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New System 40 Advanced thread

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Hi Ellis, Keith and everyone.

System 40A is sinking in. I find myself thinking in terms of : the likes and dislikes of each S40 F2 RD1 and so on.

But also visualizing what these look like on the score cards.

I woke up this morning thinking the following;

We have evaluated the tote board for table entry, and have determined the table is choppy.

Therefore, we have decided to sit down at this table.

Regarding the OR and OT counts is it best to continue these counts from the count we started from the tote board?

Or do we start from zero since we are now starting our play?

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Quoting Ellis, "By "starting out" I mean a table you know NOTHING about. I almost NEVER find myself in that situation. I make it a point to examine prior score cards at the target table or know what the card prep produces. I don't play in the blind."

So along those lines, would it be a good idea to wait until a shoe O/R count shows +/- 2 or +/- 3 and then select S40, F2, or RD1 accordingly? Or, if it hovers around zero, +/-1 for five or six hands select OTB4L?

Also, if a shoe hits +/- 8 Streak Shoe status, do we raise our base unit of the prog we are using? Then if it goes back below +/- 8 revert back to the original base unit?

Ellis, you play a 345prog, why not play a 348 prog? Would that improve or lower profits?

Is this the thread to post all A40 threads now?

Edited by victorino402
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Quoting Ellis, "By "starting out" I mean a table you know NOTHING about. I almost NEVER find myself in that situation. I make it a point to examine prior score cards at the target table or know what the card prep produces. I don't play in the blind."

So along those lines, would it be a good idea to wait until a shoe O/R count shows +/- 2 or +/- 3 and then select S40, F2, or RD1 accordingly? Or, if it hovers around zero, +/-1 for five or six hands select OTB4L?

Right Vic! The more you know the better off you are. Your start often makes or breaks your day.

Also, if a shoe hits +/- 8 Streak Shoe status, do we raise our base unit of the prog we are using? Then if it goes back below +/- 8 revert back to the original base unit?

No, forget the +- 8. The 40A component systems all have "overlap". They don't need a high count. Better to be in the game already when the count goes that high.

Ellis, you play a 345prog, why not play a 348 prog? Would that improve or lower profits?

I play the 345 WHEN I'm winning most of the first bets. The magic of the 345 is that is the prog you can afford to lose the most and still win the shoe. A 348 would defeat the purpose.

Is this the thread to post all A40 threads now?

I suspect so.

Edited by ECD
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Hi Ellis, Keith and everyone.

System 40A is sinking in. I find myself thinking in terms of : the likes and dislikes of each S40 F2 RD1 and so on.

But also visualizing what these look like on the score cards.

I woke up this morning thinking the following;

We have evaluated the tote board for table entry, and have determined the table is choppy.

Therefore, we have decided to sit down at this table.

Regarding the OR and OT counts is it best to continue these counts from the count we started from the tote board?

Or do we start from zero since we are now starting our play?

That is an excellent question and brings up a good point. Yes, I think that the more complete your count is the better off you are. We have experimented with refreshing the count after 5 or ten plays. Also with capping the count. I don't recommend either. While this helps in some shoes, I don't think its best overall. Only about 10% of shoes change horses mid shoe. Sure, we could use a trick count to beat those BUT then we are risking performance on the other 90%. The object is go with the flow. We will never ALWAYS be right. But Baccarat is not about ALWAYS. It's about USUALLY.

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hello, I dont think it can hurt,but save you time to write down on your score card what you see on the board,like the last 10 hands. but i dont like to make my first bet til I get the lc and mc.

it is best to wait and see the way the shoe is going.

and by the way Ellis,and every new players of 40, I just got the manual,read it and went to play it at the roulette table since they dont have baccarat.

I covered the zeros with a small bet,and guess what,I won 5 out of 6 games,and probably lost that one because like stupid deviated from the system one time and played against the trend.

system 40 is what I play,and for all players out there who get confuse by so many systems, you can win consistently with it,and it simple enough where you dont get brain dead like some other more complex systems do.

system 40 is all I really want to play as my foundation.,with f2. like Ellis said before,it can be applied with few changes depending on the shoe and that is common sens.

if I am not sure on a decision, i make my "not-sure bet",and bet 0. if am pretty sure and things are clear, you can make your high bet. and if you think you know but not 100%,make your medium bet. 90% of the time is good enough for me. the bookeeping of system 40 is what i love the most,along with the philosophies that make it such great system.

keeping things simple is what I love. some may think they are so smart by using so many codes that they easily confuse everybody.

I can play one system,want to get good at it,and that is system 40. it is not difficult to learn at all. what IS DIFFICULT is not to be seduced by other systems who rely too much on gut-feelings. instead of practicing just that one system and get an expert at it,one can surf for years for the holly grail. dont let anyone fool you because it only cost $150, because I paid over one thousand dollars in the past,with someone who claimed we would play together hands on,only to find out later I was just lucky when i played with him.

Ellis is for real, and I heard him way back with his first nbj system, which is the best blackjack system ever, and with system 40.he has done the same thing!

he did not ask me to write this, but the man has my most respect. he always take my calls and never rush me to get off the phone and I am thankful.


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hello, I dont think it can hurt,but save you time to write down on your score card what you see on the board,like the last 10 hands. but i dont like to make my first bet til I get the lc and mc.

it is best to wait and see the way the shoe is going.

and by the way Ellis,and every new players of 40, I just got the manual,read it and went to play it at the roulette table since they dont have baccarat.

