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First i want to thank Ellis Keith blutri quizzical Brandon Mendoza and several other people for getting me here and convincing me this is the system you have all been generous with your time...when i first joined the forum i read every thread YES all 34 pages in the public forum. now i read the NOR manual and i understand alot more than i thought i would now i'm about to read every thread in the private section i have the Zumma book in excel form so I'm sure that will help and i also will practice on Dublin Bet I'm thrilled to be here and being able to interact with all you guys...Thanks again I'll be buried in the forum but feel free to PM me i can use all the advice i can get... Ellis told me to quit cold turkey in the casino. I took his advice and I'm motivated to learn!!! I also loved the videos on you tube very very informative. i can only hope to see more instructional videos!! Again thanks to all who "didn't leave me behind" and have gotten me to "the other side"


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Welcome to the forum.

Where do you live and are there casinos in the area?

I am in Northern VA and the closest casino is in Charleston, WV, about an hour away

Also, would you be willing to share you Zumma electronic file with me?

I have Zumma Baccarat in paperback and would like to have both.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

My email is jmudak@yahoo.com.


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