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We have saved the Best for Last

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Members watch out for Ellis's and Keith's latest tactic for casino play. We have been keeping this one between us for years and never breathed a word about it. Since Ellis will be retiring from seminars and live sessions, we decide we will release the information in August in Vegas..... stay tuned. Ellis will confirm this is the creme de la creme.

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Well we have tried this with about 70 different players in many different casinos and it worked every single time. Technically it is cheating because it involves collusion BUT it is not player dealer collusion, it's player player collusion. So technically it's legal but we'll teach you how to avoid getting caught anyway.

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
Members watch out for Ellis's and Keith's latest tactic for casino play. We have been keeping this one between us for years and never breathed a word about it. Since Ellis will be retiring from seminars and live sessions, we decide we will release the information in August in Vegas..... stay tuned. Ellis will confirm this is the creme de la creme.

Release the date now...it is the LAST HURRAH,RIGHT?? Many will follow this path to ultimate BS/MM nirvana......hoping to make my reservations aSaP!!

We are waiting with "baited breath",but also apprehensive as to what the futute will hold w/o Dr. Davis?

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I'm not dying just yet. Just can't get around airports any more due to diabetic neuropothy or however you spell it. But just get me to a table. I'll still beat the bastards!

The date has to coincide with direct flights. Can't do those changing gates anymore.

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When you make reservations , reserve a shuttle or wheel chair to meet you at the gate and whisk you off to your connecting flight.

Couple weeks back , I had to change in Houston , to catch a flight home to Albuquerque , from Concourse E to Concourse B and made my flight with only about 10 minutes to spare ! Luckily and thanks to the Good Lord , at my age of 75 , I can wisk thru those airports like a young OJ , remember his Hertz rent a car commercial ! But it was about 1/2 mile of fast walking, really humping it.....up and down esculators , plus a stint on their rail runner !! Even stopped to help a young mother with one baby in the stroller and one about 4 running a long side,,,,,,plus she had a couple of small bags !! Had to help her !! I swear it must have been close to mile or more.......next time there I/m gonna clock it ! :):smile:

But Ellis.....being a retired airline employee , I know , you can , with prior arrangements, have assitance waiting for you at your arriving gate !


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When you make reservations , reserve a shuttle or wheel chair to meet you at the gate and whisk you off to your connecting flight.

Couple weeks back , I had to change in Houston , to catch a flight home to Albuquerque , from Concourse E to Concourse B and made my flight with only about 10 minutes to spare ! Luckily and thanks to the Good Lord , at my age of 75 , I can wisk thru those airports like a young OJ , remember his Hertz rent a car commercial ! But it was about 1/2 mile of fast walking, really humping it.....up and down esculators , plus a stint on their rail runner !! Even stopped to help a young mother with one baby in the stroller and one about 4 running a long side,,,,,,plus she had a couple of small bags !! Had to help her !! I swear it must have been close to mile or more.......next time there I/m gonna clock it ! :):smile:

But Ellis.....being a retired airline employee , I know , you can , with prior arrangements, have assitance waiting for you at your arriving gate !


Thanks Johnny! Great idea! I'll definitely try that!

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Has anyone come up with a date yet? Thanks

The seminar will be at the Cresent Dealer School on Saturday August 25th in Las Vegas. We will likely start at 10 am but Keith will confirm time and give you directions. Yes, this is the same place we had the last seminar in Vegas. They have good tables there so we can show you a demonstration.

Keith will have a registration link set up later today. The tuition is $799.

This strategy is very simple and easy to learn even if you've never set foot in a casino before. Manuals will be available at the seminar but believe me, when you see this you'll realize you don't even need a manual. Everyone will become equally expert at this right at the seminar. I don't know what other info I'm allowed to release right now but I'm sure I can tell you more after I talk to Keith. I can tell you that this strategy has been thoroughly casino tested. The hardest part is to keep from laughing. This is a really neat strategy that works!

Here is the Link to register


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Hi Ellis / Keith,

What about those who are not able to make it to the seminar? Is the manual available for us to purchase? Some of the BTC members like myself are at the other side of the world.