I covered the zeros with a small bet,and guess what,I won 5 out of 6 games,and probably lost that one because like stupid deviated from the system one time and played against the trend.

system 40 is what I play,and for all players out there who get confuse by so many systems, you can win consistently with it,and it simple enough where you dont get brain dead like some other more complex systems do.

system 40 is all I really want to play as my foundation.,with f2. like Ellis said before,it can be applied with few changes depending on the shoe and that is common sens.

if I am not sure on a decision, i make my "not-sure bet",and bet 0. if am pretty sure and things are clear, you can make your high bet. and if you think you know but not 100%,make your medium bet. 90% of the time is good enough for me. the bookeeping of system 40 is what i love the most,along with the philosophies that make it such great system.

keeping things simple is what I love. some may think they are so smart by using so many codes that they easily confuse everybody.

I can play one system,want to get good at it,and that is system 40. it is not difficult to learn at all. what IS DIFFICULT is not to be seduced by other systems who rely too much on gut-feelings. instead of practicing just that one system and get an expert at it,one can surf for years for the holly grail. dont let anyone fool you because it only cost $150, because I paid over one thousand dollars in the past,with someone who claimed we would play together hands on,only to find out later I was just lucky when i played with him.

Ellis is for real, and I heard him way back with his first nbj system, which is the best blackjack system ever, and with system 40.he has done the same thing!

he did not ask me to write this, but the man has my most respect. he always take my calls and never rush me to get off the phone and I am thankful.


This posted should be post in the "Public Forum" as well.

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Could you be more explicit as to how much you bet at one time. I assume you're betting the 50/50 chances with enough on the 0, 00 to cover your total bets in the event they come in.

hello, I dont think it can hurt,but save you time to write down on your score card what you see on the board,like the last 10 hands. but i dont like to make my first bet til I get the lc and mc.

it is best to wait and see the way the shoe is going.

and by the way Ellis,and every new players of 40, I just got the manual,read it and went to play it at the roulette table since they dont have baccarat.

I covered the zeros with a small bet,and guess what,I won 5 out of 6 games,and probably lost that one because like stupid deviated from the system one time and played against the trend.

system 40 is what I play,and for all players out there who get confuse by so many systems, you can win consistently with it,and it simple enough where you dont get brain dead like some other more complex systems do.

system 40 is all I really want to play as my foundation.,with f2. like Ellis said before,it can be applied with few changes depending on the shoe and that is common sens.

if I am not sure on a decision, i make my "not-sure bet",and bet 0. if am pretty sure and things are clear, you can make your high bet. and if you think you know but not 100%,make your medium bet. 90% of the time is good enough for me. the bookeeping of system 40 is what i love the most,along with the philosophies that make it such great system.

keeping things simple is what I love. some may think they are so smart by using so many codes that they easily confuse everybody.

I can play one system,want to get good at it,and that is system 40. it is not difficult to learn at all. what IS DIFFICULT is not to be seduced by other systems who rely too much on gut-feelings. instead of practicing just that one system and get an expert at it,one can surf for years for the holly grail. dont let anyone fool you because it only cost $150, because I paid over one thousand dollars in the past,with someone who claimed we would play together hands on,only to find out later I was just lucky when i played with him.

Ellis is for real, and I heard him way back with his first nbj system, which is the best blackjack system ever, and with system 40.he has done the same thing!

he did not ask me to write this, but the man has my most respect. he always take my calls and never rush me to get off the phone and I am thankful.


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A little tip on roulette: We had a Gulf Coast roulette dealer couple in our BJ forum for several years who gave us much information esp. on how frequently they could hit the 0 or 00 at will. About 1 out of 6 or 7. This prompted me to do a 2 month daily study of the 8 Roulette tables in the high stakes room at Foxwood. There was a place you could stand and see all 8 tote boards at once. Sure enough, what they had told us was true. Every table was hitting the 0 00 either one out of 7 or one out of 50. When I checked the one out of 50 tables, sure enough, somebody was playing the 1,0,00. On the one out of 7 tables, of course, nobody was playing the 1,0,00.

So, OK, the game is somewhat rigged. What does that mean to our play? Well, if someone else is already playing the 1,0,00, don't bet it because it is already covered. You are playing almost commission free.

Another tip: Atlantis City only takes half your outside bet upon a 0,00 making the odds similar to a single 0 (British) wheel. If you are going to play Roulette, the best 0,00 action is A.C.

Jersey, just make your 1,0,00 bet large enough to cover your outside bet(s) but don't bother if someone else is already betting it. It most likely won't come in.

And one last tip: Playing Bac on outside bets on a Roulette table, you are best off to play 3 cards at once. You can't be wrong on all 3 cards at once if you are also putting that small bet on 1,0,00.

Edited by ECD
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hi Ellis , what do you mean by play 3 sides at a time? can you say a little more about this strategies i don't really get the meaning of you, THanks

Instead of Bank vs. Player you can play 3 cards at the same time: Odd/even, hi/lo, red/black. Roulette is slow enough to accommodate this.

Keith or MVS or Aegis, would you please move these few posts to a Roulette thread? Thanks

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BTW, Back when I stayed in AC and played Bac and BJ full time, it got a little boring and a little lonely after a couple years of this daily grind. So, I picked up a few pointers on Roulette just to change the scenery and meet some new people.

Like Baccarat and unlike BJ, Roulette is a friendly game because, like Bac, there is nothing you can do to change the outcome. BJ is a different story. In BJ, every play every player makes changes history forever.

! recall a fast $100 BJ game at the Sands one night. I was playing at third and making a fortune. The nice lady at first was losing heavily and didn't like one of my plays. She swung a long handled 20 pound pocketbook clear from 1st base and knocked me clean out of my chair. All 6 ft. of me.

The pit boss yelled at her. "Lady, that is E. Clifton Davis, the best player in Atlantis City that you just floored! I don't think she gave a shit. Such is BJ!

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