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New Player Looking for Some Advice

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Hello All;

Heres a shoe I played tonight.

B 11261113211

B 3121311215

P 13111111325

B 241161

I wanted to practice the different modes and what not and ended up with a +6 Units at the end of the shoe. I was actually at +6 after the 12th decision, so really I could have just stopped there. :)

Please play this shoe and tell me what you come out with. I want to have an idea of what I could have done differently.



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Hi Grinder

Well that is a good name as baccarat is that - its a grind

Looking from a NOR point of view do you know OTBL ?

I see from your title it says S40 player

I don't know about the new structure and what you have learned or not learned

Personally for me OTBL is my favourite NOR method.

I don't play it any more but when I did I used to play it as OTBLM3 - U1D2M2 or 'anything but the 4's' is what I called it

Well I played it out like that as I used to and it ended up +16 in the last column

A high of +19 also in the last column so I quit at +16 which is realistic

Highest bet of 5

Let me know if you want me to play it as I would with S40

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I am new to the forum and this was my 1st practice shoe. +16 is awesome so I know I have a lot of room for improvement. I tried a few different methods, not just S40. I'm going to run it again and see what I get. Please try it with S40 so I can compare.


Hi Grinder

Well that is a good name as baccarat is that - its a grind

Looking from a NOR point of view do you know OTBL ?

I see from your title it says S40 player

I don't know about the new structure and what you have learned or not learned

Personally for me OTBL is my favourite NOR method.

I don't play it any more but when I did I used to play it as OTBLM3 - U1D2M2 or 'anything but the 4's' is what I called it

Well I played it out like that as I used to and it ended up +16 in the last column

A high of +19 also in the last column so I quit at +16 which is realistic

Highest bet of 5

Let me know if you want me to play it as I would with S40

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Ark - +25 S40M3 U1D2M2

Highest score of +28

Would be silly not to quit at +25

Highest bet of 6

As I said I cant upload files anymore due to technical problem with my profile and exceed quota or something

Also can send me your email by PM and will send to you and you can upload here if you want

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Hi Grinder...I am fairly new as well, about 3-4 months in. My opinion so far is (as you have probably read others say) NOR is a good START. When I first started I would nail about 1 out of 4 shoes for about +15, felt great. But the other 3 shoes, I was at my stop loss and out of the shoe in under 25 hands because I had to learn that NOR systems don't handle when biases change within a shoe. I've seen others say NOR will work but you can't bet every play. I've seen that. If a nor method is working and you get up a few units, expect that method to stop working and stop betting until you identify the new bias. Read all the posts you can about systems that attempt to identify changing biases. Nor is kind of like basic training, but soon you'll see the more specialized systems work better. Basic training teaches the basic skills but you want to be a sniper.

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