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About Tanpohh

  • Birthday 01/31/1970

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  1. MVS, This BaS40 is great. Look forward to your BaOTB4L version.
  2. Well said Fatherfred. This is what I am afraid of even when we have the +5 system.
  3. Today, I was testing the progression within a progression on a rapid roulette machine. My focus is not on the bet placement but to have a feel on this simple progression. I was surprise I had won $1,400 betting $20 per unit. It seems that to achieve a +5 units should not be a problem with this type of progression.
  4. I would suggest to use progression 1,2,3 instead of 1,2,3,5 and 8. My experience tells that it can easily lost the 8 a few times and then you will have a hard time to recover.
  5. Shall we form a team of 8 people and each contributes $1000? With a capital of $8000, we can start at level 3 with a 40 - $200 unit buy in. We have remaining 104 shoes to play to win $1,000,000. We play 10 shoes a day and in 10 days' time, we should win $1,000,000. Let's be the pioneer team to achieve this $1,000,000 using the +5 system. Ultimately, each will get $125,000 and a skill with a confident belief we have achieve this $1,000,000 goal in baccarat.
  6. To further add on. I had used the betting progression within progression over the weekend but without using any bet placement method and just follow what the crowd bet. I was playing with $20 per units and I had won to $1100 and a lot of time I had missed the third bets. I was surprised this progression works though logically, I was still not so convinced about this progression method. Tanpohh
  7. Thanks trbfla. Can you further elaborate on "curves into the shoe"? For me, the only way I play is to look for the lowest spread that is at 1 and then keep playing hoping that the spread won't cross over 3. Once it hit a spread of 3, I would stop. If the game is maintained at a spread 2, that is for sure my 1,2 progression will keep on wining and I have hit the right bias. Tanpohh
  8. CC, Are you able to give a more direct hint to how 4D helps to exploit the short bias on pre-shuffled shoes using a 2Hi bet system. To me, filling up the 4D data during the casino play is very easy and fast. The question is that I am still unable to see a logical reason to exploit its advantage. Tanpohh
  9. hi tanpohh want to meetup to practise NOR, a fellow sporean tried contacting witchygal most active member here but no reply

  10. Hi Gman, I like your chart, it has always been so clear and understandable where it helps me to understand the correct procedure on the application of NOR. Thanks. Please do more of S40, F and OTB4L. It really help me to be more confident in understanding NOR. Really appreciate. Tanpohh
  11. Hi Kachatz1, Of course, we would like to work alongside with whom we perceive as LongTerm Winners. I have tried and failed in real casino with NOR+ in my first attempt in pre-shuffled shoes, totally break my confident. I think Ellis should combine NOR and Nor+ Manual into one copy so as to ease newbie to have a clear direction. Tanpohh
  12. Hi gman 72, Your chart is very clear and good for understanding. Have you played real in casino and are you very consistent in the winnings? Thanks Tanpohh
  13. Hey Tang, Come to Singapore and play. Show me how good you are. I am still a newbie learning to crawl. Tan
  14. Hi Mark, I have replied you in my email. I am from Singapore and hopefully can find NOR friends in Singapore to share experience or to work together to perfect the skills. Hope that there are experts in Singapore to guide those newbie as well. Are there any Singapore players that have using NOR for longtime and are willing to share their experiences? From my previous thread, none of the Singapore players replied me.
  15. Hi Lauahpek, How is your playing in Singapore? Elsewhere, are there any Singapore players here. Can give some feedback on your play, especially on the NOR+? TQ
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