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Hi all

I will be posting some shoes from touch games in New Zealand later

today but yesterday I saw a touch game (using factory prepared cards)

deal up 22 bankers in a row. I was playing another table and could not

get near the action - the players were 3 deep around the table



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  • 2 weeks later...

I've never seen 22 bankers in a row - I've seen 13 in a row.

Here's another example of baccarat hands.

Yesterday I was playing MDB+ and two -five in a rows came up. I'm thinking "this is great! I'll just bet that the next four in a row won't go to five."

I knew this was a good MDB+ bet, because I was at the same casino the previous week and of the three games I played, each game had fours go to five or more only twice each game.

So, when the next four in row, I bet opposite and don't you know, it was a repeat - five in row. Now I'm thinking "this is still good - that's three-five in a rows - next bet should be gold."

I patiently waited until the NEXT four in row showed, I bet correctly in my progression, and...here it comes....but, no...five in a row AGAIN. That made four - five in a rows without a four in a row in between. Now, I'm thinking "what the heck!!??"

Game continues and here comes yet another four in row. I bet according to MDB+ rules. And here's what happened....five in a row. (!!??) That made five - five in rows without a four in a row. What are the odds?

Oh well. (Sigh). It didn't hurt too much, because I had won my MDB+ bets on each of the two previous games. (7 units total), so I was even for the day.


***Sidenote regarding MDB+

Remember how I mentioned the games from the previous week rarely went over four in a row.

I replayed my games from the previous week, using OTB4L - and won a lot of units (on paper), so I tried playing OTB4L in addition to MDB+ this week. OTB4L did not do well at all for this weeks games, but MDB+ came out on top.

Have a Great New Year!!!

Abby N

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I think Ellis explained that this was the less successful of the MDB+ bets and he

replaced that bet with another scenario (see the MDB+ rules thread)

The other risk is that the opportunity for that bet is often limited and sometimes

we can play it once or twice in the progression, and run out of opportunities

to bet a third time. I have personally dropped that bet from my options.

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Hi Brad

There are 3 genuine casino's in NZ, Auckland, Hamilton and Christchurch

There 2 other very small boutique ones in Queenstown and Dunedin

I play in Auckland and yes they use pre-shuffled cards on the $50 and higher tables,

The $10 and $25 tables have continuous shuffling machines or automatic

shuffling machines

The cards (as Ellis said) are totally different if they are pre-shuffled.

I have played in Perth and Gold Coast in Australia but it was a long time ago



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I've never seen 22 bankers in a row - I've seen 13 in a row.

Here's another example of baccarat hands.

Yesterday I was playing MDB+ and two -five in a rows came up. I'm thinking "this is great! I'll just bet that the next four in a row won't go to five."

I knew this was a good MDB+ bet, because I was at the same casino the previous week and of the three games I played, each game had fours go to five or more only twice each game.

So, when the next four in row, I bet opposite and don't you know, it was a repeat - five in row. Now I'm thinking "this is still good - that's three-five in a rows - next bet should be gold."

I patiently waited until the NEXT four in row showed, I bet correctly in my progression, and...here it comes....but, no...five in a row AGAIN. That made four - five in a rows without a four in a row in between. Now, I'm thinking "what the heck!!??"

Game continues and here comes yet another four in row. I bet according to MDB+ rules. And here's what happened....five in a row. (!!??) That made five - five in rows without a four in a row. What are the odds?

Oh well. (Sigh). It didn't hurt too much, because I had won my MDB+ bets on each of the two previous games. (7 units total), so I was even for the day.


***Sidenote regarding MDB+

Remember how I mentioned the games from the previous week rarely went over four in a row.

I replayed my games from the previous week, using OTB4L - and won a lot of units (on paper), so I tried playing OTB4L in addition to MDB+ this week. OTB4L did not do well at all for this weeks games, but MDB+ came out on top.

Have a Great New Year!!!

Abby N

Hi Abby! I've seen 27Ps once (Turning Stone in central NY) and I've seen 26 many times. But experienced casinos have found a way to avoid long runs. Back in the early '90s when I was playing AC full time, I saw 20+iar every day.

But re YOUR shoe: For a lot of technical reasons that aren't important, every now and then we see a shoe impossibly high in Repeats.

Everybody gets such shoes sooner or later. They are a golden opportunity.

Sometimes these shoes also have long ZZ runs - play TB4L

But more often they are simply too many straight long runs. Drop everything and just bet Repeats. Punish the bastards!

You can use an aggressive progression like 345!

Back in the '90s when we saw long runs daily I used to teach my students when we saw such shoes to bet an up as you win Fibonaci.

2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 100 100 100 until you lose

When ever you lost a bet you drop two rungs on the ladder and keep on trucking

One of my more infamous students, Sherry Pelzman, pulled this off in Vegas.

She still holds our record for the highest shoe win: 425 units!

Yep, she was playing black!

Look, every single one of us has these opportunities.

Drop everything and play the opportunity for all its worth!

It will definitely make your day!

Edited by Ellis
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Drop everything and play the opportunity for all its worth!

It will definitely make your day!

Hello Ellis! Thanks for your feedback!

I like to try the NOR system sometimes, but it seems as soon as I jump in, the game will change and I get discouraged from playing. I need a little kick sometimes to go after the opportunities when they present themselves. Thanks!

I like playing MDB+ the best because the rules are simple and the win rate is high.

When the rules for MDB 2Hi are published, I'll be sure and play it along with MDB+.

I'm still practicing and playing 10 and 25 dollar units. One of these weeks, things will start clicking away and baccarat will start making money for me.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge and all the great systems!

Abby N

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