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Greetings, and I am sincerely interested in Nor and MDB.  I understand there is a lot of work going on here with the new forums here, and still I would like some information on cost in regards to all of it.  I was here a few years ago, and my work took up too much of my time to do much of anything else.  So, I would appreciate some info, help, and heads up.  Thanks in advance.  

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Cost I'm a bit unsure of as you say there has been some restructuring in the way its done and I believe a monthly fee now will get you access to everything rather than just buying individual products like before.

I am existing member and I have NOR / MDB+ access.

I have been a payed member for a little over a year.

I can say for me its been worth it and looking forward very exciting of what's possible.

NOR and MDB+ are quite opposite in their theories.

NOR is about recognising and taking advantage of biases - in other words you bet what has come will keep coming

MDB+ is a case of the opposite betting against the bias - in other words what has come cant keep coming

Two opposite theories that are equally as good under the right conditions and can be played both at same time too.

If you want more info before you decide to take the leap of faith like we all did then let me know

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Thank you brad01.....that is very kind and generous of you to share your time and energy in responding.  I was a member here before, a few years back, and like then, a lot of great guys willing to help each other out.  A true community and camaraderie. I have played a lot baccarat, and then as I shared, my work took over and I didn't have time to do much of anything else.  Things have changed, and now I have the time to return to a passion that I have always enjoyed.....playing baccarat and even more so.......winning at it.  Thank you again brad.....I genuinely appreciate you helping with your communication.

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