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Sugar House Trip 4/7/14 71.4% PA!!!!!!!

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Hi guys this is one of the easiest day i ever had and made it very difficult to hit and run but i'm learning discipline and i played to an 71.4% player advantage lol that is insane lol anyway heres my shoe for this morning again my 1st bet is when i sat down!!! this shoe was well scouted out getting closer to the million lol


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Hi Mike, Im doing my practice with Norm shoes, I start at play 10, using BS40, S40M1, or F3 for SS. Not using OB4L yet since the new rules are not available yet. When I get my goal of +5 , early as you did. I start over with a new OR count for 10 plays and see the new scenario, pick the system for that section of the shoe and usually I can get another +5 . Just think is another table you are4 playing. With suffling machines used today the biases last a lot less longer.

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Another +5 in the same shoe. A hell of an idea. See that! Members DO contribute good stuff!

I came up with this idea because I have no toteboards available. So I have to record the shoe from the begining anyway . after 10 plays I choose the system to deploy. As soon as I get +5. I stop and start over ignoring what happened before with a new OR count. 10 plays,later deploy system and out with another +5.

Since we got 6 deck shoes I want to be out of the table by play 40.

If it is not cristal clear wich system to choose., I do not play and look for another table.

I am testing it and so far is Working well.

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