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New Blackjack Seminar - From the comfort of your home

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By popular request I have secured the GoToMeeting training interface. You will be able to see a live video of Ellis speaking and also utilize a dial in number to hear or use the VOIP option on your computer to hear us. Ellis will be flying up on the 18th of May and we will be broadcasting from my house on the 19th.

Just think

No flights to book

No hotel bills

No hassles what so ever

Watch From the comfort of your home

This presents a unique opportunity to get first hand training on NEW Blackjack from the Worlds Most Intersting Blackjack Player (Ellis). You can tweak your play and get your questions answered first hand. Whether you are in Singapore or California it will make no difference. Learn from Ellis directly for a fraction of the cost and avoid scheduling issues. We look forward to you signing up and joining the seminar. You must have purchased NEW BLACKJACK to attend this Seminar. If you haven't got your copy yet why not join now and get in on the seminar.

The meeting has a limit of 25 attendees so sign up early to reserve your spot.

I will be posting a NOR seminar for the same day


Thanks for your support


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I'm thinking this is a very important venue for BJ training seminars. We have had weekend BJ training seminars before with 100 attendees in Vegas, A.C., Denver, the Twin Cities and elsewhere where we hired professional dealers to deal as many as ten games at once. You can't play BJ on a flip chart like you can Bac. Actual games is the only way to teach. But I couldn't be in all the games at the same time. All I could do was roam from game to game and point out plays now and then.

We always had an actual casino play session each night but I can't be talking to a class while I'm playing a live casino game. All they could do was watch.

But this venue is far more perfect for BJ trainig because I can play an actual game and explain every play as I go. That has never been possible before. But when you think about it, it is the perfect way to teach BJ. I'm definitely looking forward to this.

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  • 2 months later...
OMG,I am too late for this NEW BLACKJACK training session of Ellis.Training Room Hire

No worries, we will be scheduling more. But recognize that on line seminars are of little value until you are up to snuff on your BJ manuals, especially NBJ and O Prox. I think there is still a 2 for 1 sale on those two BJ manuals.

The first step is to forget everything you thought you knew about BJ. Just about everything out there is so dead wrong it might just as well have been written by the casinos. To give you an idea, here are a few of the fallacies taught by BJ books and card counting sites. Remember, each of these is dead wrong.

Never play new cards for the first 2 hours. WRONG! New cards are the best cards you'll see all day.

It doesn't matter how many players are in the game. WRONG! The fewer the better.

It doesn't matter how the other players play. WRONG! That is wishful thinking.

Always split 8s. WRONG! Now you have bet twice as much money on a very poor hand. You are hoping to get two 18s. The average dealer hand is 19.2 regardless of what anyone tells you.

Always split Aces. WRONG! You CAN'T break on your first hit. It's a free card.

Never insure. WRONG! I'll show you how to win 75% of your insurance bets and they pay 2 to 1.

(I was once ejected from the Claridge for winning 100% of my insurance bets for 5 hours straight)

Never bet a progression. WRONG! In random cards, a 3 bet progression from 3rd base is the strongest way the game can be played. It is your biggest advantage in BJ.

9's are Neutral. Wrong! 9s are high. If you doubled on 11 and drew a 9 would you give it back?

10's follow Aces. Wrong! Half the time Aces are played low and therefore surrounded by lows.

Guys, I could go on for 50 pages but I think you are getting the idea. There are far more old wives tales surrounding this game than truths. But if you know the truth, you can beat this game.

The FACT is that traditional card counting hasn't produced a single BJ winner in 20 years. I'll show you how to REALLY beat this game. Hell, I tip more than card counters make on their best days. Those idiots play for chicken feed with no idea of what they are doing.

I played the toughest BJ game in the world, Atlantic City, full time for 3 years W/O a single losing day while watching card counters lose every table they played. In todays dollars I cleared $620,000 per year after all expenses.

But I'll also teach you how to keep from getting barred which will put you one step ahead of me. I'm barred EVERYWHERE! BTW, casinos don't bar card counters. They send them airplane tickets.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Hello Ellis. I tried to send you a message but I dont think it went through. I wanted to find out more about your system and how you didnt have a losing day more than anything. Where would I go to get the manuals and info about what you were doing?

Well, my box was full but I fixed it. OK, back when I played AC 3 years full time W/O a losing day, I was playing NBJ. I was not doing Team Play. I was yet to develop Team Play.

Right now there is a 2 for 1 sale on the NBJ Manual and the 0 Prox manual. 0 Prox serves as a good update on NBJ. We also have a good private support forum at this site which covers all BJ manuals. There is an order button at the top of most pages here. Just hit New Blackjack (NBJ) and O Prox. You might want to try WCB and PBJ later to get a more rounded perspective.

