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4. If you win your OTR bet:

A. 42 - Stay OTR until you lose then go right back to opposites with a 1 bet

B. 43 - Stay OTR for 2 winning bets *

C. 44 - Stay OTR for 1 winning bet (or one losing bet)

I don't understand this part what is a 42 is that talking about a run of 4 then a run of two like PPPPBB

also I don't understand


We play 4.2 - 2s are culprit.


We play 4.3 if 3s are LC or 44 if 4s are LC.

I understand about 2's being the culprit but don't get what 4.2 stands for and the 4.3 in 4.2 2 is the culprit but what is the 4 for.

my thrid thing I would like to ask is on the MM if we bet 2 after every 1 unit bet then when we go to the 2-3-4-5-6 progressiondo we bet 3 after every 2 unit bet and treat the 2 unit bet like we did the one unit bet in the other progression

Edited by MrEvo
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LC and MC stand for Least Common and Most Common event among 2s, 3s and 4s playing basic System 40. You bet on the straight run (OTR) directly under the current LC event according to your SAP chart. This is what gives 40 a strong indisputable mathematical advantage making 40 one of the very few systems that has a true mathematical advantage. That is why we use 40 as our base for Advanced System 40.

RD1,2 and F2,3 only have a true mathematical advantage in streaky (- OR count shoes) and that is why we play them only in - OR count situations, with very few exceptions.

40N only has an advantage in Neutral OR count (the OR count Hovers 0) situations and that is when we play 40N. 40N did not come up in the Hollywood shoes.

There are other tricks of the trade employed in system selection that you will learn as we go. It seems very complex when all these details are hitting you at the same time. But it gets easier and easier as you get them down pat one at a time.

Edited by ECD
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4. If you win your OTR bet:

A. 42 - Stay OTR until you lose then go right back to opposites with a 1 bet

B. 43 - Stay OTR for 2 winning bets *

C. 44 - Stay OTR for 1 winning bet (or one losing bet)

I don't understand this part what is a 42 is that talking about a run of 4 then a run of two like PPPPBB

also I don't understand


We play 4.2 - 2s are culprit.


We play 4.3 if 3s are LC or 44 if 4s are LC.

I understand about 2's being the culprit but don't get what 4.2 stands for and the 4.3 in 4.2 2 is the culprit but what is the 4 for.

my thrid thing I would like to ask is on the MM if we bet 2 after every 1 unit bet then when we go to the 2-3-4-5-6 progressiondo we bet 3 after every 2 unit bet and treat the 2 unit bet like we did the one unit bet in the other progression

Hi Evo and first, welcome to the group! You have everything almost right. Not bad considering how new you are to all this. Also now that we are concentrating only on 40 Advanced we plan to get all this information organized a whole lot better so EVERYTHING you need is all in one place.

Lets take the simplest first:

40 means simply System 40 simply because it was the first system to win 40 shoes in a row. We aren't very imaginative aroud here.

42 means 40 with 2s culprit.

43 means 40 with 3s culprit

Now guess what 44 means???

You COULD stay OTR until you lose regardless of LC and you WOULD do that IF you've been seeing lots of long straight runs like Jersey often gets where he plays. But that isn't USUALLY the best way.

We have a rule of thumb that says:

with 2s LC always stay OTR until you lose. That part is concrete.

With 3s LC stay OTR for 2 winning bets

with 4s LC stay OTR for ONE winning bet

These last two are NOT concrete and you can usually do better by going by what you see. Are you getting long runs or not?

Note than in the Hollywood shoes regardless whether 3s or 4s were LC I ALWAYS stayed OTR for only 1 winning bet. This turned out to be "correct" for every shoe but one where upon I found myself foolishly betting against a 9 in a row or whatever. I did this because most of the shoes were short in long runs. Why bet runs will go even longer when you are seeing a shortage in long runs? These are the tricks of the trade you get better and better at forever.

Ha, took me 30 years. But you guys can now take advantage of what it took me 30 years to learn. That is really the whole idea of this forum.

Insofaras M2 and M3 note that in the Hollywood shoes I did not use M3 or M4 or any M at all. Mandatory bets are not nearly as important when you are SS (single side) betting as we were doing. But they are very important when you are net betting which is another GREAT trick you will learn soon. When you lose a 12345 on one side you don't want to only win a 11111 on the other side. A 31212 is 4 units better. 6 units down is bad enough but 10 units down is close to disaster. But both are better than the 15 units you'd be down SS betting.

Note that in almost every case we stopped at a 3 bet loss and either changed systems or went back to our base bet or both.

BTW one thing you new guys probably don't appreciate just yet is that a +17 avg over 10 shoes W/O betting more than 5 is virtually unheard of in the history of Baccarat. Most sites think that an average of +3 is as good as you can do. But we aren't most sites and no one else has been doing this for 30 years. Not even close. Once you are here for a while you will know what the oldtimers, who have tried everything, know. BTC is the best Bac site there is - by a country mile.

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Hi Punvit,I am new in the forum.I have the system 40 manual but i still don't understand how do i fill the SAP chart.Can u help me pls?

Thank for the reply.


A good understanding of the SAP charting process will make filling in the entire worksheet a relatively easy process with a bit of practice.

For a really good primer on SAP, I would back out of this thread and look at the first sub-thread here titled "SAP Forum" which will have examples of pretty much evey mode of SAP tracking that you could want.

Take a read through there and see if that answers a lot of the question on SAP.


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