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Few questions on NOR | ECD GROUP | December 15, 2013

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I have just purchased the system and getting the basics down. I have made good money so far betting based off the OR count, OTR, OTB4L, etc. Please keep in mind that I am new and may be asking questions that may seem trivial to the more experienced player. BUT...

If the OR count is high and starts sliding it's way back to zero, am I changing my play to combat that? It seems that is where I am losing most of my money and where I am playing catch up.



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I have just purchased the system and getting the basics down. I have made good money so far betting based off the OR count, OTR, OTB4L, etc. Please keep in mind that I am new and may be asking questions that may seem trivial to the more experienced player. BUT...

If the OR count is high and starts sliding it's way back to zero, am I changing my play to combat that? It seems that is where I am losing most of my money and where I am playing catch up.



Hey Vin, there is no such thing as a dumb question on this forum. Everyone here was new at one time and they all remember the initial struggle.

Correct, the OR count is the best way to start and it will always have other uses you will soon learn.

Eventually you will learn to select your system by events, which is a little more accurate. You will also learn to use the OR count to select your starting mode as well as to know which mode the shoe at hand is favoring. And the OR count is a corner stone of the 4D.

The OR count will always have its ups and downs but a downward count in itself is not sufficient reason to change systems. You will learn that changing systems should be avoided as much as possible. You are better off going by the frequency you are getting to your 3 bet.

As you gain experience you will learn to overlay the other two systems on your card so you always know which is best thus far.

When you eventually graduate to the 4D you will be going by 4 different counts and system selection will be much more mechanical.

But you seem to be doing fine and you are asking the right questions.

Learning everything seems like an overwhelming task at first. But one day soon you will be laughing at your initial struggles and you will be among the first to help the new guys.

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Vin, as you go you will see that you are playing OTB4L mostly. You will learn to look at it as your default system.

Recognize that with OTB4L you WANT a fluctuating OR count. This is because OTB4L bets pretty much equally on both opposites and repeats.

At first with OTB4L you will have a fear of runs. But as you gain experience you will begin to see runs as your friend and you will learn tricks to exploit them like our On Off On Off trick. Hang in there. You are just beginning to scratch the surface.

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  • Keith Smith changed the title to Few questions on NOR | ECD GROUP | December 15, 2013

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