I think BJ casino conditions are even better now than they were when I played full time in AC. This is because BJ is no longer the number one casino profit maker anymore. So casinos spend less time and effort thwarting BJ Players.

To give you an idea I was playing Gold Strike, Tunica one night not long ago and NBJ BJ conditions were so good I bet the pit boss who was watching my every play that I could beat every BJ table in the casino. He laughed at me but then I proceeded to do exactly that.

Every casino in the US has an NBJ manual and it is required reading for all their dealers. But there is really no defense to it these days.

Recognize that all our BJ manuals are about the same approach. They are different points of view of the same approach.

I've got a doctor's appt this morning but I'll take a look at your PM when I get back.

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BTW, winning every day for 3 years is not nearly as difficult as it sounds. There are certain tricks to it mostly to do with timing your play and table selection. I can teach anyone to do this who has the devotion to study and practice. No math skills are needed but discipline is a good quality to develop. I can teach you that as well. The BJ manuals are a good place to start. No, I didn't use any card counting at all. Yes you'll need to learn Basic Strategy but I'll teach you when and why to deviate from it.

Meanwhile Team Play requires no BJ skills at all other than the ability to follow one simple rule and the discipline to control your laughter.

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Ok Thanks alot. So what is the bankroll requirement for this. I live near a casino but I also play live online casinos as well. Can these system still work today since every casino has a manual? Do you charge to teach as well?

Ha, the NBJ manual does not help the casino at all except now they know why they lost.

I always buy in for 12 units playing green or 10 units playing black. That is usually enough especially with good table selection which we teach you how to do. You might want to bring enough for 3 buy ins. But often you would have done fine with 3 units.

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Everybody is a visual learner in the computer age. The NBJ manual is lengthy but full of visual illustrations.

I'll let Keith answer your seminar questions. We tried playing a game on computer but we were hampered by a delay semilar to the satellite delays on TV. We are working on that.

When I played full time I only played 3 or 4 days a week and maybe 7 hours a day. I made considerably more than your average doctor or lawyer. But I practiced every day I didn't play.

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Also could it work with online live blackjack at a casino called betphoenix.com

I've never played on line because of all the cheating and payout problems associated with the early on line casinos. But our Bac players do well at betphoenix. We know their Bac game is legit.

But this thought has occured to me. In BJ I don't know if on line casinos are smart enough to avoid random cards. But if a LEGIT casino uses a random generator to deal the cards, our NBJ 3rd base system would kill such a game. If such games exist, somebody needs to try it.

Also in live on line casino BJ somebody needs to note if they are smart enough to pick up the break cards first like real casinos do. If not, our 3rd base system would kill that game too. Me, I'm on computers too much as it is. I prefer real casinos. Those I KNOW I can beat.

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Is the Bacc system as strong as the BJ system walk out the casino without a losing day? I really want to play online first and get my cash up before I go and crush the casinos like you did just need the guidance of what to do. So I should buy the 2 for 1 then get on the BJ seminar with you or do you do private lessons?

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Is the Bacc system as strong as the BJ system walk out the casino without a losing day? I really want to play online first and get my cash up before I go and crush the casinos like you did just need the guidance of what to do. So I should buy the 2 for 1 then get on the BJ seminar with you or do you do private lessons?

When I played full time I played both Bac and BJ W/O a losing day. I might have occassionally lost at one or the other but never both on the same day and seldom either. But my wins always outweighed my losses.

My reason is BJ has certain times of day and certain days you want to avoid. That is when you play Bac which can be played at any time on any day. That is another reason I prefer real casinos. All that is lost on line. But to each his own.

I often wondered myself which game is best. I never came to any conclusion. All I can tell you is that in the US for every Bac player there are at least 100 BJ players. Whatever that means. Maybe only because BJ came first in the US???

I occassionally did private lessons and I charged a lot of money because a classroom of students simply pays more than a single student. But you don't need private lessons.

I once taught a wealthy Vegas resident for a percentage of his winnings over 6 months. He went from $400,000 down to $400,000 up over those same 6 Months. I was charging him 50%. Fortunately he was also very honest.

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Also could it work with online live blackjack at a casino called betphoenix.com


Just to jump in here for a moment.....

The "LIVE" dealt blackjack game at BetPhoenix is dealt a bit differently than a true blackjack table in that it allows for an extra card to be drawn whenever ANY player in the game needs one.

For example, if 200 people are playing the game and the hand comes out Dealer 4-X and YOU, as the player holds A-9, most people would stand on the soft 20 but if ANY other player decides they want a card, then another card comes out BUT IT DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR HAND, unless you also requested a card.

