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Betting U1D2 Questions with Mandatory

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Lets say you are betting U1D2 at 234, does this still apply or you just start at 2 and if you lose you keep going up 23456 etc then win your 7, you go down to 5 bet.

Now if you had a mandatory and lose what happens. Lets say you win your first bet of 2, then you up to 3 and lose that, do you bet 4 on your next bet or do you restart at 2?

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Lets say you are betting U1D2 at 234, does this still apply or you just start at 2 and if you lose you keep going up 23456 etc then win your 7, you go down to 5 bet.

Now if you had a mandatory and lose what happens. Lets say you win your first bet of 2, then you up to 3 and lose that, do you bet 4 on your next bet or do you restart at 2?

The Mandatory 2 bet only comes into play when your betting sequence begins with a 1 bet and has returned to a 1 bet.

If you lose your 1 bet...you make your 2 bet as normal

If you win your 1 bet...you also follow with a 2 bet...In good shoes this can increase your winnings substantially


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what happens when you win your 1 bet and then lose the 2nd bet progression...

do you go to a 3 bet.

also has this been working well on most of the shoes as you have to win a lot of your 2 bets or at least the 3 bet.

The Mandatory 2 bet only comes into play when your betting sequence begins with a 1 bet and has returned to a 1 bet.

If you lose your 1 bet...you make your 2 bet as normal

If you win your 1 bet...you also follow with a 2 bet...In good shoes this can increase your winnings substantially


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what happens when you win your 1 bet and then lose the 2nd bet progression...

do you go to a 3 bet.

also has this been working well on most of the shoes as you have to win a lot of your 2 bets or at least the 3 bet.

You got it in one

Also...remember...Ellis only recommends introducing the Mandatory 2 option in favourable shoes

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I guess the multiple postings are due to going with a new server and should clear up.

kilieu, learn NOR first. Some of our best players only play NOR and some never bet 4. It all depends on how easy (biased) the shoes are where you are playing.

NOR uses a 123 4 progression. It is up 1 when you lose and back to 1 when you win.

It has 2 modes - M2 and M3:

M2 goes OTR (on the run) with your 3 bet - after TWO losing bets and stays OTR for 2 bets until that proves wrong. - then back to the system you are playing.

M3 goes OTR with your 4 bet - after THREE losing bets and stays OTR for ONE bet, then back to the system you are playing.

As you gain experience you will learn the difference between good shoes, bad shoes, and very good shoes. You will also learn the tricks of handling long runs like On Off On Off.

Bad shoes are what your -8 stop loss is for both for NOR and NOR+. You don't make a bet that could take you below -8. You QUIT and find a better table. So your average losing shoe should be -6 or less.

But NOR also gives you a practical way to upgrade your prog (progression) ONLY when you find yourself at a VERY GOOD table and particularly an M2 game.

NOR upgrades from 123 to 234 and then quickly to 345 but never higher.

NOR+ upgrades from U1D2 to U1D1M2 (Mandatory 2)

BUT you shouldn't be thinking about NOR+ until you are playing NOR perfectly - and WINNING.

BUT you never abandon NOR completely. There will be days, and casinos where you need it. For instance, I still play NOR 123 in Vegas and only shoot for 10 units. The shoes there are usually too trecherous for NOR+ but once in a while.....

NOR+ uses U1D2 for its basic progression. That is up 1 when you lose and down 2 when you win except you don't go below 1.

At VERY good tables NOR+ upgrades to U1D1M2 but this is usually quite rare.

The idea of upgrading is this:

We need a way of taking more advantage of very good tables to make up for the days wherein there simply are no very good tables. AND, that is usually MOST days. In Vegas it is close to every day.

BUT, learn NOR first until you can play it flawlessly. THEN you can start thinking about NOR+. OK?

And then learn NOR+ thoroughly. Then you can start thinking about upgrading to U1D1 but only in VERY good shoes. Some of our best players would never consider that because they never see very good shoes where they play. Get it?

Some, particularly our Vegas players, prefer to stick to NOR 123 because the shoes are usually tough there.

EVERYTHING about NOR is in your NOR manual but you won't have the experience to understand everything at first. As you learn and gain experience you need to keep going back and re-reading you manual, as well as the forum. Eventually you will start getting everything and start seeing the beauty of how simple it all really is.

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