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Anyone knows how to use this?it is a betting used in nor

U1D2M2 simply means...

Bet up 1 unit following a loss

Down 2 units following a win

M2 = Mandatory 2 which means that you always make a 2 bet following a 1 bet (win or lose) best saved for when the shoe is going pretty well for you

The normal betting progression for NOR+ is straight out U1D2 without the M2 addition

Of course if the shoe (and the session) is going very well for you...there is always the U1D1M2 progression which is more dangerous but allows for much greater profits (Watch your stop/loss though) ...and if you find yourself getting in the area of 6 or higher bets ...use what Ellis calls your "GET OUT OF JAIL" strategy and revert to U1D2


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U1D2M2 simply means...

Bet up 1 unit following a loss

Down 2 units following a win

M2 = Mandatory 2 which means that you always make a 2 bet following a 1 bet (win or lose) best saved for when the shoe is going pretty well for you

The normal betting progression for NOR+ is straight out U1D2 without the M2 addition

Of course if the shoe (and the session) is going very well for you...there is always the U1D1M2 progression which is more dangerous but allows for much greater profits (Watch your stop/loss though) ...and if you find yourself getting in the area of 6 or higher bets ...use what Ellis calls your "GET OUT OF JAIL" strategy and revert to U1D2


I made an important correction to OZ's post so I put it in red.

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Guys, U1D1 we use only when we find ourselves in a great shoe or more often, table, with a very high hit rate. We are going for at least +30 but much higher scores have been attained.

That is the prog that tested to a 34% PA over 10,000 recent casino shoes when coupled with OTB4L. Mathematically, if all were random, the PA should have tested out very close to 0. But it didn't. 34% is far and away too high to be chalked up to Standard Deviation. This proves to me, beyond all doubt, that casinos greatly favor OTB4L. And, that makes perfect sense since most players lose big time to OTB4L shoes and casinos know that from huge amounts of evidence. This is why NOR+ bases with OTB4L and only reverts to S40 or F when strongly indicated at the table at hand. I think this casino bias discovery is the single most important supporter of NOR+. Also supporting this concept is the fact that we are so very often the only winners at the table when we are playing OTB4L - almost every single time.

Now detractors like virtuoid will scoff at such a notion. BUT, virtuoid is depending solely on mathematics assuming that random cards is a given. Whereas I'm going by the actual play experience of hundreds of our players and thousands of actual casino shoes not to mention our 10,000 shoe test.

Mathematically, given PURELY random cards, Baccarat is in fact unbeatable.

Virtuoid, with no play experience to speak of, is telling us that, mathematically Baccarat is unbeatable.

But we already knew that.

That is why we don't use mathematics to beat the game. We use the casino's own cheating to beat them.

Virtuoid, with no casino experience to speak of, believes that casinos would never cheat. Ha!

I, with tens of thousands of hours of experience, and having caught them cheating, red handed, hundreds of times, know better. I live in the real world, not some make believe fantasy world.

Changing the subject, BTW, I personally tested our U1D1 vs the infamous U1D1 Fibonaci. I found that they score virtually the same. BUT, our U1D1 achieves the same scores with far lower bets. Ours is an excellent prog but only when your hit rate is above 50%.

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I made an important correction to OZ's post so I put it in red.

OOPS!...I also corrected my "typo":redface:

That'll teach me to proof read before I post...Bad Oz

Thanks Ellis...I will now take myself off to the "Naughty Corner"...lol

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OOPS!...I also corrected my "typo":redface:

That'll teach me to proof read before I post...Bad Oz

Thanks Ellis...I will now take myself off to the "Naughty Corner"...lol

I'll let you know when you can reemerge. or however you spell it.

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Guys, Dennis Foley, a very long time Las Vegas friend of mine, has agreed to be a speaker at our upcoming Las Vegas seminar. Here is his response to me:


The topics I could talk about to the group would be anecdotal and based on my experiences living with a roulette dealer and a box man, and playing as much as 12 hrs/day while living in LV. If you want me to talk to the group I would suggest it be at the end of the seminar so I don't contradict anything you would be teaching the students...df"

Guys, this is big! The biggest reason for my own successes in gambling was fully knowing the other side of the table, who they are, what they do, what they think of us, how they rig the game but best of all - how they play!

We had a Roulette dealer couple from the Gulf Coast on here several years ago. We became fast friends and they gave me a place to stay on my many trips to the Gulf Coast. They confided everything, exactly how the other side of the table thinks and functions. Sure I try to teach this stuff to you. But I can tell that you take me with a grain of salt because what I tell you about the other side of the table sounds so preposterous to most people. But to beat them you have to know them. Before I started playing for real I read every BJ book on the market and believe me, that is a big library. But those books did me more harm than good. I learned the game by playing alongside dealers who are the most avid players in A.C. The way they played wasn't in any book. But you can't help but learn the game inside and out when you are dealing the game 8 hours a day 6 days a week. They learn from our mistakes. They know for sure the best way to play every hand. They know all the tricks like getting the pansies on the dealer by insuring and doubling an 11 against an Ace. Either the dealer has the ten and you get your double money back or he's very likely got a shitty hand and you doubled on 11. You win one way or the other nearly every time. They taught me hundreds of tricks like that, that aren't in any book. They showed me a whole new world of how to play that game. They made me the best player in AC. Them AND the professional AC street players. That is what NBJ is all about.

Dennis is an encyclopedia of who's who in gambling. He lived with the other side of the table. He knows how they operate. This is a chance of a lifetime to get a good glimpse of the other side of the table. Those guys know what they are doing.

I think Dennis has it backwards. I think HE should speak first so that I don't contradict anything HE says. I'm just as eager to hear him as you are. That will make for a very rare experience, possible only here at BTC.

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