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So OTR are repeated patterns?

Well, no. Peter, everyone here was in a total state of confusion when they first started out. That will pass.

But in your case, add to that the fact that our forum was hacked and is under repair at the moment.

And most of the played games are missing at the moment.

Then add to that the fact that we speak a strange form of English here.

Then add to that the fact that we have our own Baccarat language and our own score card process.

But all this confusion will pass very quickly.

First learn what an Opposite is - a circle on the opposite side vs the prior circle. And betting Opposites.

Then what a Repeat is - a circle repeating the same side. And betting Repeats.

Then, learn our score card process

Then learn our short cut method of posting a shoe. Be sure all your columns add up to 20 plays

such as B 1112112121412 = col 1.

Then learn the S40 (our chop system) betting routine - Normally bet opposites

but go OTR after 2 losing bets (Mode 2)(M2) or 3 losing bets (Mode 3)(M3)

Then the OTB4L betting routine. Bet an O after an R and an R after an O. Our neutral system.

M2 and M3 are the same - Go OTR after 2 (M2) or 3 (M3) losing bets.

Recognize that you can't simply sit there betting against all runs. You must go OTR at the most strategic point.

Then learn F (Follow) our Streak system F2 = Follow the 2. F3 = Follow the 3.


1. PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP = P Streak = a run of 16 Ps so far

2. BBBBBBBBBBBBB = B Streak = a run of 13 Bs so far

3. B P B P B P B P B P B P B P = Zig Zag - You'll need to learn how to properly count the length of ZZs

4. BB PP BB PP BB PP BB PP BB PP = Terrible Twos- Play OTB4L - it wins every bet

5. BBB PPP BBB PPP BBB PPP BBB PPP = terrible 3s

6. BBP BBP BBP BBP BBP BBP should be BB P BB P BB P BB P = the 212s, also the sporadic 1's.

Note we say 1's instead of 1s so it won't spell the word Is and confuse everybody.

That should give you enough to do for the next day or 2.

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Thank's all, once I get my hand on the Sample Games and etc it'll make a bit more sense to me once I study them and ask questions here... ;-)




Acronyms: http://www.atochome.com/atochome1/Acronyms.htm

Explanation about Modes 2 & 3: http://www.beatthecasino.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7505#post37591

Going through a shoe: http://www.beatthecasino.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7490&page=2

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Where can I learn how to properly count the length of ZZs? is there a particular thread?

Many thanks,


Yes, but I can tell you quicker than I can find it.

Just as a straight run must always start with an Opposite,

a ZZ run must always start with a Repeat

so a B 4114 actually contains a ZZ run of 4

The number of 1's in a row +2 = the correct length of a ZZ. (A 414 contains a ZZ of 3.)

This way all of your frequencies of occurrence work out correctly

and, in spite of what all Bac books say,

ZZs occur at the same exact frequency as straight runs the same length.

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"Just as a straight run must always start with an Opposite,

a ZZ run must always start with a Repeat

so a B 4114 actually contains a ZZ run of 4

The number of 1's in a row +2 = the correct length of a ZZ. (A 414 contains a ZZ of 3.)"

Peter, I had the same problem starting out. Just draw out, on paper, the string above. Then Reread Ellis' explaination. The visual may help.

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This way all of your frequencies of occurrence work out correctly

Is there a thread for Frequencies of occurrence?

i.e. this? http://www.beatthecasino.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7507

EDIT: Found my Answer here - http://www.beatthecasino.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7397

and what is the relationship between SAP to NOR?

i.e. http://www.beatthecasino.com/forum/showthread.php?t=7348



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