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Winning in LA --- NOR Client came to visit

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Steve here -- the bac trainer --- A NOR client flew out this weekend to learn more about NOR. He wanted some 1 on 1 training. We met up with another amazing NOR Player Nick, who lives here in LA too. We went to Hustler Casino and Normandie. Both places were winners. Playing a variety of units, but mostly $25 a hand, I was up 28 units in about 5 hours of actual play. Using a variation of TB4L and RD1 seemed to be very effective. With TB4L, when I lost a single bet, I simply bet underneath that same spot -- thus not falling prey to the terrible 2's. If I lost the 2nd bet, I switched sides using a 1 bet and continued with TB4L. I got caught on some 3iar's, but for the most part, did well. I'm finding this to be good with Bet Phoenix also.

So my client is now back home and ready to take on the bac world.....

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
Steve here -- the bac trainer --- A NOR client flew out this weekend to learn more about NOR. He wanted some 1 on 1 training. We met up with another amazing NOR Player Nick, who lives here in LA too. We went to Hustler Casino and Normandie. Both places were winners. Playing a variety of units, but mostly $25 a hand, I was up 28 units in about 5 hours of actual play. Using a variation of TB4L and RD1 seemed to be very effective. With TB4L, when I lost a single bet, I simply bet underneath that same spot -- thus not falling prey to the terrible 2's. If I lost the 2nd bet, I switched sides using a 1 bet and continued with TB4L. I got caught on some 3iar's, but for the most part, did well. I'm finding this to be good with Bet Phoenix also.

So my client is now back home and ready to take on the bac world.....

Steve makes a few really honest, really important points here.

1) if there are so many of us all over the place willing to "help you" with live play, why not take advantage of that?

2) he mentions TBL and RD1....thinking many of the newbies...the ones who need the most help...might not fully " understand" WHAT HE IS TALKING ABOUT, unless they pursue advanced seminar training, or simply take advantage of those of us willing to help in person...live play/telephone consults/no charge

3) 5 hours....28 units....that's $700 ( using mostly $25 units)....no fancy progressions/regressions up-or-down, no sleight-of-hand, no 3-card-monte "tricks"

You need to get in on this, if you want to "survive"/ "play" long term...

This is Real. This is how you will win.


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