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Ok so the usual way we and anyone would talk about bac is in terms of straight events.

NOR and MDB+ was designed or at least referred to mostly in terms of straight events.

What about ZZ's ?

The mathematical occurrence I have learned is the same frequency as straights.

Except of course you cant have a ZZ event of 1 if counted correctly as we do on this forum

2 is lowest we can have.

Therefore could we not play NOR just as we do for straights but for ZZ's with ZZ ruins of 2, 3, 4, and 5+ being the same weight value as 1's, 2's, 3's, and 4+'s ?

have been recording and playing ZZ runs a lot lately and have got good results.

Have noticed a lot of patterns and strangely enough have noticed a trend between say for example lack of 3's straight and also at the same time lack of 3ZZ's. Then 3's straights start coming and so do 3ZZ's - just used 3's as example. Noticed same for all events.

Could be a coincidence and don't know how it could possibly be logical to occur mathematically but that's what this forum is for - to prove a good idea works or to disprove it and find ways to keep us winning.

Any thoughts?

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