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Vegas Trip Report: WCB

Do you think the cards in Blackjack are random?  

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  1. 1. Do you think the cards in Blackjack are random?

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Since Uncle Ellis mentioned me, thought I'd give a detailed update of my own, since everyone is probably wondering "How'd she win $1500 in between babysitting?" For starters, I'd like to clarify: You don't "babysit" your own children, unless you're the dad. I'm the Mom. ;)

My playing time was generally between 8am-4pm. I don't like going down to play when the tables become full of drunken 21 year olds. No offense, as I was one of them once (for a minute!).. just don't like them filling my table. I was playing $10 and $15 dollar units for my wins. I had 9 buy-ins for 12 units in the games I played. I won 7 of those games and hit my stop loss of 12 chips in the other 2 and left those. I played the two deck game at Gold Coast (x3) and the six deck game at the MGM Grand (x4) and the Luxor (x2).

I found the Gold Coast hand held two deck game clumped. I would start Basic at the start of a shoe, and could easily spot a clump to switch tactics. It was challenging to keep my focus in a particular game as when I played the clump I received lots of loud criticism for my play by the other players. I was blamed for "not following the rules".. this from a gentleman who was busting out of his THIRD buy-in of $200! He was particularly miffed when I wouldn't double on an 11.. when every card in front of me showed a 7 or lower! I made a 20 with low cards.. pushed the 20 the dealer made with low cards and he lost with a 19. When I tried to point out that he would have lost regardless, it didn't matter. The dealer STILL would have made a hand, and he would have lost.. and I would have lost 2!! On another hand I took 7 cards to make a 21, while the dealer had a 6 showing!! The dealer ended up breaking with a 7. Got kuddos from the whole table, except the loud guy.

Had a GREAT game at MGM.. sitting at my usual 3rd base (my most comfortable position for me.. just a preference of mine), I was lucky enough to have an older gentleman playing my same strategy sitting right beside me. We ate up more lows than you can imagine.. busted the dealer SO MANY TIMES that I broke my own rule of leaving a game as soon as I lock up my 4th stack of 12 units. I finally left when the Pit Boss decided that our table suddenly needed a card change.. AFTER he made small talk with me for 10 minutes about MINTS and asked if he could have one from my purse! :rolleyes: I gave him one, and cashed out while they were getting the new decks opened. His comment to me when I left? "I see you landed a lucky seat." I smiled and said "I guess I did."

Another thing I think saved me.. I correctly insured 5 of 6 dealer blackjacks! :1244:

All in all.. expenses paid (dinners, taxis, tips, and those EXPENSIVE kid arcades) and I still came home with about $1100. Not too bad for a 2 day work (fun!) week!! :cool:

Edited by Casinopro
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Yeah, great job! Like I keep telling you guys BJ conditions for NBJ were never better. I beat my table at Luxor all day long W/O breathing hard. And AGAIN, I was the only winner at that table, just as Suzanne was at hers. I also got several other great reports from the NBJ players.

I'm telling you flat out that NBJ is the best method there IS, ever WAS, or ever WILL BE. It pays for itself over and over. It's a hundred times better than card counting and a whole lot easier on you. If you are ever going to play BJ, NBJ is the only way to win. You owe it to yourself.

Also please recognize that BJ players are fully welcome on our comped group casino trips. Hey, if you think Suzanne is exaggerating, next time come and watch her. You'll see!

Those other BJ sites? Pure hogwash. Don't find out the hard way. Thousands of card counters have gone to NBJ but NO NBJ player has ever gone to card counting! Think theres a good reason for that? You bet!

Edited by ECD
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That reminds me. Ask those other guys if you can go and watch them play. Ha ha ha, that will be the day. I'll put any of my players up against any one of them. We play right there in the open for all to see. Thousands have come to watch and they all got treated to a win and I'm not talking about the card counters 0.5% either. Hell that's waitress change. If you haven't played to a 15% advantage, you haven't played NBJ. Try it, you'll like it. Guaranteed!

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Hey, if you think Suzanne is exaggerating, next time come and watch her. You'll see!

Geez, Ellis.. you might be used to having 100 people at a time watching you, but I'm not! I got nervous when you'd walk up to my table... despite my nice chip stacks in front of me. It felt like James Bond was watching me! :D

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Congratulations on your win Suzanne!

Playing 3rd base in the 6-deck games, do you also use 1-2-4 negative progressions? When do you start those progressions? How many times did you lose three in a row?

And a question for Ellis

How many Ellis hands (different than BS) do you average in a 6-deck shoe?

I'm not talking double downs (or no DD) and insurance.

I'm new to this and I'd say that I average maybe 3-4 Ellis hands per shoe.

So far, I'm extracting an extra unit or two per shoe when the game is readable.

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Congratulations on your win Suzanne!

Playing 3rd base in the 6-deck games, do you also use 1-2-4 negative progressions? When do you start those progressions? How many times did you lose three in a row?

