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Everything posted by XDN

  1. BaccaratIQ: Bead Road update is live on Google Play! Updates as described above.... 1. Some users reported a rare case where the score boxes didn't highlight in "green" correctly. Fixed in this version, thank you for the feedback! And (if I do say so myself) another reason to choose our apps over others out there. User feedback to the developer (me LOL) is easy and ACTIVE. 2. The derived indicator - The "secret sauce" has been changed. No one likes a "secret sauce" but, it would be almost impossible to explain in detail. The summary is this: From the original bead road that the player puts in I've increased the amount of background data the derived indicator "scans for anomaly" by almost 100 times. If I go any further into the "secret sauce" I'd be typing a book, or need a weekend of your time LOL. Plus, I've been seeing my methodologies being copied onto other apps recently so I'm going to keep this one as a "secret sauce." If they reverse engineer my work here, more power to them (they won't ) I've got results from almost 7000 shoes posted in a link above. 3. Derived stop loss - I've added a stop loss setting to the derived indicator, it defaults to -5, I prefer -4. To our many Baccarat IQ: Bead Road subscribers in Asia HELLO! สวัสดี Xin chào 안녕하세요 你好 kamusta
  2. Oh... one additional post I've been wanting to make. I've seen some other apps being talked about that require users to download and directly install from them. They may be fine apps, I've got no opinion about them. What I want to post about is security. Our apps go through Google Play. Google Play will reject any app that presents any kind of security risk. When you download an app file (called an apk) from a private source. None of those protections are in place. I'm not saying anything about other apps. Just presenting you the facts regarding the integrity and security of our apps being sourced from Google Play. When you install an app from a private source, the risk is your device may "catch" whatever security risk is on the source machine. They may not even be aware their machine has a security risk. I'm not saying it has or will happen, just that it could. Going through Google Play means an app has met leading edge security confirmed by Google. They make it quite difficult to meet all their security specifications, but jumping through the hoops is worth the extra effort to make sure our apps are as secure as possible. So that's what I do with the Baccarat IQ apps. Again have a great Easter Weekend!
  3. One thing I demand of myself is that the Baccarat IQ apps are high quality and legit. This led me down the path to another significant update. Small news: There were some rare edge cases where the highlighter lit up the incorrect box, the one that highlights the direction with the highest strength factor. Fixed... in the next release. Working on that fix led me to (down the rabbit hole) ........ Big News: Improved derived recommendations... with results from testing 7000 shoes from SBI for proof. (ok 6769...but 7000 sounds better LOL) This is the big P B or T on the app and is just one of the 4 statistics on the app. I've spent the last 4 weeks of my free time testing and re-writing the derived recommendation to make it the best it can be. Below is the link to a Google sheets spreadsheet that contains the results from testing the 7000 shoes I have from the Strategic Baccarat Interface. So, real shoes, the ones that you, the members of Beat The Casino put in SBI. These are the first 7000 shoes on SBI. Here is the proof that the Bead Road derived recommendation works. This is only the result from the derived recommendation, there are 3 other "not derived" recommendations on the app that I didn't record because I wasn't testing/improving them. Blended together, with practice, results will show improvement. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aL-blnlzYR44l7yXdz6AhELusymryVNgbkLxnTRtxYY/edit?usp=sharing Bullet points: On this spreadsheet, I've recorded the highest score that was achieved in each shoe. Why did I record it this way? Two main reasons. First, there is definitely a sweet spot with the Bead Road (described below). If a players score gets to +5 (for example) and starts to turn down, they will not/should not blindly follow the score going down (shoe change). Personally, if I get to +5 and get back down to +3, I'm out of the shoe. I'm not following the lack of bias/shoe change that will cause a downward trend. Second, I write the apps from the point of reality. Meaning we don't make wild claims, only claims that can be supported with proof. Biases will come and go, W/L total will go up and down. That is the reality of the baccarat cycle. Summary of the results you will see if you look at the spreadsheet. Remember this is the app playing rote, input from the baccarat players skill. -On average, the high score in a shoe was +4 (3.75 rounded up to a whole unit) -The highest recorded high score score was + 21, the lowest (high score) was 0 (mind a stop loss and wait for a better shoe). --5735/6769 had a high score of 1 or better 85% --4718/6759 had a high score of 2 or better 70% --3828/6759 had a high score of 3 or better 57% -The average hand where the high score occurred was hand 36.22 -Interestingly the average hand where the low score occurred was 36.66 What do the last two stats mean? The average high score hand and the average low score hand were at almost the same point. It means, if the first 35 hands are winning, the player should probably start to look for an exit point. Of course, if it's running, stay on it, but be mindful that was the (general) average high point. On the flip side, if the first 35 hands are losing, it is likely the hands after 35 will find a bias and recover. If the score gets down some units in a shoe, stop betting and wait for recovery. Of course, there will be exceptions, anything and everything will happen. User skill and practice is required to get the best