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Tampa Hard Rock Single Deck

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I was just up at the Tampa Hard Rock casino and while wandering around I did notice a "single deck" blackjack game.

OK, sounds interesting, I think I'll watch.

5 guys at the table, one dealer and ONE DECK.

1 player cuts the deck and she deals out the game.

After ONE HAND, a new deck comes in play and the old deck gets sent to the shuffle machine.

This happens after each SINGLE HAND.

So, not only is it a single deck game, it is also a single hand game.

I did notice that the dealer wouldn't let players who busted their hands actually turn over their cards for the others to see. Obviously this would be an advantage to the player at 3rd base for sure.

So, is this how it's played at your local casino when dealing single deck?


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I was just up at the Tampa Hard Rock casino and while wandering around I did notice a "single deck" blackjack game.

OK, sounds interesting, I think I'll watch.

5 guys at the table, one dealer and ONE DECK.

1 player cuts the deck and she deals out the game.

After ONE HAND, a new deck comes in play and the old deck gets sent to the shuffle machine.

This happens after each SINGLE HAND.

So, not only is it a single deck game, it is also a single hand game.

I did notice that the dealer wouldn't let players who busted their hands actually turn over their cards for the others to see. Obviously this would be an advantage to the player at 3rd base for sure.

So, is this how it's played at your local casino when dealing single deck?


not seen here yet

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I was just up at the Tampa Hard Rock casino and while wandering around I did notice a "single deck" blackjack game.

OK, sounds interesting, I think I'll watch.

5 guys at the table, one dealer and ONE DECK.

1 player cuts the deck and she deals out the game.

After ONE HAND, a new deck comes in play and the old deck gets sent to the shuffle machine.

This happens after each SINGLE HAND.

So, not only is it a single deck game, it is also a single hand game.

I did notice that the dealer wouldn't let players who busted their hands actually turn over their cards for the others to see. Obviously this would be an advantage to the player at 3rd base for sure.

So, is this how it's played at your local casino when dealing single deck?


Pretty much MVS. With a single player they deal 3 hands. It is pretty dumb to play single deck with multiple players. Single deck is a good head to head game. 2 deck is much better. Most casinos have 2 deck that is not hand held so you see all the cards. I've never seen a casino enforce the no peek rule in hand held before. That is the same as admitting the cards are not random so the other cards out are meaningful. In other words its the same as admitting they are cheating. And they are but that is how we beat them. We use their own cheating against them. Of course they don't call it cheating. But try dealing non random cards in a Saturday night poker game and see what happens.

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Pretty much MVS. With a single player they deal 3 hands. It is pretty dumb to play single deck with multiple players. Single deck is a good head to head game. 2 deck is much better. Most casinos have 2 deck that is not hand held so you see all the cards. I've never seen a casino enforce the no peek rule in hand held before. That is the same as admitting the cards are not random so the other cards out are meaningful. In other words its the same as admitting they are cheating. And they are but that is how we beat them. We use their own cheating against them. Of course they don't call it cheating. But try dealing non random cards in a Saturday night poker game and see what happens.

so the more the casino cheat, the more we can win them?

i hope casino never stop cheating

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OK here is what is going on in BJ and always has been going on.

The game is rigged - always has been and right under our very noses.

It is done with the card pick up.

The dealer ALWAYS picks up the break hands first (as soon as you break she takes your cards. )

The casino party line for doing this is so that "the dealer doesn't accidently pay off a losing hand".

This is pure unadulterated bullshit and an insult to dealers everywhere.

No experienced dealer ever paid off a losing hand. The casinos are pretending a solution in search of a problem. But there is no problem. Blaming the dealers is just a cover story.

Look, there is EVERY reason to pick up ALL the hands in order. That way any disputes can immediately and automatically be settled then and there by simply reverse dealing the hands right back to the table. But they can't because they picked up the break cards out of order. So unsettled disputes abound in BJ when a total solution is immediately available.

So why do casinos do this? Because that is how they rig the game! By picking up the break cards first.

Look, break hands are mostly low cards, often lots of them. The remaining winning hands are mostly high cards. See that?

So OK lets say we have six players and 8 decks. Lets say players 1,3 and 5 break. The dealer put those hands in the discard shoe one on top of the other manufacturing a huge low card clump in the discard rack. Now she is going to pick up the remaining non break hands which are all or mostly highs, manufacturing a huge high card clump right on top of the low card clump. So the whole discard rack is now a bunch of high and low clumps. See that?

Now it gets a little tricky because the completed discard rack is going to get shuffled. It would take all day to shuffle those clumps out and back to a random condition. So they don't. They only shuffle twice usually, sometimes 3 times and sometimes only once in the more outrageous casinos. That only serves to INCREASE clumping as high clumps get shuffled against high clumps and lows against lows creating clumps twice as long. See that?

