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Keith Smith

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Everything posted by Keith Smith

  1. Baccarat Shoe of the Week January 16.2017: https://t.co/gKE1SYy2Hj via @YouTube

  2. Depends on the game. I would suggest flat betting to start off. You can try a 1 -2 -3 negative progression and it is usually pretty safe way to play.You will lose to two in a rows.
  3. Yep!. it was the public video so I went for it and did the best i could. I explained the trigger but the 3 event prerequisite was not met only one previous from what i saw. In addition, there was a 4+ one before that even Thanks W2F.
  4. Wanted to take the one topic from this thread and see if we can get some conversation going
  5. NOR is a acronym for three types of shoes, those that are neutral which means random and no bias, those that favor repeats and those that favor opposites. I truly believe that the fatal flaw that we all make from time to time is the believe that Opposite and Repeat shoes occur because there is an identifiable bias in a game when in fact you are really just seeing a random distribution of a shoe. When you say that you won the hand because the last hand was a two in a row and it tends to repeat know, that you have a pretty good chance of guessing correctly. We then identify this game as a bias when in fact it was chance. For us to identify it as a bias we must look to other factors and identify the cause. In many cases we have said, as some of the quotes point to: Casino Manipulation. The cause for it to be a true variation from random must have a scientific reason. Over many years we have used Casino Manipulation like the God Delusion where anything we think is a bias and win (or lose for that matter) we assign Casino Manipulation. At times we have failed and have not analyze the circumstance honestly and offered or realized that it could be luck, since we have looked no further, we assign it to casino manipulation (Shuffle). I strongly suggest you pick up and read the book Fooled by Randomness. Taleb argues that human beings are genetically hardwired to misattribute the results of human endeavors to skill and knowledge that are, in fact, just coincidental, random events. We now are thinking in a different way to some extent, we are thinking SAP ( VIN SAP) that in a random situation we usually see 1s,(18) 2s( 9),3s (4,5),4s (2.25)5s (1.25) 6s (less than 1). as a matter of fact within in an X sampling of hands , 99.7% of those events will occur enough randomly. What that means on a scatter chart chart you will see one 6 in a row 1 time every 72 hands give or take. So I need to look at Stats for profits and calculate the mean length of runs, and then 1,2 and 3 standard deviations and then tell you what will be the longest event you can expect to see in a game of baccarat with near certainty of where we have shoes from. When we have the mean, we can assign a count to the mean, and use it to know whether to bet repeat or opposite because the mean count will tell us what the game is saying and how far off we are from the other shoes in the casino . In other words the average run length is 2.75 banker or players long. As an example perhaps we notice in the Commerce casino the bell curve is off. The mean run length is 1.25 on Banker and too many on player at 7 long on that side. The bell curve is warped and not within specs and we are missing the middle statistics of random chance. And furthermore we can then now ask is that Casino Manipulation on purpose? Maybe, Maybe not, but according to statistics we are seeing a variation due to some process flaw, which now if they do not discover and correct to bring the cards back to random you can exploit with certainty, now you can make a million dollars no kidding. That is what we need to find keep diggin.... My 2 cents. K
  6. As opposed to mine to actually endorsing you guys as good guys, What a stretch it is hahahah.....
  7. Stats for profits and the download section is reserved for those who subscribe to the monthly prem forum membership. We do it as an add on to try to build the business. If you are not subscribed you won't see downloads.If you are not please consider joining and supporting the cause. KS
  8. "They showed Keith my computer record at their 40 casinos. While designated a “frequent player” they showed that I never had a losing day in ANY of their 40 casinos in the last 20 years." Ok sorry, I couldn't resist since it is such a ridiculous thing to claim
  9. Hi, Thanks for all of your support over the past year. I would be remiss if I did not mention that foremost I cannot thank all of you who have contributed to the cause as private members and also as advocates for our forum and the development of new ideas. Of particular note many who post and offer their opinions and guidance we all take for granted at times. To the long time members CT70, Way2Fast, McVince, Avion, TrainerGrif, XDotNet, Kachatz1, Avion (I know I will edit this with people missed) but know that I do appreciate what you have done for the site, and it is because of your efforts that we continue to exist. Yes and let’s not forget Mike whose endless dedication trying to make the Stats For Profits interface the best it can be and help players everywhere was invaluable. And by the way, Mike has not taken or made one single dime for all his efforts. I have been fortunate