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NBJ First Base Professional Play

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Here was an interesting interview with Professional NBJ player John Tarrimino when he started as a Pro in 1991. It was a phone interview from a call that E. Clifton Davis made to him about his activities in Atlantic City.

You can learn the same Professional tactics used by John still today. :cool::cool: http://beatthecasino.com/audio/side1nbj.mp3 . Simply pick up a copy of New Blackjack by joining our private NBJ forum

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Well, I listened to this tape nostalgically and attentively. It brought back a flood of memories.

One thing you should know to understand this tape is that a "pile" is 12 chips. You are listening to this tape played at a weekend training seminar in Las Vegas with about 450 players in attendance.

John Taramino continued his success and now lives in a large house on the outskirts of Vegas and has become independantly wealthy W/O ever having worked a day in his life. His still spends his time playing BJ and coaching Little League. This goes to show you how successful NBJ players have and can become.

I can't help but compare this to card counting seminars I have attended. NBJ players talk in terms of a 15% Player Advantage and actually achieve that goal. Player Advantage is simply money won divided by money bet. Card counters talk in terms of TRYING to achieve a 0.5% Player Advantage but can't come up with a single player who has ever achieved even that meager goal in overall year end profits. Yet, would be players flock to card counting sites like lemmings.

The card counting mentality says: "It doesn't matter whether you win or lose as long as you make the "correct" play."

NBJ says: Winning is Everything!

If you are going to play BJ, NBJ is far and away the best way BJ can be played. We have the winning players to prove it. They don't.

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