Why do casinos do this? Simple, because they know that clumping destroys Basic Strategy and they know that every player in the casino is relying on Basic Strategy because that is what their stupid $10 BJ books or their scam BJ forums taught them. Everyone is either wittingly or unwittingly in on it. It is freaking organized against the player - always has been. Perfect Basic Strategy loses perfectly!

But Ellis, what about shuffle machines?

The shuffle machines are brilliantly designed to duplicate 2 hand shuffles. They weren't always. They had to go back to the drawing board 3 times to get it right. The first machines actually randomized the cards so BS beat them and the casinos lost their shirts. The casinos immediately threw them out. I know because I was right there watching this whole fiasco. It took years to design accommodating shuffle machines but eventually they got them right. Yep, the shuffle machine manufacturers are in on the scam too. Hollywood is in on it. Everybody is in on it except the unwitting player.

But Ellis, the government - stop right there. The government is enjoying huge tax windfalls at your expense. Billionaires own the casinos. The same billionaires that own the government and control the whole Republican party and a sorry good share of the Democratic party. They are NOT going to help you. They are part of the problem. If our government was funtioning it would be closing casinos that cheat. But it is NOT functioning and hasn't been for a long time.

Sorry to have to break the news to you so harshly but here's the deal. You've got ONE thing going for you and ONE thing only. You found me.

You are in MY world now. And I thrive in the real casino world and have been doing so for 40 years.

I'm all you got!

But on the other hand, I'm the best there is!

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OK here is what is going on in BJ and always has been going on.

The game is rigged - always has been and right under our very noses.

It is done with the card pick up.

The dealer ALWAYS picks up the break hands first (as soon as you break she takes your cards. )

The casino party line for doing this is so that "the dealer doesn't accidently pay off a losing hand".

This is pure unadulterated bullshit and an insult to dealers everywhere.

No experienced dealer ever paid off a losing hand. The casinos are pretending a solution in search of a problem. But there is no problem. Blaming the dealers is just a cover story.

Look, there is EVERY reason to pick up ALL the hands in order. That way any disputes can immediately and automatically be settled then and there by simply reverse dealing the hands right back to the table. But they can't because they picked up the break cards out of order. So unsettled disputes abound in BJ when a total solution is immediately available.

So why do casinos do this? Because that is how they rig the game! By picking up the break cards first.

Look, break hands are mostly low cards, often lots of them. The remaining winning hands are mostly high cards. See that?

So OK lets say we have six players and 8 decks. Lets say players 1,3 and 5 break. The dealer put those hands in the discard shoe one on top of the other manufacturing a huge low card clump in the discard rack. Now she is going to pick up the remaining non break hands which are all or mostly highs, manufacturing a huge high card clump right on top of the low card clump. So the whole discard rack is now a bunch of high and low clumps. See that?

Now it gets a little tricky because the completed discard rack is going to get shuffled. It would take all day to shuffle those clumps out and back to a random condition. So they don't. They only shuffle twice usually, sometimes 3 times and sometimes only once in the more outrageous casinos. That only serves to INCREASE clumping as high clumps get shuffled against high clumps and lows against lows creating clumps twice as long. See that?

Why do casinos do this? Simple, because they know that clumping destroys Basic Strategy and they know that every player in the casino is relying on Basic Strategy because that is what their stupid $10 BJ books or their scam BJ forums taught them. Everyone is either wittingly or unwittingly in on it. It is freaking organized against the player - always has been. Perfect Basic Strategy loses perfectly!

But Ellis, what about shuffle machines?

The shuffle machines are brilliantly designed to duplicate 2 hand shuffles. They weren't always. They had to go back to the drawing board 3 times to get it right. The first machines actually randomized the cards so BS beat them and the casinos lost their shirts. The casinos immediately threw them out. I know because I was right there watching this whole fiasco. It took years to design accommodating shuffle machines but eventually they got them right. Yep, the shuffle machine manufacturers are in on the scam too. Hollywood is in on it. Everybody is in on it except the unwitting player.

But Ellis, the government - stop right there. The government is enjoying huge tax windfalls at your expense. Billionaires own the casinos. The same billionaires that own the government and control the whole Republican party and a sorry good share of the Democratic party. They are NOT going to help you. They are part of the problem. If our government was funtioning it would be closing casinos that cheat. But it is NOT functioning and hasn't been for a long time.

Sorry to have to break the news to you so harshly but here's the deal. You've got ONE thing going for you and ONE thing only. You found me.

