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Everything posted by DarkValefor

  1. professor is upset not because less people attend, is because he try hard to give the best to his student but they can't get it.
  2. i think the best to see if we could have more people is to post out to see how many can attend or convince to attend then to plan the event to suit most i believe this would smooth things out, ruebel cool your self clear your mind and heart as pure as possible, and then use your heart and mind to see and be patient don't rush into things, you can more clearly in things that way. we may not be friend right now, but we are not foe too i won't try to harm you try it you can see it too, i believe with this it would help in your gambling career too, loyalty is in heart not in the eyes of others.
  3. haha i mean let nature take course he already has reputation people never support may have a reason, i wanted to, when keith pm me i feel sad because everytime ellis call for it is when the time i don't have enough money for it, they never stopped to help me but i can't do anything to help back. and its very sad when u need and u like something but can't get it.
  4. yes i will be there after i win some money in bac because i think to learn bj sure need some income from casino to support the practice due to lagging live play at casino if i am not wrong the minimum bet should be still $25 for BJ
  5. i think if he have update patch like games and software developer that would be fine, well now that here we have 4 D, nor, 221 ,blackjack, bacarat and roulette has many free or low bet at online casino for u to try, i think that we got try work harder win abit more at the bar and roul, then use abit wining at BJ table to learn, I say let them pay for our education.
  6. nor and 4D is so good that every day i practice at online live play each and everyday the more i practice the more i love gambling game a game that can create life a light that direct the path to earth people say gambling is bad, i can say gambling is good
  7. yea!!! professor you are the best. i don't miss good things again
  8. can we buy it after 30 nov i still waiting for pay day even a video also can
  9. can i still buy this webiner after 30 nov i still waiting for pay day atlest a video for me pls
  10. i think iphone have internet right? yes today 3 real time test on online live play profit +14 getting faster and faster
  11. and also off your phone is a must settled what is not before you enter. when you feel a little being mind put "STOP" thats the only way you can win back. after stress test my head is very very giddy, if your friend want to see if u can really wining on table reject them. they will try to prove u wrong as u trying to show them and they likely to make many stupid remark and question trying to get attention. worse type go play other game come back ask u to save them again and again even when u hit target. "best bring them here"
  12. i just tried stress test myself with real time action online free play with live dealer and talking to my friend on the phone same time, normal talk with play is ok but when your friend get excited on something starts to up their voice talk fast trying hard to catch attention the confuse kick in, the sharp voice irritating put of your mind will cause you to make wrong decision going with friends that is not nor player or 4D is really really a bad idea after that, i look back and correct it suppose to be +31 in that round 30 cut off round, if anyone trying to convince your friend to get nor by bring them to casino to see you play better be prepare, lucky i try that in practice i don't lose money.
  13. by the way if you play F2 mode m2 enough to kill that already that only ticker nor player hahha...
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