results. Important: This is the results from the app playing rote. As the user gains skill and starts to recognize the ebb and flow, the final results can be fine tuned. For example, if the app gets to +7, but then the bias goes away, will you (the app user) follow it down? I hope not! The app can only identify bias or lack of bias. You must make the decisions. You the user must be mindful that shoes change and any tracking "system" is a trailing statistic. Meaning, when changes come, it takes time for a tracking statistic to catch up. There is no "magic" that can predict the changes. If there were, don't you think the stock brokerages who spend billions on research would have figured it out? Tracking a baccarat statistic is no different than tracking any "trailing" stock statistic. There are a lot of additional ways to fine tune your results. A money management (like Plus 1) combined with a stop loss will likely improve results a great deal. I'll try to get with @Keith Smith next week or weekend to do a video explaining some of them with additional detail. Remember: The derived recommendation, the big gold P B T on the app is no more or less important than the other 3 indicators. The other indicators display exactly what the Bead road is giving us. The derived recommendation displays a recommendation based off a "secret sauce" to identify biases that are not otherwise visible. Finally, +4 may not impress some of you out there. But, you must remember, this is ONLY the derived bias. The other 3, Up, Horizontal & Down should also be used when they show a playable bias. If one of the other 3 biases is running, ignore the derived bias. There is also some interesting interplay I've noticed between the derived recommendation and the standard recommendations. Will discuss that more and give some examples when @Keith Smith and I can make a video. This is a long and detailed read for an "app update" post. Thanks for reading and post questions if you have them. We'll try to cover them when we do a video. Have a good Easter weekend, I'll get the changes buttoned up and released next week.
  4. I have no idea when my next trip to Vegas will be but I am definitely going to see... Battle Bots!!! Can't believe I just found out they film this in Vegas and I didn't know about it. Been watching this with my kiddo and even my wife likes it. Want to take your best girl to a fun night out? BATTLE BOTS !! LOL :-) My favorite bot is Tombstone! My daughter... Ribbot https://battlebots.com/ Loading the Elevenlabs AudioNative Player...
  5. Want your gambling story to be on TV? Here ya go! My life is much too boring LOL, surely someone here has a good story to tell!
  6. Baccarat has been solved! Free Card Counting App! https://gto-baccarat.jackace.com/ Link to video is below. ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Okok, sorry for the "Click Bait" LOL, I am feeling frisky this morning. There are so many people out there looking for the "Holy Grail" "quick fix" I'm just curious to see how many hits this post gets. All credit to the JackAce Youtube channel. This EXCELLENT video and app popped up in my you tube feed this weekend and I wanted to share. I really like this guys content, he's got pedigree in mathematics and game theory, but he's also got the wisdom to live in reality. This guy is legit IMHO, he's presenting the math and the reality of applying the math. I'm having some fun in this post but I respect his work and I am a fan. Has Baccarat Been Solved? Yes! WOO HOOO WE'RE ALL GONNA BE RICH!! ....umm let me finish my sentence please. (From the video>>>>) Yes, baccarat MATH has been solved and the card counting app proves out the math. It shows you the Player, Banker Tie edge based on the cards removed from the deck(s). Will it help you? Not likely. Exploitable advantages come up rarely. So you might get a few bets out of thousands of hands. <<< THE REALITY. The word "solved" has a double meaning in his title...Genius! "Baccarat solved" = Math Proven B U T most people hoping for the holy grail read "baccarat solved" as "Imma be rich!!!" Hint: Don't be "most people"! I really like this guy, it's legit work. He took time out of his life to write and publish an app that both proves and disproves baccarat card counting at the same time. Better yet he gave you a tool you can use to PROVE IT TO YOURSELF. Yes, he shows the "normal" baccarat math can be slightly changed by counting cards. Proven and true B U T most of the time you're talking about tenths or hundredths of a percent that would take YEARS of play to exploit just to have a 1% advantage. There are other types of advantage (watch the video) that may show up for 5 hands in 100 or 1000 games who knows, but the time required makes it REALISTICALLY impossible. My summary and take: You're better off spending your time elsewhere in your baccarat studies (the researcher and video below agrees)...our time is finite. Ask yourself, will you get a return on your time investment in "Baccarat Card Counting" commensurate with your time investment? Doubtful, very very doubtful. While it is true, the "edge" for player/banker/tie can be SLIGHTLY moved.... to the tune of tenths or hundredths of a percent, you'll have to play tens of thousands and possibly hundreds of thousands of hands to realize any advantage....AND NEVER make any other type of bet. Special note to the potential "hater" posts coming my way from the card counters: This is JackAces' Video, app and research....but I agree with him and wanted to share. Before you send a flaming post please do the following.... 1. Watch the video ALL THE WAY TO THE END. 2. Run a shoe through HIS app, record your results. 3. Go back to step 1 x 50 or 100 times 4. When you get documented results, include them in your flaming post if you want to be taken seriously. https://gto-baccarat.jackace.com/
  7. Who is angry? I find it amusing the guy keeps copying everything about the app and now my social media handles. Next thing you know he'll be buying the model of razor I shave with LOL.
