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Best Way Surgical Strike Approach I think

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Wait for a player 3 in a row, bet a negative progression that they will not deal three more player three in rows in the same game. Which means after the next potential three in a row bet Player with 1 unit , if you lose wait till the next player potential three in a row and bet Banker with a 2 bet etc.

You can do it with two in a rows if you want to but if they deal the terrible twos consistently you may get caught more often.


P313(potential) - Next bet on Banker last three is a potential three a hand to be dealt could go to 4 or go to Banker P3131 or P314

You don't really have to play score cards simply look at the number of three in a rows if preceeded by a 1, 2 or 3 and there are 4 of them you would have lost the progression.

This is what it loses to




and any combinations of 1,2 and 3s on Banker before the three in a rows.


Edited by Keith Smith
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Wait for a player 3 in a row, bet a negative progression that they will not deal three more player three in rows in the same game. Which means after the next potential three in a row bet Banker with 1 unit , if you lose wait till the next player potential three in a row and bet Banker with a 2 bet etc.

You can do it with two in a rows if you want to but if they deal the terrible twos consistently you may get caught more often. In addition if you do it on player you have the advantage of the card rules that favor banker.


P313(potential) - Next bet on Banker last three is a potential three a hand to be dealt could go to 4 or go to Banker P3131 or P314

You don't really have to play score cards simply look at the number of three in a rows if preceeded by a 1, 2 or 3 and there are 4 of them you would have lost the progression.

This is what it loses to




and any combinations of 1,2 and 3s on Banker before the three in a rows.


So here is (again I might note) one of the problems with creating a system on the fly. What Keith describes is considerably different than what Ellis has put forth as the principal tenants of MDB+. Are you guys together on this? Ellis, I have not heard from you regarding the shoes I played with your MDB+ rules. Should I just post them?

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I take it that your Surgical Strike Approach is a totally different approach to MDB+(as per Ellis's rules) although it is an element of the same system and could be considered a more conservative and selective method of play.Is that correct ?

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Wait for a player 3 in a row, bet a negative progression that they will not deal three more player three in rows in the same game. Which means after the next potential three in a row bet Banker with 1 unit , if you lose wait till the next player potential three in a row and bet Banker with a 2 bet etc.

You can do it with two in a rows if you want to but if they deal the terrible twos consistently you may get caught more often. In addition if you do it on player you have the advantage of the card rules that favor banker.


P313(potential) - Next bet on Banker last three is a potential three a hand to be dealt could go to 4 or go to Banker P3131 or P314

You don't really have to play score cards simply look at the number of three in a rows if preceeded by a 1, 2 or 3 and there are 4 of them you would have lost the progression.

This is what it loses to




and any combinations of 1,2 and 3s on Banker before the three in a rows.


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OK here are the shoes from the Hard Rock and Aria. I didn't play the ones with only 1 and 2 in a rows as the bet would never be placed. I didn't play the one that Mike posted as it had all 1 and 2 in a rows so you would never make a bet. This is ultra conservative way to play it.

I mis-stated earlier if you play it on the Banker side you get the benefit of the banker hit rules if you play it on player you do not.

Ellis is working on it for a multiple approach on 2 events. The up side of this is low risk if you have patience.







Edited by Keith Smith
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Very creative approach to minimizing risk. Those shoes are tough. I've had some luck betting that the 2 will appear after the first 3, but this has not been infallible.

A few questions.

On the 1st scan, first shoe why is there no bet on 52 as that is 4 player.

On 4th scan, first shoe. Where is the trigger that tells you to bet 30. I see no 3 player.

On 5th scan, second shoe. What is the trigger that tells you Tibet on 27. I see no 3 player.



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Very creative approach to minimizing risk. Those shoes are tough. I've had some luck betting that the 2 will appear after the first 3, but this has not been infallible.

A few questions.

On the 1st scan, first shoe why is there no bet on 52 as that is 4 player.

The player run before that was a 4 in a row not a three

On 4th scan, first shoe. Where is the trigger that tells you to bet 30. I see no 3 player.

That was a mistake

On 5th scan, second shoe. What is the trigger that tells you Tibet on 27. I see no 3 player.

I counted the start of the game as the first three on player.



Thanks Keith

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Well, OK, it is a way to play if your objective is 1 unit.

Look, it is not about Keith's way or my way or anybody's way.

It is about the best way to make 5 units to satisfy the MDB goal.

The problem left glaring at us here is that on avg there are only 2 Player 3 iars in a full shoe.

So on avg you only get a chance to bet 2 progs. But you can't start a prog late in the shoe that only wins on Player 4+ iars because chances are you'll not have enough shoe to finish your prog.

And any unfinished prog is a losing prog. Game over!

Some shoes you won't get a chance to bet at all. Other shoes you won't get a chance to finish the prog you started.

I see no advantage of just reacting to Player runs because you end up betting on Player 4+iars. So you are betting on P, not B.

With all due respect, I think we can make 5 units just as safely as 1 with the right rules.

I'll start a new thread about exactly what those rules need to be based on complete mathematical analysis.

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This is just a thought based off the original secondary rules progression just a different way to play due to the high win rate of our original secondary prog. As for play 40 cut off it was two banks for the first one and a BAnker Player for the second one for 39 and 40. Remember these are Mikes ARia and hard rock shoes he posted.

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The rules for those who ask are simple. After you see a three in a row on player ( you could do the same thing on Banker or you could do it on both which is simply then the secondary progression rules for MDB) bet that the game will not produce 3 more player 3 in a rows consecutively before dealing a 4 in a row. You could alternatively bet that that game will produce a 2 in a row before the next 3.

You do this by simply waiting for the first 3 on player. When the potential two in a row happens bet a negative progression by betting the 2 will stay a 2 if that looses bet the 3 will go to a 4.

I posted an example what I mean. I find it to be a good way to play if you like to wait for opportunity and spot bet. In pre-shuffled random cards, the game is not predictable so no trend occurs and you will see randomness. It will be rare to see all potential twos stay twos and all potential three stay threes. You could ply this way through out the game.


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