to meet so many of you in person and to know you personally. It has always been a pleasure. I am deeply humbled that you have stuck through all this changed and your confidence that we can make this the place to be for gaming information is truly inspirational. Here are some of the changes that we made this year and also what we look to for the future. If we should go in any direction that you feel is important, please take a moment to respond to this thread and let us know. Reorganized the forum from a system seller forum to a club format where the opinions and insights of all level of players are valued, considered and thought out. Change the overall philosophy from trying to find a “Holy Grail” approach to a strategic continuous improvement strategy. Added a web interface (Stats For Profits) for shoe analysis and continue to build out Bet selection, System selection, and display features. Upgraded from Vbulletin to Ipboard Added a Download section where others can upload and download any system they want to be analyzed in a quickly organized form. Files include Manuals, Videos, and Spreadsheets. Significantly reduced the costs to obtain the collective information from thousands of dollars to $49.95 a month for all information without a contract. Moderated the signup to improve and lock out spammers Due to an involvement of many players significantly improved the win rate of some legacy approaches such as SAP, 221, etc. The Subject Matter Expert approach has increased the accuracy of many legacy approaches and encouraged and evolved into new ones developed by our players. Improved the feel of the forum so that all opinions and questions are valued and respected. Offered FREE play sessions in Florida, Las Vegas, Bethlehem and other areas of the country. Activated Twitter, Facebook and YouTube Channels for reference information. Looking forward We will continue to offer the best unbiased information on how to Beat The Casino and what is working for us and what isn’t. Expand the Game selection to include other table games such as Blackjack and Roulette. Look for ways to market to more players to insure we have a diverse cross section of players from all levels of experience to contribute Expand the Stats For Profit Interface to make it more user-friendly and beneficial not only to the professional player but the casual player. Continue to offer Get Togethers online and in person for real-time discussion. Organize a National Meeting of the Minds for all of us to attend. Encourage the development of New Approaches by any who care to try. Look to make strategic alliances with members for system development in addition to external competitors for the benefit of all. Keith P.S. For those who are not members and want to join us sign up here.
  10. Team here is the Shoe of the week. Looks like it played best with opposites
  11. What do you mean buy stats for profits SFP is a part of BEatTheCasino.com. I can relaunch BTC app if you like from Apple and Android. Few dl it. Please realize we do not have 1000s of paying members. What is it you want to download on a mobile device ? Can you explain a bit and I will do my best? Isn't it worth it for the information and the web interface and the players, knowing that we went from selling systems for 1000s of dollars to support system sellers to know literally nothing ?
  12. Here is the Baccarat show of the week from CT70 looks like another OTB4L shoe. Enjoy!
  13. Log in and out of the forum come back to this thread and click on Drag files here to attach, or choose files... Max file size 1023MB Thanks KS
  14. Why must people email you in private to obtain what you are writing about simply post it ? I'd like to see it post it in the thread if you woud you will get all sort of feedback I am certain. So this should give everybody an idea of how people can make a crazy living WITHOUT working 40+ hours per week!!! This method is absolutely incredible!! I want to teach every day this. So contact me if you have questions or concerns. Contact me if you want to learn this method and make it work for you.
  15. It always puzzles me why some folks post here about their system and say contact me if you want it. Why don't you simply post it? In my experience it is usually a way to solicit customers.
  16. Hi Kachatz this is what we have been trying to get players to realize it already can run queries on multiple shoes by Casino , player, random and more and select the system you want to play. Below is how OTB4l performs on the shoes from the Seminole Hard Rock. That functionality is available to any one who logs into SFPs.
  17. Here is the shoe of the week from Bet Phoenix submitted by Avion. Nice OTB4L shoe and in and out for a hit and go.
  18. Here is the shoe of the week submitted by Wendel. Played TBL and System 40 Mode III.
  19. Here is an overview and explanation of the basic concepts you will need to understand the posts about Baccarat here at the BeatTheCasino.com forum. New players start here.
  20. We have an exciting new tool that helps you tweak your play of live casino shoes. As you know after you look at the entire shoe it is real easy to know how to play the shoe. The real trick is to practice on a real casino shoe as the hand evolves. This new tool in the SFP interface now allows you to disclose our database of live shoes hand by hand.
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