The display on the table looks a bit odd, but you will get used to it.

Having the extra card show up when I didn't request it made me do a double take a few times, just to make sure I wasn't getting that card, but so far, in limited blackjack testing, it hasn't proven to be a problem.

Just remember that BPH is playing dealer hand against 100's of players. If 65 people decide they want to draw a card, ONLY ONE CARD COMES OUT, not 65 individual one.

Hopefully my explanation makes sense.


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What would you do in my position? Which system would you choose bacc or bj?


I'm not a BJ player by any stretch of the imagination, especially with the 6-5 payouts in a lot of the casinos so I prefer baccarat as my primary game.

Go with the game you're most comfortable with and feel that you have the advantage when you sit down to play.


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Just to jump in here for a moment.....

The "LIVE" dealt blackjack game at BetPhoenix is dealt a bit differently than a true blackjack table in that it allows for an extra card to be drawn whenever ANY player in the game needs one.

For example, if 200 people are playing the game and the hand comes out Dealer 4-X and YOU, as the player holds A-9, most people would stand on the soft 20 but if ANY other player decides they want a card, then another card comes out BUT IT DOES NOT AFFECT YOUR HAND, unless you also requested a card.

The display on the table looks a bit odd, but you will get used to it.

Having the extra card show up when I didn't request it made me do a double take a few times, just to make sure I wasn't getting that card, but so far, in limited blackjack testing, it hasn't proven to be a problem.

Just remember that BPH is playing dealer hand against 100's of players. If 65 people decide they want to draw a card, ONLY ONE CARD COMES OUT, not 65 individual one.

Hopefully my explanation makes sense.


MVS, I think I'm understanding you. Check me out here. You are going to see the hit card whether you personally hit or not. But if you didn't hit, that card doesn't count in your hand. If somebody hits a second or third time, you see all the hit cards but they don't count in your hand if you didn't hit, right?

If that is right the net result is exactly like the casino shoe game where you also see all the hit cards and make your judgement accordingly.

Now, here is the important question: Do they pick up the break cards first? When you break, if you are not the last player, do they pick up your broke hand immediately or do they wait and pick up your hand in turn.

How many decks or is it continuous shuffle?

What happens if somebody questions a result? DO they ignore him or do they back deal the cards and show him like they do in a real casino?

You know, really I should play there myself if AK allows it??? But I don't think they do. Just so I know exactly what is going on.

Do they ever shuffle and start a new game?

Is there any way for you to know that all the cards are there or do you have to trust them?

I hate to be put in the position of trusting a real casino, let alone an online casino. They don't have the best of records.

You know what I always say: When there is money on the table you can't trust anybody.

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So basically a land casino is my best bet then? I wanted online because as I said it takes time and money to get to the casino and if I go there and lose it would be all for nothing. What would you do in my position? Which system would you choose bacc or bj?

Well first you need to practice at home until you can win consistently. Usually Bac is the easier game to do that with. You only make ONE decision in Bac, P or B. But BJ requires a whole bunch of decisions. Hit, Stand, double, insure, split. This makes BJ the more complex game to learn.

To take on a casino you first must know exactly what you are doing and why, whether you choose Bac or BJ. I practiced at home for thousands of hours before I took on my first casino. Its a job for you now, not a game. We aren't there for fun any more. I could never understand how people could ever think that losing money is fun. To me, that's sick!

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BTW, I don't think the payout on BJs makes a bit of difference. You don't get enough of them to effect the overall odds. I think 4/5 payouts on BJs is a very stupid casino idea. All it does is turn away business right when all the casinos are crying for more business. If they were smart they would payout 2/1 on BJs and advertise that fact. They would get all the BJ business W/O hurting the casino take a bit. I should be running a casino. But I turned down that job a long time ago. Ha, now I'm too old.

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Kingaries, your questions tell me you aren't near ready yet to take on a casino. A word to the wise. Do your homework first. Then you'll know which game to play. We can't tell you. We don't know which game you are good at, if either. But I suspect neither. You can't win by osmosis. You have to personally know exactly what you are doing FIRST. Otherwise you'll get killed and then blame it on us. You and you alone are responsible for what you do. Make sure you know what you are doing FIRST. As it is, you're scaring everybody here.

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Thanks Ellis. I know about BJ but never looked at it as a way to make an income thats why all these questions are coming out to get a better understanding of what I want to do. Sorry if I might be scaring anyone just a young man with dreams of making money through casinos:biggrin:

So I just want the best system with the less likelihood of having a loss in a day. I will do my research though.

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