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Hi all,

Just to introduce myself, I am Keith from the Uk and have recently found the s40

Just to confirm I have this right. Page 7 of the manual using the shoe example and using u1d2m2 I believe I would have a total shoe profit of +2 units peaking at h27 with +14 units. I was playing with 3s as the Lc.

Am I in the right ball park with this?

Keep up the good work all


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Well Keith, it seems I'm locked out of my own manual at the moment but if you would post that shoe here I would be happy to go over it with you. Use our short hand shoe posting method and it will only take you seconds.

It works like this:

A PPP B PPP B PPP B PPP BBB PP col of 20 plays would be expressed thusly:


Get it? The initial P says the shoe starts on the player side, then "3" players "1" bank and so forth.

Each line totals 20 plays to match our score card except for the 4th col. and each line starts with the letter of the first play each col.

See, you learned something already!

Edited by ECD
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Hi all,

Just to introduce myself, I am Keith from the Uk and have recently found the s40

Just to confirm I have this right. Page 7 of the manual using the shoe example and using u1d2m2 I believe I would have a total shoe profit of +2 units peaking at h27 with +14 units. I was playing with 3s as the Lc.

Am I in the right ball park with this?

Keep up the good work all


Yes, I also got +14 at h 27 starting with flat bet the 1st 4 plays so you seem to be catching on. I think your LC was 4s though, not 3s. In other words you were going OTR after 4's, right? Which would have been correct at least until you hit the first 4. Then 3's.

Now, just to give you an idea of where you are headed, I also played it using the NOR Approach.

NOR would select OTB4L given your low OR numbers and your surplus of 2s. Playing OTB4L also U1D2 for comparison purposes, you hit your goal of +20 already at play 22. Somewhat better, don't you think?

It gets better!

Noting your high 1st and 2nd bet hit rates, NOR recommends the 345 loop in place of U1D2 M2.

Here you simply bet a 345 up as you lose. When you win you stay at 3. If you lose the 5 you go back to 3. It is actually less risky than the U1D2 M2. Your highest bet is 5.

This way you hit your goal of +30 already at play 20. A proper Brittish gentleman would probably stroll to the bar at that juncture. After politely paying his commission, of course.

An Irish bloak would head for the bar too, just faster!

The Scot would have already been at the bar the whole time.

Edited by ECD
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