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joeystyle last won the day on September 9 2011

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About joeystyle

  • Birthday 05/08/1961

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  1. I do apologize greatly Mr Oz...I never encountered Dean. Some how I missed this bastard on my gullible tour after wandering off BTC forum and buying a bunch of crap scam Bacc systems in creation..I thank the good Lord for me giving the common sense to come back and learn from Keith,yourself, Andrea,Way2,Kenny,,McVince,CT70, PapaJo, the late Norm, etc....true masters of Baccarat.
  2. Mille grazie, Andrea! You revealed more insight to what made Norm a once in a generation player, similar to Lionel Messi or LeBron James. Norm considered and saw things most of us do not pick up on. Will work with this more and add it to what I'm learning from the experts like yourself. . As many answers you posed here, there are another 1000 questions that this discussion would open up. Joey
  3. Some of the oriignal contributors to this forum assisted Ellis to fine tune SAP as we know it today. They all had success in using it in one form or another, and have shared it openly here so people like myself can take advantage of it. NOT finding ways that we could use SAP to our benefit in the long run could be our nemesis. There is a tremendous amount of information that is being expressed here overall. I wish I knew how to do this myself, if there are other members who have time and know how, to sub divide the 3 MDB method presentations (including SAP) post shoes with explanations in separate sections, this would be so much easier to navigate and comprehend fully. Not sure if this question has been answered in any of the threads pertaining to MDB, will there be a video version offered for sale regarding the June 24th Vegas Seminar? Some of us may have scheduling conflicts and will not be able to attend.
  4. Excellent suggestion by GMAN! Lets separate the 3 different applications of Million Dollar Baccarat into their own individual threads. Also, we need to discuss the when to enter a shoe already in progress, the determining factors of entering, and the reasoning behind applying one of three methods. Also, you are sitting at a table at the beginning of a shoe, do we sit tight for first 10 or 15 decisions before we jump in? Some Casinos as Ellis and others have mentioned in the past, would like to deter a player from just sitting there not betting at all for long stretches.
  5. Ellis I personally believe what you are offering to teach us here at the BTC community is a major survival mechanism to combat Casinos at their own game. Let's put this into perspective. We are speaking in terms of striving for an ultimate goal of accumulating a million dollars..and all you are asking for is $150. 00 USD As many of my fellow members here, I also see Baccarat as a BUSINESS. How many businesses can you start up with such vast potential for a very low price in return? This is a no brainer! Joey
  6. I'm in Atlantic City tonight celebrating my birthday..I really don't know how to play this method yet. But, here is a shoe that was played @ table a few minutes ago. if anyone would like to play this out and give me a detailed explanation of what I could have done, I would be very grateful..thanks Joey P 112121141231 B 2 4 1112 2 3 2 1 B 12 3 3 1 2
  7. I am a bit confused as to when this will become a private forum, since I am registered and have paid. I anxiously await for the lessons, questions and answers phase to begin under the direction of Ellis. Ciao Joey
  8. I thought I registered for the 4D Forum, but for some reason I was not granted access to see any of the 7 threads posted.
  9. I wanted to share this with my fellow members. I thought this only happened in the movies http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/atlantic_city_casino_refuses_unshuffled_0VG0DaxjuLxUDUFaWcYYqL Ciao Joey
  10. I had the ultimate time meeting the Baccarat Masters and my fellow BTC members. Excellent suggestion, Blutri. This something I have been advocating for about six months here on BTC. I believe that it would be the most efficient way of reaching a global audience. In addition, for illustrative purposes only, one of the live dealers BJ websites can be used to reinforce what has been taught in webinar and manuals. And for those who do not watch it live, Keith and Eliis could market a downloadable version of it at another point in time. A separate Baccarat webinar could be marketed. Thus, another revenue stream opportunity. Hope I am not off base here. Ciao Joey