Yes, of course Ivan. We will make the manual available at some point after the seminar. I can't discount the price, however, because that wouldn't be fair to the seminar attendees. In fact the price may be higher. Also, this is not something that falls under the heading of the forum you joined so it will be a separate purchase item..

But it is an extremely interesting strategy for ALL casino goers.

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
Yes, of course Ivan. We will make the manual available at some point after the seminar. I can't discount the price, however, because that wouldn't be fair to the seminar attendees. In fact the price may be eamPlay higher. Also, this is not something that falls under the heading of the forum you joined so it will be a separate purchase item..

But it is an extremely interesting strategy for ALL casino goers.

Sign up page indicates this is a TeamPlay Blackack seminar.

Will the demonstration include TeamPlay Baccarat? Other Table Games?

What else will be covered? How many hours should I budget for attendance, so I can make flight/ hotel reservations?

Anything else on the Agenda?

Answers will likely clarify for others as well the benefits of attendance....


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Sign up page indicates this is a TeamPlay Blackack seminar.

Will the demonstration include TeamPlay Baccarat? Other Table Games?

What else will be covered? How many hours should I budget for attendance, so I can make flight/ hotel reservations?

Anything else on the Agenda?

Answers will likely clarify for others as well the benefits of attendance....


Well the cat is out of the bag now so I guess I'm cleared to tell you everything. Yes, the seminar is on team play BJ. A team can be anywhere from 2 to 5 members. But no, it is not a card counting team like they tried in the old days. That didn't work except in the movie.

I've done this with ten 4 and 5 man teams who I taught at breakfast the same morning we played. All teams won for 4 days straight at two different casinos. Few of them had ever even played BJ before. There is no card counting. You don't even need to know Basic Strategy because the process doesn't use it. It is ridiculously simple.

This process turns any multideck BJ table into a winning table for the team very quickly. The dealer break rate goes from a norm to 28% to as high as 50%. Yet no cheating is involved. And the team divvies up the winnings equally afterward.

We did this in the Bahamas with 48 players making ten teams and playing the most common of BJ games, 6 deck. All ten teams won at two different casinos each day for 4 days of play. Each member won more than enough to pay for his entire one week vacation at a top resort in Nassau right on the beach including the $2000 seminar fee, hotel, meals, island transportation, our bar bill, airfare, water sports and even our dive shop bill. And they still took more money home than they came with - all 48 attendees. This is a proven strategy.

No manual has ever been written and I never taught this process to anyone else. I always planned to save it for my last hurrah. Well, that time has come.

I doubt the seminar could last more than two hours. Then we can do a table demonstration right at the school if you like. But you'll see that the process is so simple you don't even need a table demonstation. Hell, you don't even need a manual but we'll have then anyway.

I'm expecting a lot of attendees. If need be we'll split the attendees into two groups - perhaps a 10am group and a 1 pm group. But everyone will walk away knowing exactly how to do this. The process is also effective for partners play or you can do it by yourself playing 2 or even 3 hands.

The one time we did this before, every single attendee said it was the best event they had ever attended. And, the most profitable. The time has come to do it again.

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So why go to the seminar? Why not just wait for the manual?

Well, for one thing, I strongly suspect that the manual price will go right back to the original price of learning this strategy, $2000. But that isn't the main thing.

This is an example of that old saying: A picture is worth a thousand words.

One of the tricks they use in writing school is to have you write a 50 page essay on how a door knob works. No matter how well you write your essay, your reader, after 50 pages, still won't have any idea of how a door knob works. But you can SHOW him how a door knob works in 5 seconds. THAT is the real advantage of a seminar. I can SHOW you what to do a thousand times easier than attempting to tell you in writing. And you'll understand exactly how and why it works 1000 time better if you see it rather than try to read about it.

That is how the human mind works. Seeing is believing. Besides, seminars are fun! I'll see to that!

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Just one other thing: This has been the best kept secret in gaming for many years. We don't talk to anyone about this except fellow attendees. No remarks on other forums or anywhere else. If this gets out, the casinos will take counter measures. No pun intended. Do yourself and everyone else a favor - stay quiet about this. Lets keep it our little secret. Don't trust anybody!