  8. @Dodge charger LOL now you're copying my user handles from other social media sites LOL. (For everyone else) my user handle on some other social media references my Dodge Challenger. "Copying a leader is easy, but becoming one is a challenge."
  9. I don't normally write about the "Copy" app but I have a legit question to those using it. What happens to the middle pair? 7A and 7B = 1 pair - Recorded as Blue Blue 7B and 8A = 1 pair - Recorded as ?????? (Should be a Blue Red pair but the only Blue/Red is "Pair" 11. 8A and 8B = 1 pair - Recorded as Red Red Are those hands / that pair just gone? Just an idle curiosity on my part...and no not because I want to "Copy" his app. Maybe I don't understand how to read it, that's fair. But if those aren't accounted for, aren't you throwing out 1/2 the information in a shoe? If so, he'll probably "Copy" my fix to his app just like he's copied some of the other methods. LOL You're welcome Hope y'all had a nice Easter!
  10. @ludo8400 Appreciate the kind words. You're right about how the app works. It is designed for the "educated user." Like you mentioned above, to REALLY get the most units from the app takes some practice with it. Users can do well by just following the recommendations presented. But, digging in and doing a little deep learning about what the app presents can make a big difference. Thanks again.
  11. Hi @Henry1010 here is the link. @Keith Smith will contact you with a username/password. Welcome! https://beatthecasino.com/btc/
  12. @Keith Smith Can you pin this, it's an important read Chat GPT has brought a general awareness to the buzzword AI. Recently, I’ve seen the acronym popping up in the baccarat world. So I wanted to write an article about how the acronym AI is being used incorrectly, and why it matters to you….and your wallet. Is it the holy grail for baccarat – No Can you buy a spreadsheet/app from a YouTube video claiming to use AI to beat baccarat? Very very VERY unlikely. What is AI? - AI/ML is, at it’s core, is training a decision model on a set of data, building mathematical functions, weights and vectors into a decision model based on statistical probabilities. It “learns” to make decisions based on probabilities. This is slightly different than programming. In programming you explicitly tell the computer what to do. When an AI model is trained, it learns what to do. That is it’s power, it’s also why baccarat is currently not “beatable” by AI. Deeper dive…but not too deep 😊 Probabilities: An easy way to think about it, if you train a model on shoes where Banker dominates Player 60% to 40%. The AI model WILL recommend Banker every time. The model is perfectly trained on the data it saw, it knows banker was 60% of the occurrences, and will recommend banker for every hand because that is the highest “probability” for the next hand in the data it has seen. It’s a simplistic example but that is the baseline. So…lets give it more data, data that matches baccarat statistics. Ok so we generate a million shoes and retrain the model on data that is more in line with baccarat statistics. Almost 50/50. The AI model will basically recommend opposites…until the bitter end. Get a banker, AI will recommend player because it has “learned” from the data it saw that Player and Banker are 50/50. It’s fine if you are playing a zig zag shoe. You might win, but if you get a 10IAR player run, it will be recommending banker all the way down that run. How does XDN know? Who does this guy think he is? I'm no expert on the scientific level but I took a deep dive into this stuff a few years ago, I trained my own models. The model that performed the best only recommended on the first bet, 1S1 or 1G2. This model hovered around that 50/50 mark. If it hit 7/10, you KNEW it was going to eventually lose 7/10. It was perfectly balanced, again because the AI models predicted exactly what the baccarat statistics said to predict. You can do this without an AI model, this is where XTB came from, join the forum to find out about XTB. But But But Chat GPT!!! - Yes ChatGPT is a huge advance in AI technology. It can find data from text that it has seen, it can generate text related to the question, its a vast improvement in plucking out TEXT data from the data it has seen.....….but it cannot “predict” the future. Lets go back to the baccarat problem…. 1. If we feed AI biased data/baccarat shoes…it will give us biased predictions. 