  11. While at the Atlantic City Seminar, Keith had asked a few attendees if we had any suggestions about how to increase membership in BTC. I believe both Ellis and Keith should re-evaluate their business model. We all paid a LIFETIME membership here. I am not sure what the amount was five years ago in comparison to now, but does it really matter? There is no need for the Principals here to go out and try to recruit new members. YOU HAVE THEM ALREADY!! People who are really serious about improving their BAC or Blackjack skills want to get access EVEN MORE valuable and proven methods that would be used to make extra $$ playing either or both table games. Many persons pay for a nutritionist,personal trainer, golf or tennis instructor, or a tutor for our kids. I purpose a higher level membership of BTC. It would a MONTHLY FEE based version where only lifetime members would eligible to participate. As members we would get top flight instruction from Ellis,Keith and other experts they would enlist to assist us in become as good as BAC or Blackjack player we could be. Instruction would include written materials to go along with video presentations that could all go back and reference. There would be a forum to ask questions and exchange thoughts, and any follow ups from Ellis and Keith to make sure we are all on the same page. This would be constantly evolving thing where there wasn't much time lag in particpation. My time is worth money and so in return the people I am paying the monthly fee to also would feel the same way. Leonard Benson had this bright idea about 28 months ago of having a 6 hour a LIVE Online Seminar. It never got off the ground because not enough persons (other than myself and few scant others) wanted to do it. I think this is something to ponder as far as seminars go since members live across this country and in some cases, across the globe. Our time when we do schedule for us together at some Casino will be totally centered on actual play rather than part instruction/part playing. Internet seminar would cost less to operate and savings would passed on to the participants. It's a win win situation. The point I am trying to make here is that I believe there are enough persons like myself that want to learn as much as there is to know how to really beat the crap out a Casino on a consistent basis. What I have been taught so far here, gives more confidence than ever. But, if I can go another level, I will pay for what is needed to get me there. Am I totally off base here? Ciao Joey
  12. I for one feel so much more enlightened attending the AC NOR Seminar. The principles that Ellis presented during the seminar were what I expected from a master player and professor. He and Keith have experienced it all at Casinos. They know what works and what fatal errors made over time will quickly erode your bankroll. What I gained most from this weekend was learning table management skills. Such as if you are in profit say 3,4 or 5 units and you are deep in the second column, take your win and wait for the next shoe. Observing Keith play enough demonstrated taking what the shoe gives you and ceasing your play. There are other shoes to come don't look to conquer it all one shoe. Or, if by chance you experience a shoe from hell and are down 7 or 8 units, do yourself a major favor and STOP! Seriously, just leave the table and go find another one that has exploit potential. We all have read Ellis tells us that if you are down 8 units in a shoe, chances are not high you will recover fully and get back to 0. This is golden advice. Ellis just knows! I realize this is a long post,but I think there were so many elements to this weekend that should be pointed out. Such as really learning to play NOR & SAP in unison. Paul (Zebra) gave a real thorough explanation during the Seminar of SAP which was originally created and further enhanced by Ellis. I saw Paul personally rack up to around a high 23 units in a shoe using this style of play. If there isn't much disparity between the individual event counters then it shouldn't be utilized and stick to NOR. I made an incredible breakthrough by the end of my 3rd day in AC. I am a real chicken bleep when it comes to placing a 3 unit bet on the felts. I have some sort of phobia of doing so in the past. But, I really want to thank Donna for emphasizing that believe in what you are doing with NOR. Ellis has stated if you have to go 3 units quite often in a shoe, you seriously have to think serious of exiting the shoe. By the third day I was going to 3 units and bagging some to make me feel more comfortable to use it in my future play. This within itself was worth attending the seminar. The insights you receive at the Seminar are priceless.In addition,the fellow players you meet and with exchange of ideas you form a better foundation to your Baccarat play. I am a reformed serial purchaser of Baccarat systems. I will admit I was a sucker. The operative word here is "was". What Ellis and Keith teach and utilize is sound and reasonable. Their methods work consistently. They are not one trick ponies with just one style of play and you either sink or swim with it. If you haven't attended a seminar, go to the next one. And if you done so in the past, go again. You will only be surrounded by the best and most knowledgeable players and mentors in the business in Ellis and Keith. Ciao Joey
  13. Just an observation as I was passing by a Black Jack table at Harrahs in AC the other night. They a have digital version of it in which players have their cards dealt on their individual monitors. Is this the Casino's version of enticing suckers to play BJ as they do offering suckers bets of Dragon 7 and ties for Bac players?
  14. Carmine's in Manhattan has always been a treat for me. What kind of an Italian would refuse an invite for great food? Count me in! This will be a bonus to the seminar and also playing along with the "Masters". Ciao Joey
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