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New beaththecasino.com iPhone app

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Does this mean we could take a photo of a current tote board in casino and post it? That would bring up all kinds of possibilities. Sorry I'm not up on such new things. I still use dictionaries and calculators. I still use my TI-30slr+ solar powered calculator daily from the 1960's. Damn thing still works like new. Saw a movie once about androids. I think the X Governor of Cal. was in it. I remember Arnold when he was a snot nosed kid and couldn't speak a word of English. Who knew... At least I finally put away my slide rule. I think it's in the Smithsonian now.

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It's published see if you can find it its call

BTC app in the andorid market.

BeatTheCasino.com 1.0.3

Applications: Entertainment



Keith, did a search in the market and it did not come up... POSSIBLE reasons could be I'm using Gingerbread (v. 2.33) instead of the "standard" 2.32"... My phone is the EVO 4G on Sprint..... hmmmmmmm

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