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This is the list of players that dared to question "He who must be adored" and were banned for all eternity.

Dissatisfied customers all...

Some questioned the length of time taken to produce a 24 page manual...yup...2 years is a bit rich when all except for ANB (which by their own admission doesn't work) were rehashed old systems

Some were indignant at the lies being told

Some questioned the variance of the propaganda posted on the Public Forum compared with the discussion on the Private Forum 

Some asked for refunds (like that was ever going to happen?)

Some just tried to help and after testing pointed out the probs with these so called infallible systems. 

Some just told a few home-truths to the "snake oil" salesmen

And some...(OK...one) B). simply told Dean that he was a total F***wit who knows as much about Baccarat as Carlos does about personal hygiene.




Ozscouser (Oz)


Papa Joe (banned himself when he couldn't take any more BS)

Honorary mention to Norm A who would have been the first banned because he too loathed scamming BS

Kevin seems to have banned himself despite the pleadings of the CFC elite to cross over to the dark side (CFC) to give them some legitimacy

There are many others...Feel free to add your/their names

Hmm...Looking at the list so far...I'm in good company












































Edited by ECD
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Ehi man,

I propose to build a "WALL OF FAME", long the Las Vegas Strip, with the name of people banned from CFC.

Unfortunely I cannot be banned as I didn't joined it before... LOL


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12 hours ago, wolfat said:

Ehi man,

I propose to build a "WALL OF FAME", long the Las Vegas Strip, with the name of people banned from CFC.

Unfortunely I cannot be banned as I didn't joined it before... LOL


You could always join up...I'm betting that you could last weeks before you were banned...and "WINNER...WINNER...CHICKEN DINNER"...You would make the CFC Honour Roll.;)  

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On 8/3/2017 at 2:03 PM, wolfat said:


I will do it with another nickn, cannot miss to be in the wall of (in)famous!



Given that you would be lucky to last two weeks before a total IP Banning (after Dean got your money in his sweaty little paw)...I'm pulling rank and giving you "Honourary" Membership of "THE CASINO FORUM CLUB HONOUR ROLL" ... This entitles you to all benefits including one pair of Glow in the Dark "EXIT ONLY" jocks in case "you know who" happens to be playing the same table...err...NO Ellis you can't join...Anyways...you need more than one pair, but in the spirit of goodwill...I'll send you the link to my supplier.

Welcome my friend.

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It's kinda sad really...apart from Ellis himself and a few obvious exceptions (black2bac being one) The closest they are ever going to get to a high IQ is if Macdonalds open a restaurant at the top of Mount Everest. I really do feel sorry for those guys...They have been scammed by experts.

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