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Somewhere Over The Rainbow

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member

THE WIZARD OF OZ...a Movie, released in 1939, 75 years ago.

Likely most of you have heard of it.

Likely most of you have seen it.

Likely we should All watch it again.

Very relative to our current game of choice...Baccarat.


Because at every table, there is a player with Brains, a player with Heart, and a player with Courage.

In the movie, represented by The TinMan, The Scarecrow and The Lion.

Also, a bunch of Monkeys ( the other players at the table), a couple of witches ( the good dealer/bad dealer, and the PitBoss), and of course, OZ ( Ellis)

We, my friends, are Dorothy.

About now, I know you think I am off my rocker.

About now, Big Vic is thinking."WTF" ??

About now, Pipecub is wondering whether -or- not to go " all in "

But, for the vast majority of you, you know

I am not "off my rocker"

I am not full of myself, I just want to help you WIN ( like this forum has helped me)

And never, ever go "all in"

So, what does Dorothy have to do with playing Baccarat?

LOTS...a whole bunch....amazing the analogies ....

1) She finds herself in a " mythological land" , one she barely understands , one she only in time learns is but a mirage.

YES, this is THE CASINO.

2) Throughout the movie, she encounters a host of characters, some of which are mentioned above, some of which are not.

THINK " real hard" , and you will realize these are the people who populate THE CASINO.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, these are the personalities who most contribute to this forum.

3) And then, after all her trials-and -tribulations, and no matter whom she meets, whatever their particular circumstance, she realizes ther-is-no-place-like-home

-and this is our home...

So what does this have to winning a lot of money at the Baccarat Table?

A lot.

A whole lot.

(a) there is no rainbow

( B) if there were, there would be no such game

© most of the time, even in the course of a single shoe, we all find ourselves playing the role of The Scarecrow, The Tin Man,The Lion

And YES, even Dorothy.

And of course OZ.

We are among the very privileged few who know how to " earn " our seat at the table every time we sit down.

Lots of concern here lately about The Wizard.

Lots of " wondering aloud" whether Steve Austin was really the SixMillion$$Man...and we have to settle for only 5????

Lots of bleary-eyed confusion over 4D, and nobody seems to have the keys to the Kingdom....

Maybe it's time to go back to Kansas.....click our heels, and it will all be OK?


Too many people looking for the quick fix.

Too much focus on 30-in-30, or their next million " overnight"

Sorry to disappoint, but this forum is not about BunsOfSteel, this is not WaitUntilDark (google, don't ask me to explain....please)

But YES, we are all looking/seeking that Rainbow...it is out there, but it is not about a single rain-shower somehow producing an ever-present pot of gold.

It's WORK, and it will be WORK , for as long, and as often, as you choose to play.

And WIN.

And YES, just like Dorothy and her friends pulled back the curtain on OZ, it is in fact all right here in this forum.

It's already here, if you just take the time to look for it.

And even you can't seem to find it, you know how to ask for it.


Good luck to you all!

I really DO wish you all the best ( especially those of you willing to work for it, because that is truly what it will take...)

And you think I am kidding about watching a movie made 75 years ago can help you become a better Baccarat player?

Well, how about you watch it again, or for the first time, and then re-read this post..........

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Love it, Kevin! I miss your trips to Biloxi and our discussions about Bacarat as well as playing/visiting together. With Norm gone now too, I don't have the same drive to hit Biloxi. PJ and Zebra finally came to sample Biloxi, as well as PompanoMike. Much more fun playing with someone who can recognize what a shoe appears to be doing and then play accordingly. Again, love your thought provoking comments.


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FWIW - I've found that ANYTHING you do in life there is always SOMETHING you can learn from it. The most boring seminars I've ever attended for work where I thought would be a waste of time, I was at least able to abstract SOMETHING useful that I didn't know before. Not making the seminar worth the cost, mind you, but at least I LEARNED something.

And yes, for a few really bad ones the only thing I learned was to NOT do that one again LOL....



"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration...do your homework" Thomas A. Edison

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member

Big Vic knows it....

By now, after being a member for over 5 years, he understands what " baccarat power" is...and what it isn't

There is no magical answer to anything.

There is no answer to every encounter, everything/ every " play" sequence one finds in the millions of 8-deck shoes' possibilities.

You are right, there is no magic.

But that is not why we are here.

Sure, we all want it on a silver platter.

We want our cake, and the stamina to " eat it , too"

So many of us join the forum, thinking it will be Nirvana.

Well, look what happened to Kurt Cobain...and you think Coutney Love is gonna dig you out of the next B45434, after a series of P1111221212122111, you got another thing coming..

Ain't gonna happen my friend.

Norm knew it.

Pompano Mike is starting to " get it"

And way2fast is already miles head of the game...

So, what to do?

Read/study/practice ( I know, Allen Iverson, and all that...) your NOR manual.

You paid for it.

You have read many times about players earning back its cost in their first session.

But, will you put in the time?

No? Best of luck understanding 4D, 5million, la-de-da...


The Casino becomes your de-facto ATM...

Dorothy finally got it. I hope you do 2.

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
Love it, Kevin! I miss your trips to Biloxi and our discussions about Bacarat as well as playing/visiting together. With Norm gone now too, I don't have the same drive to hit Biloxi. PJ and Zebra finally came to sample Biloxi, as well as PompanoMike. Much more fun playing with someone who can recognize what a shoe appears to be doing and then play accordingly. Again, love your thought provoking comments.


Never met him, but you'll recall the time you called me on the phone about Norm.

And PJ and Zebra all coming to Biloxi for a weekend...

When you called, I was already at the aero puerto, heading to Vegas....

A day earlier, I would have planned to be there...

Two days earlier, I would have rented the limo to pick them all up at the airport.

There is nothing, N.O.T. H. I. N.G. Experience playing can be replaced by a baccarat manual.


A Baccarat manual written by the good doctor E. will get one thru all but 2% of Bacc's toughest situations..

I know everyone on this forum can read.

Just do they think it fiction? Or Non - fiction.

THAT is the question...

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