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New 3D thoughts

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OK guys

We follow shoe like P2113122223211111521231131262134 (shoe from YP )

But, we can follow OR and OT same.

If our shoe starts like P2113122223211111

Then OR is R1322111111112115

And OT is 1211119135

And you can play any system you want and keep SAP on any of them.

So i am thinking, is there any connection between them.

Lets take OT trigger here 3122 and we bet on 2232 after that trigger. And in the OR that looks like 32211111111211 and on the first  3 confirmed 1s we start s40 which is OT in PB column.

So we have perfect S40 in OR column and after first 2 we should waith because we know that odds are in favour that after first multi there will be another one, but that means that we should not bet on repeat in PB column on P after second 3 on B which we should naturally do if we play OT.

This is just one example. We can look for matching every time when there is some obvious trigger in any of 3 columns.

Hope that somebody can read this :)




Edited by Mr.O
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