chinese proverb, " You must first empty your cup before we can fill it".

Well, this turned out to be a pretty good article. One thing it reminds me of that we haven't really discussed at all is the value of playing with a partner. I mention this now because seminars are a good place to form partnerships. No, I'm not talking about schemes where the two partners play against each other. You can do that yourself by net betting W/O a partner. And I'm also not talking about following somebody else because they are a good player although that is often a very good idea.

I'm talking about two good players forming a partnership. Yes, much of the time the two players will see the game the same way and play it the same way. But also, much of the time two good players won't see the game the same way. Two heads notice more than one head. Sometimes your partner sees something you didn't see. Of course there is the obvious when one of you puts up your bet wrong. Good partners always check each other's bets. Sometimes you get so engrossed in one facet of a game that you fail to notice something else going on that your partner picks up on.

For instance, Keith and I have played thousands of shoes together. We pretty much think alike but not always. Like, why are we getting off this run so soon whan the last two runs went to 7? Or why are we betting Player will go 3 when it hasn't gone 3 since the beginning of the shoe? Also, we don't always advance our prog at the same time and end up with different bet sizes. Or, hey, OTB4L just won 6 out of the last 7 plays. Why are we still playing F? It's only won 4??? See, two heads are often better than one but I can't think of a single instance when our discussion ended up hurting us. Or someting even more obvious like: Hey, we just won 6 out of 7 bets. How come we are only betting one unit??? See what I'm getting at? Two heads can be better than one.

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