You are in MY world now. And I thrive in the real casino world and have been doing so for 40 years.

I'm all you got!

But on the other hand, I'm the best there is!

what happen if we lost you

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Sign up up for the bj webinair.consider this an apprenticeship into the world of gambling.ellis is giving us the tools and education,its our job to apply the rules to whatever game we are playing.the biggest fraud out there are the colleges and universities they take your 40 thousand a year and guarantee you nothing in return.you can't even take a course over for free.they don't show you any tricks of the trade and your job is to carry on with some old out dated inferior text.now,with ellis you can start earning$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ overnight.give it a try.

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Sign up up for the bj webinair.consider this an apprenticeship into the world of gambling.ellis is giving us the tools and education,its our job to apply the rules to whatever game we are playing.the biggest fraud out there are the colleges and universities they take your 40 thousand a year and guarantee you nothing in return.you can't even take a course over for free.they don't show you any tricks of the trade and your job is to carry on with some old out dated inferior text.now,with ellis you can start earning$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ overnight.give it a try.

i think should focus on getting nor seen i am so close to that. bj still very complicating to me right now, i think i should master nor 4D and stable down first , then go for bj class with professor.

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Sign up up for the bj webinair.consider this an apprenticeship into the world of gambling.ellis is giving us the tools and education,its our job to apply the rules to whatever game we are playing.the biggest fraud out there are the colleges and universities they take your 40 thousand a year and guarantee you nothing in return.you can't even take a course over for free.they don't show you any tricks of the trade and your job is to carry on with some old out dated inferior text.now,with ellis you can start earning$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ overnight.give it a try.

Good post. My wife has a Master's degree and makes 8 bucks an hour.

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Sign up up for the bj webinair.consider this an apprenticeship into the world of gambling.ellis is giving us the tools and education,its our job to apply the rules to whatever game we are playing.the biggest fraud out there are the colleges and universities they take your 40 thousand a year and guarantee you nothing in return.you can't even take a course over for free.they don't show you any tricks of the trade and your job is to carry on with some old out dated inferior text.now,with ellis you can start earning$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ overnight.give it a try.

Notice: Regardless whether you never played BJ before or whether you are an experienced NBJ Player, in this Webinar I'm going to reveal my never revealed before, tracking secret that I use in every game I play, every hand, in fact every card dealt. It is so easy a 3 year old could do it. But it makes you a master of the game and is the best way to know the dealer's hole card without cheating. It is the essence of how I accrued the best all time BJ play record on this planet. It is not in ANY manual. It is only in my head. I never revealed it before. It was always my little secret - the one thing I kept to myself. But I'm getting too old now to keep secrets any longer. I can teach you this in 5 minutes. It could change your life. But I'm never going to reveal it on the forum - just in BJ Webinars. That is only what is fair for the Webinar attendees.

How do you sign up? Scroll to the very top of this page to Upcomming Events and hit BTC.com BJ Event.

This Webinar is open to anyone and everyone whether you are a Private BJ member or not. Prior training or experience is NOT required.

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The best knowledge don't come FREE, and require a bit of investment and getting the right direction/instruction which may take you years to acquire/discover yourself but a short time to learn from the one who already knows and once you know how - how much that knowledge is worth to you is only for you decide... ;-)

There's a lot if free stuff out there but also a lot of bad advice...

Choose to Learn from the best people who actually knows how to play the games and not from those who just talk, teach, write books, and don't play at all and win consistently thus losing often...

Would you ask an Investor to invest your money who doesn't invest themselves? Would you as a trader who doesn't trade with his own money? Would you ask a brick layer to teach you to fly a plane? ...

Some of the reasons I'm joining in the seminar...


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Notice: Regardless whether you never played BJ before or whether you are an experienced NBJ Player, in this Webinar I'm going to reveal my never revealed before, tracking secret that I use in every game I play, every hand, in fact every card dealt. It is so easy a 3 year old could do it. But it makes you a master of the game and is the best way to know the dealer's hole card without cheating. It is the essence of how I accrued the best all time BJ play record on this planet. It is not in ANY manual. It is only in my head. I never revealed it before. It was always my little secret - the one thing I kept to myself. But I'm getting too old now to keep secrets any longer. I can teach you this in 5 minutes. It could change your life. But I'm never going to reveal it on the forum - just in BJ Webinars. That is only what is fair for the Webinar attendees.

How do you sign up? Scroll to the very top of this page to Upcomming Events and hit BTC.com BJ Event.

This Webinar is open to anyone and everyone whether you are a Private BJ member or not. Prior training or experience is NOT required.

can i still buy this webiner after 30 nov i still waiting for pay day atlest a video for me pls

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