2. If we feed AI data that perfectly duplicates baccarat shoes (50/50) it will predict the opposite of the current hand. There is no statistical probability for it to recommend outside of 50/50. If there is, the training data was not complete. So...how can that possibly predict future hands. It cannot. So down to the crux of the article. Do not buy apps using the AI Buzzword claiming to beat baccarat. It is not possible at the current stage of the technology. There are guys out there calling their spreadsheets and card counting apps AI when it is no more than a pre-programmed set of rules and statistical forecasting methods that have been in use for 100 years. They may be helpful, but it's all known methodology. A "machine" has not "learned" to beat baccarat. The machine cannot make its own decisions, it can only "decide" based on the most probable decision it has calculated from past data it has seen. If a model finds a bias, due to an incomplete data set, because over time baccarat is 50/50. It may win on shoe A but will eventually destroyed on shoe B. If training data is 50/50 on a "true" baccarat stats dataset, AI will always recommend the opposite hand. It's just mathematical probabilities. The YouTube guys you see are just using the buzzword incorrectly at best...as a ploy to lighten your pocket book at the worst. Why does XDN say this, who is this guy, why does he think he knows? It's not me, lets look at some facts so you can make up your own mind. Chat GPT – Fantastic tech…why? Here are some relevant stats… https://news.microsoft.com/source/features/ai/openai-azure-supercomputer/ https://lambdalabs.com/blog/demystifying-gpt-3 --Was trained on 300 BILLION tokens (words) collected from crawling basically the entire English language internet. --Has 175 MILLION training parameters/Variables in the program. That’s 175 MILLION ways the training can be ----“tweaked” to fine tune the model. Think of a parameter like this simplistic example… “Does the model predict better ----with lower case text or upper-case text.” 175 MILLION of those kinds of "tweaks" to train ChatGPT -- Using 1,024x V100 GPUs, researchers calculated that OpenAI could have trained GPT-3 in as little as 34 DAYS. -- It would take 355 years to train GPT-3 on a single NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPU. Those are top of the line right now and about$3500 EACH on Amazon. ---- https://www.amazon.com/PNY-TCSV100MPCIE-PB-Nvidia-Tesla-v100/dp/B076P84525 - - Estimated that it cost around $5M in compute time to train GPT-3 -- Microsoft invested $ 10 BILLION dollars into Open AI to fund ChatGPT. This is HIGH DOLLAR STUFF!! So…when you see guys on YouTube claiming to “Win Every Hand” with an AI spreadsheet or an card counting app that can "Predict with AI" that you can buy for $ 50 bucks…. Use your common sense. Is it possible this person had access to the data, hardware and financial resources to train a REAL AI model that is as effective as ChatGPT? Would they be making videos on YouTube and selling an AI Spreadsheet/App for $50 bucks? That NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT? If someone does crack blackjack/roulette etc.. with AI they will win the Nobel Prize. It’s not going to be some guy in his home office (like me). It takes millions/billions of dollars of supercomputers with vast networks of GPUs to train Chat GPT models. Simply asking the model a question takes high dollar hardware. It’s EXPENSIVE both monetarily and computationally. To even get a recommendation, you either need a web service like ChatGPT has or a very VERY specific set of code and code packages on a development machine to load and query a trained model. It’s not like loading up your email program, you won't be getting "AI in a spreadsheet". The code to create/interpret these models breaks constantly as new changes are rolled out What do your instincts tell you? Do you think a guy got all this in a spreadsheet or a card counting web app? I’m sorry, I don’t want to seem like I’m slamming the guy, his app may be helpful. But when the YouTube video title says “I win every hand using my AI spreadsheet/app” then you see a negative progression used...Its NOT AI. If you watch the entire video, buried within is the negative progression play. NO, this is NOT AI. It may be some rather advanced math and statistics, and it may be a helpful program, but it is NOT AI. A TRUE AI would not need a negative progression. It would not lose. This is a marketing ploy using the buzzword of the week in an attempt to extract funds from your wallet. Why am I writing all this, I just don’t want you to waste your money. The Ultimate Baccarat app doesn’t use the moniker AI because it is NOT AI. It’s a very flexible authoring of playing methods/rules that have been fine tuned here at BTC by guys with decades of experience. It's the best tool for finding statistical anomalies in baccarat today....BUT the player STILL must make the decision. This is what sets TUBA apart. It looks for potential exploitable anomalies in the game and presents them in a fast concise way so you can make the best decision possible...quickly and accurately. What we do here at BTC is try to identify SHORT TERM ANOMALIES in the normal baccarat stats. Make a couple of units then look for the next anomaly because eventually that ANOMALY will succumb to the normal baccarat stats....that everything is 50/50. There is no "prediction." My Pledge: I will NEVER use the moniker AI ... if it is not REAL AI. AI/ML fascinates me to no end…it’s exciting! I plan to keep an eye on it over the years. Someday, someone might crack it. But if you ever see me use the moniker AI related to any of my software, rest assured it WILL be a REAL AI model and solution. Not just the buzzword of the week.
