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Keith Smith

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Everything posted by Keith Smith

  1. Thanks for your kind words Vin and for your support OZ. I struggle with this at times as it is a sad case. I first ask why would Ellis want to post here? Well for one reason only, to search for customers why else? He wants names of new people to sell his methods to make a buck. But reading all the nasty things that he has written about me and this forum what does he think I will do welcome him with open arms? That aside, what is he going to sell, his win every shoe method for $750 dollars? Take some advice Ellis for once in your life. Go back to Blackjack, sell your NBJ and WCB. Tell people that you must play traditional strategy when the cards are random instead of saying all card counters are stupid. Make a club format and get the respect of people giving them value for their money. Charge them $50 bucks a month and give them the manuals and teach them Basic Strategy and card counting when the cards are random. Teach them NBJ when the cards are non-random. Show them when to not play basic strategy and when to play traditional strategy. Don't tell them you haven't lost in 20 years if you believe that in your own mind you need medication I have seen you lose hundreds of times. All else has failed for you, why don't you try humility and the truth it works out better for you and we will all respect you again.
  2. https://t.co/4ja0S5H45e - All About Strategic Baccarat: https://t.co/ZkjWwmmUY7 via @YouTube

  3. What is funny to me about the nature of people is he already knows the answers to his questions but being human he wants to believe so he can win millions.
  4. https://t.co/4ja0S5H45e's Strategic Baccarat Interface: https://t.co/I6ABMrdta5 via @YouTube

  5. I just bought my first digital currency on Coinbase - try it! https://t.co/I0n2hiJoox

  6. you don't need them sign up we are all playing together You can download all the information and read up beforehand. It is a long process come play will be the best experience but goodness sign up and join
  7. And the reason you want to meet with us and play and not be a member is for what reason? It is for members, we are a club. if you want to be a member of the club join us all those there will be. You gamble at Baccarat and won't spend 150 bucks to join and be welcomed instead of trying to get information for free really?
  8. Just an update on the Shoe Stats and Play by Play interface for private members
  9. He's a few thoughts from my infinite wisdom hahaha I have been gambling for 45 years it's a lot of exciting stuff from being an assistant starter at a race track to this and much in between, but honestly most people like to talk about themselves and it is usually dull to others, but I have learned some things that are relevant. To sum up my experience in this business I am not a newbie to it is my point. God now another word cliche we hear so much nowadays ... With that said. You play Baccarat in a casino. You probably average $25 bucks a hand bet, oh sometimes maybe less sometimes more but on average over the game, you bet 25 bucks a hand. You usually play way too much and bet too many hands. Of the last 5 times, you went to the casino and played Baccarat you probably lost more than you won. When you won you probably won because you won some overbet of $200 or 300 dollars on a single hand or as many players do look for a streaky game or a pattern recognition game and got lucky, and it happened at the right time. You believe the game is predictable, but you bet that it follows a pattern and is predictable on every shoe, in every casino that you have played. If you are hardcore, you believe that there is some metaphysical reason you can predict some games or that you see things that others do not or are not clever enough to see. You usually tell your friends when you win but not when you lose. At times you even talk to yourself and are not convinced you lost and continued to return employing the same strategy that you lost with. My point is and the reason for this club is that you bet over $1500 if you flat bet quarters in an Average Baccarat game, and will not invest a little more than $50 bucks a month because, in all honesty, you think you have the answer and know better. You have not overcome the first Casino tactic, they feed your ego. You actually believe how clever and smart you are while they take your money. We do not have all the answers in the private forum but we don't need them all you need is an edge, that's all you need is a little more insight into the game that you have missed. It came from all the wisdom and collective thought and analysis of hundreds of our players putting their heads together, making mistakes rehashing old thought tweaking it to new novel ideas. Sure we have some superstars but it is all based on the same premise of continuous improvement and digging deeper into the game as a group and not one know it all. It is the antithesis of System sellers, everything proposed is usually caveat with, "I may be incorrect but has anyone noticed this before and here is what I think", as opposed to the know it all system seller who says this is what you need to do because I am the genius and you are a subordinate and could not possibly have the depth of understanding that I have and you can have all this wisdom for $1500 bucks. And the real rub, as evident by the unsolicited loyal comments defending and protecting this forum that this is a legit place and worth 50 bucks a month, does not come from me asking people to tell people about the club but the belief in the model that I have made and their buy-in that this is the way to proceed to understand how to beat the game and show a profit from the casino playing baccarat. It is evident in their winning, their commitment to seek out new players who may have a different insight but willing to be open-minded, offer thoughtful criticisms, and most important to take their hard earned money walk into a casino and show you that we actually play and win. If you are that kind of open-minded, truth-seeking thoughtful and like to learn from others experience and add your novel twist join us. We would love to have you.
  10. Strategic Baccarat | Vegas Crawl for Winners  - https://t.co/y1gGBOqA87

  11. Ok well now we have the evidence, both usernames have used the same device (in case you know nothing about mac address of hardware) not to mention ip address, pretty odd, not the same person I would think. This forum is not a democracy it is a dictatorship and I own it. Stay out of it and do not contact us. Go AWAY you mean nothing to us.
  12. Well anyone can start a blog but it is the interaction and commentary that keeps the forum going otherwise everyone would just be a blogger. The ideas and thoughts from all are what is interesting may cause others to think of something. The collective wisdom thoughts an insight of all on a topic are what keep things moving forward I believe and what I hope to promote. Yes sometimes you have to dig for answers
  13. Hi No you can play with me if you want on top of my bets or what ever you want. We usually play 50 or 100 but there are quarter tables and less a game is a game. Kevin Likes going to that damn gold coast. I hate the gold coast, I think it sucks for comfort. I know we want to stop at the golden dragon I don't know what the mins are there I only walked into it once. Aria will be a $100 game usually when we go there. Don't let that be a consideration to play what you can on top of another persons bet. Kevin will get there at 7 PM but we will probably be playing earlier than that but times are not finalized till closer to the 28th. You can usually get a pretty good deal if you are not comped. Join Total Rewards or Mlife. KS
  14. For our members join us in Vegas on Oct 28th for the 2nd Baccarat Crawl. How much will it cost for Premium Members? Nada , Zero, Zip and to boot we are all going to make some $$$$. Join the Confirmed Players list they are now Keith Smith Way2Fast Kachatz1 Pompano Mike Kevin is just insisting we play the Lucky Dragon which will probably be our starting point to meet. You must be a Premium Member to come along so there's another reason to join to get to play with such great players and a reason to go to Vegas. Sign up Sheet will follow K
  15. Here is an interview with one of our best professional's on the upcoming master class on September 14th at 8 PM EST. Sign up for a premium membership to join us. Miss the first one no worries it is recorded and available in the premium professional's forum. Sign up now to get this valuable information. Dealer's are members shouldn't you be also?
  16. Sure sign up for the forum access and I will comp back the first month for the purchase of the manuals ala cart Regards KS
  17. Now you know a reason otto join the Private Forum Kimo!! All these great players are there.
  18. Yes you will receive the invite automatically before the 7th for the first one. Read up in the meantime and post questions Welcome Aboard! KS
  19. One of the things we have been working on is the content for the Private BJ forum. With the help of Kachatz1 and Mike, we are looking closely at Multiple hand safe strategy to get an advantage. We are seeing interesting results going from 3 hands down to 1 hand as we adjust our play to safe strategy. More to come.....
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