Niki, I use a 1,2,3 and then go to 1, 3, 4 after I win the second 1,2,3 bet twice. I start that progression right away. If I ever lose 2 progressions in a row, I leave the table. That happened twice. On the flip side, twice I had my 3-bet saved by taking insurance! :arms:

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It's the perfect example of the third base players hand being most like the dealers hand, and the person in front of the dealer taking the low cards away and bringing your hands won rate up.

When you hit in a low card clump you split hands in that situation 50%/50% up from 0%/100% if your hands are alike, but when you ate the last low card, and the clump ended, you fed them a card that broke them. This is the great thing about our third base strategy and turning their tactics against them. I would have loved to play a first base strategy at the table off the last ten based off these results.

Nice playing. You again proved the only thing that "counts" is winning not making the "correct" play. :alcoholic:

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Nice playing. You again proved the only thing that "counts" is winning not making the "correct" play. :alcoholic:

I define the correct play as being confirmed by the dealer pushing the casinos money towards you. The incorrect play is confirmed by the dealer taking your money and putting it into the casino tray.

This should be published in a book some place so when people see their chips go into the casino chip tray they will realize they are making incorrect plays.

Just my two sense worth.


"If you don't think too good, don't think too much!!"



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Congratulations on your win Suzanne!

Playing 3rd base in the 6-deck games, do you also use 1-2-4 negative progressions? When do you start those progressions? How many times did you lose three in a row?

And a question for Ellis

How many Ellis hands (different than BS) do you average in a 6-deck shoe?

I'm not talking double downs (or no DD) and insurance.

I'm new to this and I'd say that I average maybe 3-4 Ellis hands per shoe.

So far, I'm extracting an extra unit or two per shoe when the game is readable.

Hmmm, this boy has read some NBJ. It varies greatly. You make more NBJ plays at first than third assuming you picked your position correctly. The more random the cards are the more the NBJ play is the same as B.S. (a term I love BTW). So, at third only a few are different, one or two, sometimes 3. At first it can be more but the BS play usually prevails in most shoes. Insurance is often different and so are DDs.

Basically the more random the cards are the more you go by the dealer's up card and the more the cards are clumped the more you go by the cards running. The dealer's up card is next to useless in clumped cards. It's only half her hand and your read on her hole card takes precedence.

With tens running I double whenever I have the dealer beat on the board. For instance I'll double my 8 vs. her 7 every time with tens running. That's a pure and sweetheart NBJ play. Wins nearly every time but you won't find it in any other book.

Insurance is a side bet. It has nothing to do with your hand. Does she have a ten in the hole or not? If you're getting a good hole card read, that's all that counts. I like to insure and double with a 10 against an Ace with tens running. Another pure NBJ play. If she has the Ace you win. If she doesn't, you either win or push and a push cancels your insurance. You've got the pansies on them!

Edited by ECD
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I define the correct play as being confirmed by the dealer pushing the casinos money towards you. The incorrect play is confirmed by the dealer taking your money and putting it into the casino tray.

This should be published in a book some place so when people see their chips go into the casino chip tray they will realize they are making incorrect plays.

Just my two sense worth.


Aaaa, I'm pretty sure it WAS!

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Basic Strategy is about what should happen if the cards were random, which they aren't. It's a what if thing.

NBJ is about the true odds in the game you are playing right now.

BS is about playing in a pretend make believe world of "correct plays"

NBJ is about playing in the REAL world.

BS is about them taking your money.

NBJ is about you taking their money!

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Although I wasn't in the same league as Suzanne and her trip, all things considered I did quite well playing WCB in Vegas this passed trip. Total 5 games played four won totaling 43 units one loss of 10 units total tally +33 units and this was not my main reason for being in Vegas. I went there to play Bac and Blackjack was a secondary consideration. I wound up playing a couple of six deck hand shuffled games at Harrahs which has a lower BJ payout. But the shuffle was lose (large picks by the dealer) and the games were pretty good. So I gave a little up on my BJ wins but they were overall easy games for wcb. On several of the games people would be doing well (the random portion of the shoe) and then they would lose it and more during the low rounds. That was the difference between me winning and them losing in these games. I held my own in the low rounds and also bet low, most of the time. I did get some heat for WCB plays and one did not work (I got a lone ten which would have broke the dealer) but the times I busted the dealer was at least 6 times that and all would grumble. I try not to pay attention but my mouth sometimes gets in the way!surprisedsurprised

"If you don't think too good, don't think too much!!"



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The rules still apply to you and your playing, but you have the tools to increase your odds at winning. Utilizing the information that is available to you can help give you the edge that you need. is easy.Of course, when you lose a hand, you may want to give up and say that the game of blackjack is hard. Don't let this stop you, though. Continue on and play as often as you can to become a savvy and winning player.

Edited by Keith Smith
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