  13. Good idea.... just depends on the dates for me. But it's always nice to have a long weekend with "our gang."
  14. I'm usually not a rabble rouser but I just couldn't resist stirring the pot.... they're posting on here so seems fair
  15. There will always be competition in any product arena. It just comes down to the product quality itself. So, a quick comparison. The Ultimate Baccarat App - Combines multiple systems/tools to automatically track and make recommendations on all 4 Roads at the same time. Not just one tool on one road. Easy to contact the developer, I've been active on the forum since 2013. Available for Q/A and feedback and bug updates. For me, The App is just something I love to do. I'd keep working on it even if it wasn't on google or used by others. As evident by how many times I've upgraded the app. It all started with @BronxAl's ORE then I added an expansion to @kachatz1(4)7D and V87, @Keith Smiths Statistical Analysis for tracking trends in winning shoe scores......it continued with my own Derived Recommendations, XTB counters, Dashboards to consolidate the many systems and the Roads Dashboard to play all 4 Roads automatically at the same time....etc. The app is not just "me" its contains the decades of combined experience from the members here....."us." On my end, I've got thousands and thousands of hours into The app, more than I could ever recover.....just because I like the people here and I like doing it. I feel very strongly that "The App" is something special and writing it has been an amazing education in baccarat.
  16. Hey @Scooter @davidngo55 Gosh... we are in the same league as Microsoft, Apple and Intel now. Got knocked off by a foreign entity. I'll leave it at this: ... The Ultimate Baccarat App =
  17. I'll back ups what @kachatz1 said. If we researched all the hands that occur after Ties, I would wager it would be 50/50 over the long term.
  18. @gdpesos Great to see you joined and got the app! I wanted to handle a couple of your questions on this side, the deep dives take place in the premium forum. "Is The Ultimate Baccarat App available on iPhone?" - Short answer, no for many reasons I won't detail here. The easy solution.... Good used android devices are cheap. You can get a good Samsung Galaxy Note 5 & up on ebay or your local phone repair shop for around $100. Frame that against baccarat bets, most players have bet $100 on a single hand of baccarat. As far as where to start.... i'll send you a good link on the private side. Again... welcome!
  19. @gdpesos Welcome!!! Good talking to you on the public side. Glad you joined up. There is a "LOT" of information here. Be patient, what we do here is more like a "baccarat education" than a "baccarat system."
  20. Welcome! First thing is to browse through the free side but we always encourage folks to join up to get full access to all the content. And most importantly, access to all the members. I think @Keith Smith has a package sign up for the forum and The Ultimate Baccarat App if you click the link for "store" above...or just send him a PM. Did you see the app on the Beat The Casino you tube channel or mine? Appreciate the kind words about the app, it is a great tool that condenses and automates the decades of knowledge and experience of the members who share on here. It's designed to find anomalies that are occurring at the current time in the current game. No system works all the time on every shoe, you need several different tools in your baccarat toolbox. The app helps by automatically playing and keeping track of 100's of different statistics to find those that are working right now. If you get a chance, subscribe to the BTC you tube channel and mine as well, you will get notifications when we post new videos. https://www./youtube.com/@BeatTheCasino https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1v07lZHJ0w7vZ7qPg6_RLg
  21. Thanks for the reply @Scooter , @Railrabbit has got me hooked up this time.... but it'll definitely keep you in mind for the next time. The hotels are just getting crazy. I got an email from the Sahara for a "cyber Monday" deal yesterday. The deal was 1/2 off the resort fee $20 instead of $42.50 ... LOL
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