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Testing the NOR Approach - Newbie

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Haha, just realised that I should post this here instead of the public forum:

How should I approach this table using the NOR method?

please use this table at game 33: correct me if I am wrong. the OR count is +3 at game 33, i should be using S40?


Correct axlzz and very good! S40 M2 wins every prog so far on the top card. S40 M3 wins every prog on the bottom card. Never saw this type of card layout before but the game is very good so far. You've got to be +20 already at play 62. Is that the tote board or are you in the habit of drawing perfect circles?

Where did this layout come from?

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This is the layout of the online casino that I am playing. The game is still running as we speak now. I didn't play this game, because I am still studying: ie the timing to move in. Any suggestions?

If I had entered in game 33, using 123 4 progression, it will kill me in 6 losses cause of the 3's from game 34 to 36, am i right?

I am a bit lost on this: 'S40 M2 wins every prog so far on the top card. S40 M3 wins every prog on the bottom card.'

Here it is in game 54:


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This is the layout of the online casino that I am playing. The game is still running as we speak now. I didn't play this game, because I am still studying: ie the timing to move in. Any suggestions?

If I had entered in game 33, using 123 4 progression, it will kill me in 6 losses cause of the 3's from game 34 to 36, am i right?

I am a bit lost on this: 'S40 M2 wins every prog so far on the top card. S40 M3 wins every prog on the bottom card.'

Here it is in game 54:


Ok, at the point originally posted there were no 3s on the top card and no 4s on the bottom card. Therefore you win every prog at the 1,2 or 3 bet level playing M2 on the top card and M3 on the bottom card. I would have been in this shoe by play 4.

Now, as posted above Mode 2 wins every prog until the first 3. That 3 switches you to Mode 3 which wins every prog thereafter. This means you have only one losing 3 bet prog. That is how the 3rd bet rule works. It goes by the latest information. So you pretty much kill this shoe.

This must be a live on line game. It is just too good to be a random generator game, right?

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So far, in spite of the losing prog and starting at play 4, your correct score is +16 with a highest bet of 3 and a worst position of -1 at play 7.

Or, you could flat bet it and be at +7 with a highest bet of 1 and a worst position of 0. Your choice.

Yes, I made 13 2 bets but won 8 of them.

I made 5 3 bets and won 4 of them.

So OK I lost twice as much as flat betting would have on the losing 123 but even immediately after losing the 123 I was still at +8 at only play 34. Flat betting won only +7 for the entire shoe.

Sure, flat betting helps you on losing shoes. That is why we nearly always end up flat betting losing shoes. But we don't go there to lose. Virtually any shoe you win flat betting, like this one, you do a lot better progressive betting. But to each his own.

I rest my case on that deal.

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It is an live online game with dealer. One question: how would we know when to switch from mode 2 to mode 3? What would trigger us to do the switch?

And why would you go into the game at play 4? what is the trigger point here?

Sorry if I am asking a lot, cause I want to know the basis of these triggers.

Ok, at the point originally posted there were no 3s on the top card and no 4s on the bottom card. Therefore you win every prog at the 1,2 or 3 bet level playing M2 on the top card and M3 on the bottom card. I would have been in this shoe by play 4.

Now, as posted above Mode 2 wins every prog until the first 3. That 3 switches you to Mode 3 which wins every prog thereafter. This means you have only one losing 3 bet prog. That is how the 3rd bet rule works. It goes by the latest information. So you pretty much kill this shoe.

This must be a live on line game. It is just too good to be a random generator game, right?

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It is an live online game with dealer. One question: how would we know when to switch from mode 2 to mode 3? What would trigger us to do the switch?

axlzz, that is in your NOR manual under The Third Bet Rule in the Modes chapter

And why would you go into the game at play 4? what is the trigger point here?

Because starting with a ZZ run the game is already showing the strongest possible Opposite bias. Sure, the ZZ run might only go 3. It might also go 17. But the shoe is already showing all Opposites and no Repeats making Opposites a strong bet. S40 bets Opposites primarily.

Sorry if I am asking a lot, cause I want to know the basis of these triggers.

That is why we are here!

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How about this one? It has a OR Count of -1. Hence I think it will good to use OTB4L, am i right?

Is there a benchmark like at play x, if i see the OR count at + or - or neutral, I will go with x method?


Very good axlzz! Yes OTB4L M2 is a good choice but S40 M2 is running neck and neck and both are winning strong which is not really unusual. It all depends on the next play. If you get a 3rd 1, it becomes very solid S40 M2. OTB4L does't like triple 1's that much but S40 loves the darn things.

I wish we could have solid benchmarks but they would work in some shoes but not others. Some shoes are quick to reveal their bias while others not so quick. It's one of those situations you are better off to go by ear. So, yep, you've got to start developing your ears too.

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It is an live online game with dealer. One question: how would we know when to switch from mode 2 to mode 3? What would trigger us to do the switch?

And why would you go into the game at play 4? what is the trigger point here?

Sorry if I am asking a lot, cause I want to know the basis of these triggers.

Hi axlzz,

I don't mean to butt in here but I'm curious if the casino in your attachments allows players from the USA? Any idea on that? If so, I'm not sure if we are allowed to put url's in here but you could PM it to me or just tell me the name of it and I can find it.



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