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Back in Atlantic City.Arrived at the Hilton Casino. Up with +5 units at a slow game.

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Hello everyone.

Back in Atlantic City, arrived at the Hilton Casino.

At the Hilton Casino, 2nd floor, several baccarat tables were opened. All games were mini baccarat style. The dealer deals player and banker hands. The minimum bet at the table was $25 with 5% commission applies to banker's winning hand.

Two tables were full and the third table had 3 players, I sat at the table as the 4th player. The game was in progress, about 20 hands dealt into a choppy shoe. So I missed the “ATTACK†using the S40 system.

The floor person was flirting with the dealer at the other table so no much attention was taking place at our table.

I don’t know why but I felt something is strange about the dealer on my table. The way she was dealing the cards and approaching the players bet you could swear that she is new to this game. I believe she was struggling to apply “her knowledge of the baccarat game and its rulesâ€. Well, I was correct. Here is what took place in the next few hands?

3 players betting, I’m observing. The player side was dealt 4 2, Banker J 1. In Baccarat, the rules call for the player to stand. Meaning, no more cards should be dealt to the player hand. But the dealer made a mistake and dealt a card to the player side, a nine (9). At the same time she dealt another card to the banker a Q (queen). The dealer announced players win and collected the bets from the table.

The 3 players which were betting on the Banker went nuts. They started raising their voices mumbling in Chinese and pointing fingers to the dealer.

The dealer called the floor person. The PIT Boss and a security guard walked over to the table as well. The dealer was trying to explain what took place at the last hand while the 3 players were shouting loud words in a foreign language. The PIT Boss asked them to come down while attempting to listen to the dealer’s story. Next the Pit Boss recalled the 6 cards from the mock. He also called surveillance asking to review the tape and explain them over the phone what took place.

The Casino admitted that the dealer made an error and the card with a value of 9 was supposed to be dealt to the baker side. But since the Pit Boss and surveillance were able to recreate the hands, a decision has been made that the player is the winner against the banker 6:0. The card value of 9 was used for the banker. The queen card was placed back into the mock and was considered as a fouled card. A player from another table came over to help in translating to the 3 players Casino’s decision.

The 3 players left the table shouting on the Dealer and the Pit Boss as the exit the dragon room. I was left alone with the dealer. So before the Pit Boss went to file an incident report, I asked if it’s ok for the dealer to reshuffle the cards or use the second set of cards (8 decks) located inside the Master Shuffler machine. To my surprise he agreed to use the second set. I purchased 20 units of $25 each. luckily a new dealer arrived. Two new players joined the table as well.

Note: I forgot to mention that for the weekend trip I already practiced about 55 shoes to include F2, F3’s and was ready to exploit the game above and beyond the S40 approach. Who knows I may go OTR (On The Run).

It was time for dinner, but I decided to play one shoe. My goal and objective was to win +10 unit. My stop/loss was set to -8 units.

The game started slow. No one wanted to start betting. I always wait for 2 to 3 hands sometimes more before I decide which system should be applied to the shoe/game?

Attached please find the my play at the Hilton. Slow game which generated +5 units.

GOD Bless,


Baccarat-HILTON-AC - SAT-April21-2012.pdf

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With the new dealer shoe that signals the dealer when to hit and who won, such a dealer mistake would have been impossible. It is strange that not all casinos have them yet. Player did win the hand 6 to 0 so the pit boss made the correct decision. Strange that the players would argue the point. They must have been having a really bad day! They knew who won.

It's a good thing they don't let players carry 6 shooters like in the old West. There would be no dealers.

Edited by Guest
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With the new dealer shoe that signals the dealer when to hit and who won, such a dealer mistake would have been impossible. It is strange that not all casinos have them yet. Player did win the hand 6 to 0 so the pit boss made the correct decision. Strange that the players would argue the point. They must have been having a really bad day! They knew who won.

It's a good thing they don't let players carry 6 shooters like in the old West. There would be no dealers.

Hi E. Clifton Davis,

Thank you for your response.

This table did not have the new dealer shoe that signals the dealer when to hit, etc....

As far as I understood from some Casino managers that special device/shoe is under a pilot. Some Casinos already leasing that device.

The reason being, some players made comments that they don't "trust" that device. The perception out there is that it's a suspicious device that may interfere with the game. We all know that it's a bogus claim. If I had to worry about the element in the game it would be about the Master Shuffler. Because it could be tweak to shuffle thru different combinations...

As NOR players, if we don't have prior information about the table, previous shoes, we just wait and see how the game develop itself and we make a simple decision such as:

Do we start with the S40 approach for choppiness because the O/R count is +2 or higher? or Do we play F2, F3 Streaks because the O/R count is at least -2? Or further as the shoe progresses to find out that the game is neutral?

I don't play the 40N. I wait for a breakout to occur within the next few hands. Meaning the game restore itself to a choppiness or Streak condition. Otherwise I either wait for the next shoe. Or leave the table.



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Hi E. Clifton Davis,

Thank you for your response.

This table did not have the new dealer shoe that signals the dealer when to hit, etc....

As far as I understood from some Casino managers that special device/shoe is under a pilot. Some Casinos already leasing that device.

The reason being, some players made comments that they don't "trust" that device. The perception out there is that it's a suspicious device that may interfere with the game. We all know that it's a bogus claim. If I had to worry about the element in the game it would be about the Master Shuffler. Because it could be tweak to shuffle thru different combinations...

As NOR players, if we don't have prior information about the table, previous shoes, we just wait and see how the game develop itself and we make a simple decision such as:

Do we start with the S40 approach for choppiness because the O/R count is +2 or higher? or Do we play F2, F3 Streaks because the O/R count is at least -2? Or further as the shoe progresses to find out that the game is neutral?

I don't play the 40N. I wait for a breakout to occur within the next few hands. Meaning the game restore itself to a choppiness or Streak condition. Otherwise I either wait for the next shoe. Or leave the table.



Right John, there have been some nasty claims posted about this device on other forums. Some say it can select any card it wants to. But, in reality what would happen if a casino got caught with a cheating machine??? That is hard evidence. I can't believe a casino would put itself in that kind of risk. I cheating dealer is not much of a risk. There is no hard evidence except the film perhaps. But the casino owns the film.

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