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What's the percentage of win rate with this strategy for both BJ and Baccarat?

First, this is a BJ team strategy. It takes about a shoe (BJ shoes only take a few minutes) to set up the cards so the first shoe is a little iffy. After that the team win rate is close to 100%. The first shoe is somewhere around 80%.

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Delete this thanks.

Well. I thought it was a good question and one I have been pondering myself. I see no problem with regular BJ shuffle machines except that now you have two separate shoes so both need to be "prepped". But I'm not sure about continuous shufflers. Therefore I would avoid continuous shufflers for now. We may prove otherwise later. I'm sure we would have a big advantage with continuous shufflers but I don't yet know if it would be equal to regular shuffle machiners or hand shuffles.

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Well. I thought it was a good question and one I have been pondering myself. I see no problem with regular BJ shuffle machines except that now you have two separate shoes so both need to be "prepped". But I'm not sure about continuous shufflers. Therefore I would avoid continuous shufflers for now. We may prove otherwise later. I'm sure we would have a big advantage with continuous shufflers but I don't yet know if it would be equal to regular shuffle machiners or hand shuffles.

Hi, I would like to know the difference between regular BJ Shuffle machines and continuous shuffle machines? In the casino in Singapore, the used cards was put back into the shuffle machine after every round of BJ, does it consider as a continuous shuffle machine?

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A "continuous" shuffle machine does exactly what its name says it does. It contentiously shuffles the cards. Its up to the dealer how often the spent cards from previous hands get put back into the machine to shuffle up with the rest of the cards but I've seen them put back cards after every hand (or round) or every few hands.

Bottom line there is no defined shoe of cards anymore with a continuous shuffle machine. And in my opinion completely destroys both blackjack and baccarat as closed shoe games. Please refuse to play those where ever you find them.

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A "continuous" shuffle machine does exactly what its name says it does. It contentiously shuffles the cards. Its up to the dealer how often the spent cards from previous hands get put back into the machine to shuffle up with the rest of the cards but I've seen them put back cards after every hand (or round) or every few hands.

Bottom line there is no defined shoe of cards anymore with a continuous shuffle machine. And in my opinion completely destroys both blackjack and baccarat as closed shoe games. Please refuse to play those where ever you find them.

Yes, I think we should agree with Vic and boycot these machines at least for now. There is more going on with these machines than meets the eye. You would think such a machine would produce random cards but if they did, Basic Strategy alone would beat them. But it doesn't because the cards are still clumped. Clever bastards.

I have a member expert I can confer with who played these machines full time. He still plays full time but I don't know if he is still playing these machines. But we still won't know what effect Team Play would have on these machines. Maybe none? Maybe a lot? Or somewhere in the middle? These machines are very sophisticated. Until a team volunteers to play them (for low stakes at least at the start) and then reports back to us we need to take Vic's advice. It would be a very interesting experiment, either way. I never thought I'd ever hear myself saying this about anything to do with BJ but the fact is, I just don't know. But let's find out - carefully. I'm sure we will have more on this later.

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Yes, I think we should agree with Vic and boycot these machines at least for now. There is more going on with these machines than meets the eye. You would think such a machine would produce random cards but if they did, Basic Strategy alone would beat them. But it doesn't because the cards are still clumped. Clever bastards.

I have a member expert I can confer with who played these machines full time. He still plays full time but I don't know if he is still playing these machines. But we still won't know what effect Team Play would have on these machines. Maybe none? Maybe a lot? Or somewhere in the middle? These machines are very sophisticated. Until a team volunteers to play them (for low stakes at least at the start) and then reports back to us we need to take Vic's advice. It would be a very interesting experiment, either way. I never thought I'd ever hear myself saying this about anything to do with BJ but the fact is, I just don't know. But let's find out - carefully. I'm sure we will have more on this later.

Thank for the reply. Based on my observation, I have not seen a BJ table in any of the casinos in Macau and Singapore that does not equip with a shuffle machine unless somebody have different observation. Every round, the used card was put back into the machines. Does team play has anything to do with the randomness of the cards or does it need previous round in order to qualify for the game?

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