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Launch of Stats for Profits Interface and Downloads

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We have finished the Stats for Profits Interface and also the Downloads as an additional benefit of BeatTheCasino.com.


Some of the tools (and by the way will always be under development adding new features) are show below after you log in.




You can enter a shoe, display a shoe already entered, display a shoe as a score card BUT Most importantly display shoe statistics.


In the interface,  we have loaded the Zumma tester and 1000s of shoes from casinos and also from random generators.





The interface will play MDB and 221 from any casino you chose and show you the statistics and the bets. Our goal is to have every approach entered and have it play the games for you.  Here is a screen shot.  Red bets are losers green are winners.




With so many outstanding features one must get into it and experiment to fully understand all of its functionality. This will help you win virtually at any casino in the world.


That’s the high level Stats For Profits, in addition we added the Downloads section.  We are offering you all the materials we have to include,  221, Precision Blackjack, Blackjack 101, Seminar Videos and every training video in an effort to encourage participation to make this the place to find information, experiment with new approaches and offer it at a reasonable price. 


This ongoing approach has to be a model that will work and promote good will and participation.  Our promise is that our content will be uploaded to the downloads section and available to all who subscribe for a modest fee.  In addition all destination seminars will be free. 


How much well if you sign up this month ( and yes it’s a month to month subscription) you get everything we have.  No more add ons and $1000 dollar manuals.  We can make money in the casino, what we are trying to promote is a think tank where we all share and develop ideas, which was my original vision.



We are well aware that someone could sign up for a month and download everything but in the end they probably aren’t a real player and not interested in learning all you can anyway.


So join us and participate.  You can sign up here it will automatically provision your account for access and then join us on Sunday for the Stats for Profits training seminar online.  You must be logged in as an MDB memebr to get the $25 price.  

The code will not work for any one else. 


MDB members can lock in a discounted price of $25.00 a month if you sign up before Feb 1st. It will auto provision you to get into Stats for Profits with your same username and password as you have here.  Use this discount code with out the quotes "LaunchDiscount".  Join here for all the Downloads and the Stats for Profits 




We will be holding a FREE online training seminar on Downloads and Stats for Profits on Sunday at 12;30 PM EST. Sign up after you join on the link below.



Here we Go



Keith & Mike



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Hi All , I have some questions about the new subscription. I logged on to pay for the monthly subscription and typed in the launch discount code and it changed the fee from $49.95 TO THE $25 like it was supposed to. I then noticed that it said the amount due in Feb was $49.95.  My question is, I thought at the Vegas seminar it was mentioned that we would continue to get that discount. Maybe I mis understood or I missed something on the new signup page. Thanks for your help!

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member

We'll fix it.  The intention is for the MDB members who sign up before February 1st to be at $25 for life.  $49.95 is the regular subscriber price.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.  Figure out a way to win at baccarat that fits your lifestyle, you don't have to eat fish anymore!

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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member
On ‎1‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 9:17 PM, Keith Smith said:

We are trying to find the setting where it discounts every month sit tight


We believe the issue is now fixed.  MDB members can sign up now without using a coupon and it will show the correct price.  Existing purchases should renew at the proper price as well.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.  Figure out a way to win at baccarat that fits your lifestyle, you don't have to eat fish anymore!

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The discount issue seems to be cleared up, but when I got to the checkout page and hit the button to pay, next screen said there was an error in processing the payment. No option was shown on how or where to enter the payment...it just went to an error message saying the payment could not be processed...

Is this a problem with others or am I doing something wrong ?




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  • Baccarat Hall of Fame Member


On ‎1‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 11:37 PM, RickK said:

This is the message you get when you hit the Place Order and Pay button..

"There was an error processing the payment. Please try a different payment method or contact us for assistance"

No option to pay ever appears...just this message..

@RickK This has also now been fixed.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.  Figure out a way to win at baccarat that fits your lifestyle, you don't have to eat fish anymore!

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On 1/15/2016 at 11:37 PM, RickK said:

This is the message you get when you hit the Place Order and Pay button..

"There was an error processing the payment. Please try a different payment method or contact us for assistance"

No option to pay ever appears...just this message..

Ok we are all set now the subscriptions work




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